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Show 3S6 JW e(l to be. the Bigh01·n; hut, anrrwal'<h, when the Big. ltot·n was fountl. the name o[ Clal'l~e's fork " ~H; giHn to (hil-l s tt·~·a 111. It is a bold ri vrr. one lwndr"d and fifty ) al'ds wul.- at Oae <'ll(t·anect but a shol't tli~l anec ~thOYl' . ' JS eonia·ad<'tl to a hmult·etl ~:u·ds. The wa.t•·•· is ol' a lihht mutld., (•oloul', aml 1l11H'h <>olc)(•t• than that or th<· YdJo" ·tout·. and its ~~<'IH't'a l l'OUI'S<' is soul h and ('ast of the Hocl~y motmt ains. rl'hcr'(' is a sma tl i.;;land .-it uat<•cl tlllnt'tH at<' ly at 1 he <' n t nuH·e; ancl this o ,. tlt<' a djoiu i ~~~ mai11 hu111 'vould f<H'n\ a n·t·y ~o od po ilion rur a. foJ't. Th(' COllllli'Y mo'-1 fn·tllll'Ulrd U) the lwaV('J' hr~im1 l1ct·c, a11cl tltat whieh lit'"- hrt"ccn this rin·r aTJIJ the YclJo'' ·tone is, l'('l'h:tp~, the hest tlistl'iet for the h un ters of that animal. Ahout a mile be rot·· r ead.1.ing this rivet·, thct·e is a, ripple in theY d low tone, on 1mssing whidL the <·a.uoes took in some watcl'. The party th e n~fo L'C landed to bail the hoa.ts, anti then proceeded six mih· furthf't' to a larg<' i l:tn(l, where thty haHc1l for the }lUI'posc of waiting for se1:jeant l)l'YOI'. JL is a IJCilU· tifuJ spot with a. l'ieh soil, eovet·ed with wihl l'JC, and a SJIC· cies ol' gras: l ike the hlur-g•·ass, and some of anotlH:r J~inrl, which the Indian · wra•· in plaits t·outHI the nt:ek, on account or a Sti'Oilg scent IT Se mblill j.~ (hat or the vaniHa. 'l'ltt'l'(' i ~ :LI ·o a thin g•·owtb ol' eoftonwood S<'aUcn·d ovct· the j.,);ulll. Jn the cenh·c is a lat·r.;e Indian lmlbe '" h idt St~(' JII S to have uecn lJuiJt dul'ing the last Sllllllllt'l'. Jt is in fh f'OI'Jll of a tOlll', sixty feet. in di:uuetet· at the ha.se, composed of' twl'nty JlOlcs, each forty-fi·n~ f(·et. long. autl two ancl a hall' in cit·cumf(•J'cnce, and the whole ·( t'llt't ut·c ('OVt'l'(.'d with hu ·hos. 'l'bo interior Wa.!oi cm·iow;ly Ol'nanwul ed. On the tops or the J)Olcs were feathc1·s of eagles, ~llld cit·ctllal' 11iee<'s of wood, with sticks ~lCI'ORS th ·m in the f'nt·m of a gil'dle: fa·om the conlt·c was sul"Jwnd(•d a stunt.·() buH'alue skin: on the side fronting tho door was hung a et•(lat· hn.,.h: on one side of' UH• lodge a buffalor·s hrad; on the othe•· ·ev<>t·aiJlicccs of wood stud\ in the g•·omu.l. Ft·om its whole appcar·ancc, it was mo1·e like a lod~;e for holding councils, than an 01·dinal'y dwelling house. l!p Lllc ~~llissouri. ~87 Sc1:i•~ant Pryot· not havi ng yet. aniv(·d, they went on ahout tlf't CCH :tnd a hal(' miles f'm•(]a('l' to a small ('1'(' ( \k Oil tho t•i;;Jtt, to which they ~a.vc lite ttamt-' ofllor!,e creek, anti just hdow it overlook sc•:jeant P1·yo1· with tlJe hm·scs. Jle ha•l fouml it almost impo~s iblc, with two men, to tb·ivc on ihc t'('lllaining hol'st.~s, fm· as soon as tlu·y dis<.lOV(•t·cd a hcJ•d or lwfraloe the lt~ose hol'ses, havint; IH'<'Il h·aim~tl by flw IIHitau~ to }11mt, immecJiat •Jy sctofrju JHli'SIIit ol' them, aml ~ UJ'J '(HIIHJ.•() tltR hufl'alon hct·(l with almost ac; murh skill aH Uu•i1· ridet·s touM Ia'" c done. At last he was ohli!;t'd to st·ntl one laOl'!,<'ma11 for ward, arHl (h·ive all the bufl':tlue ft·om the t·ou(c. Tho Jwl'~t·s \H'I'e h<·re dl'ivcn act·osH, and sergeant Pt·yo•· ~~~ain JII'OC·ecdctl with an additional man to hi~ pat·ty. rl'he l'ivcr i ~ now much more U('('P aml naviga..blc, and the eur·t·eut mo•·o r·cgnlat• than auove Ch.u·kc's fo• ·l,, ami although IIlllCh divided hy wcll-woo<led isla1;ds, when <•o1lt'eted, the stt·cutu is hctwecn two am.l three hundt·c..·d t'eet in width. Aloug it hanks ~u·e . ome beaYCJ', and au haHllt'n c numbet· of dec1·, elk, a.ntll.mflaloc. 'l'owm·ds nio·ht Owy passc..· . t a (.'J'cck f't·om the southt•ast, thirty-Jive yards wide, which tl,cy ea.llctl Pt·yot•'s ct·cck; half a mile below w hidt thry encamped, arter making sixty-nine aml a. ha.ll' miles dut·iug the tlay • .At sunrise the next mot·ning, l~'t•iday, 2.J, thry J'esuHted theit· voyn;;c, aml passed a. numhe1· of i::,la.mls ~wll small sfl ·e:uus, ami ot~ca ·ionally high hlulfs, COlll}lOSC'tl or a yellow g•·itty ~tUIH. .' . A !:!tOt'lll of rain and high southwt•st wiml soon ovt'l'f ook thCJH, awl ohligcll them ttl land and fot'lll a SOI' t ot' Job Jauf, CO\'C l'l'd with dee1• ~l"iu~. As l:>Oon ao it cmLsc•l t ltey 1u·ocecded, and alJou t four o'clock, uf'te•· Ita\ inM nuulc fot·ly-uinc miles, captain Vla.l'l<.e lauded to C}\l mine a yet·y •·cmal'i·aulo J'Od" situated in an CXtcnsive bottom Oil tJtc righ(, aUOUl tWO )lundt·ctf and fifty paces ft·om I ho shol'e. It is uen.dy fom· huudrcd 1mecs in ~il'cuml'ct·cnl~e, two humln·d Jed high, aml acces!,ilJle only h·om the JIOt'theast, the othl'r silks IH•iub a pcrpcudiculat· c·liJl' of a lighl culolll·ed gl'itty rooJ,. The !:>Oil or the top is |