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Show 381'! Lewis mul Cla1·T'c's Expc(lilion, &c. gcthcr, every thing was prrpared for sc ttiu~ out to-1norrow; Gil>son having now r ecover ed. Se a~ cant IJ•·yor was now directed with Sbannon and \Vindsor . to take oul' ho•·sc!:i to the Mandans, aml if he found that Ma·. Hem·y was on the Assinil>oin rivet·, to go thither and delivcl' him a Jeth·r. th~t object of whic h was to tn·cvaiJ on the most eli sf iug uishotl ~hicfs of the Sioux to accompany him to 'Vasbington. (;!lptrun Clarke pt·occcds with his pnrty dm1 n the t'il·ct·-llet!cripbion nf An In <linn lodg-e-Set~<· nnt Pr} <II' ntTiH.:~ with tht' hnr·ses kft h) lltl' par·ty wltcn ·th<') t·mlJnl'l.cd in their c:1noc~-hill d flicnlty in hrnq.~111p; tht•m on-t Clllark.~ hie mck di~l'll\'t'I'Cd l,y l'!lpLnin Clnr·ke, :till! the ben HI} urt ht· }li'OS)ll'( I !'t·wu Lh~ sumn.it-thcy continue t ll(:it· rout(' clo" n the r·i''l' t', or whi1·h a p:u·tirnlat· (( ·scription is gin•n, n~ "dl liS of Lhc sutTOiltllling <'IHtnlt')-Ydloll'ilotH' nnd nigltOI'Il l'iVet· Compnn·cl-~t'l:!ll CJlllllllitics of ~·:1 mc found 011 tht' hnuks of the J•ivcrs-immense hel·ds of bttiEdoe-fit•rccnt·s~ or the while IH·at·-cntlamp nt the junction or the Yellowstone and J\ J i s~Olll'i-n genem1 oullino J!,iYcn of Y llowstonc rivet·, compr·l'hcncl ing the shoalq-its llnlnlllec !'(· ~ommended fot·thc fornrution of n tra<lin~ cst:II.Jli~ltrncut-lhe snficrinhs of th~ p:u'ly fl'Otn the rnttS(Jilt'tOt's-setjc:tnl P r·.1 ot·, who witl• :l llctll('lmt(·nt of the pnrty "llS to hnl c lll'oup;ltt O"' the horses, :\l'l·lrcs, ruHl t·cpot·ts thnl they w ·ru all stolen by the fnd iltus-tlcpt·i,·rd of t h1•Se antmnls, they form rot· Llr e ms c l v~ lmliau CfillOCS of the skins of beasts, !llH) of Clll'iOIIS Stl'llCtUrC, \1 ith II ltich they tlcsccud the river Ol'l'J' the most difficult shonls nnd dnup;ct·on~ t·apuls-mect 11 ith two white men urwxpcctedl), from whom they prot•ut·c intelhgcnce Q£ H1c lndinns fot·mel'ly ,·bitcd hy th<' purly. 'fh ur day, J nly ~ t . rfHE canoes wcl'e loatlc(], and set:jeaut Pryor and his parly sl't out wi lh ot·clm·s to pt·oc•·cd down to the euta·aucc of the Bighorn •·ivr•·, which wa!:i supposed to he at no ga·cat di stan<·e, and whe l'e f lu:y should he (aken in the boats a CJ'O ·s llw Ye llowstone. At l'ight o'clock capfaiu CJai'Ji:c cmual'llo.ed in the little JlotiUa. a nd proceeded on YCJ'Y st<.ladily down the rivcl', which coutinues to lw a bout two lmndJ•cd yat·ds witlr, an(l contaius a n11mlw•· of islands, so u1e of whiela are supplied wi th a. stnaiJ g rowth or timber . At the distance of a mile fa·om the camp. i.he rivet· passes under a hi;.;h blull' fot· about twcnty-th t·ce miles, when tlw bottoms wiclcn on both ides. At the di s fan{'(~ ofhH'nty-ninc mile-s, a river falls in l'roru the south. 'l'his w:u tlt~ rivcl' Sllll- '' Ot'. ll: 3 .8 |