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Show {;l'f~:·d numhrt•s, H!-4 WCJl a hi~hOI'II and (•}k, ill ~his neigh uoul'fiOOtJ. " '('also ohtaint-d a Slll:tJl ~T:ly S(Jllii'J'(']]jkO that on th<' t'mtsf of' tlw Pacific, rxcc(H that ifc;; hrlly was wltif~. A moll,"' the plants was a kiud of' bdy's sl ipp('l', Ol' moccasirt flowr.l', l'l"H:IIlhliug tha.f eon1mon in Uw Uuife.t Statl's, but ,, it.h a "llile <'Ql'olla. m:wl ... ed with Jougitudiual vcjns of i'. Jlak l'cd colout· on tl1c iuru·•· !-lide. Ttwstla~, .July 1. 'Vc J1:ul now m~ule one huudr·rtl aml fifly -!:-i. milr. l'l'om the Quanwsh flats, to the mouth of 'l'ra.Ydlel''::H'l'!-ll cn·cJc This hring; the point whl'I'C we prolloseu to s(·p~u·atc, H was rcsolv<·d to •·cruain a day m· two irt ordt••· to a·eft'l'Sh ou•·srlvcs, and tho hoa·ses. which have hoi'(." the jout·nt·y c.xtJ·cnH•Iy weJI, ami aa·c still in Jine c)J'd('l', hut lequire some little •·rst. 'Vc luul hoped to meet lH·a·e some off he Oollashoots, but no t.J'<.teks of llwm ean be di covet·ccJ. Our Indian companions CXlH'<'Ss nnwh anxiety lt·st thry shouJd haY<' be<'n cut oJl' by the Pahket•s dtll'ing the winter, :uul men I ion the t•·ad.-s of' the two ban• footed t•cr·sous as a lH'ool'how mueh the fu~itivcs must hav~ be<·n •listresscd. \Yo now fo t' IIH'd the f'ollowiu;; plau or opct·atious. Cap(aill Lewis willa uitw men, al'e to pu•·sut' Ow most di•·cetl'outc ((~ t.ht• l'alls ul' the l\lissoul'i, whcr·c I ht'l'l' ol' Ia is pal'ty ar•o to he left I o lH'l'lH"''' c~u·riag<•s l'm· f I'Hu:,po•·t in!-;' the bat;gage and canoe!:! a1·r·oss the poa·tage. '' ill• the.~ l'Cuwiuing l:ii~ IH' will a -.C('Illl 1'l'Lria's t•i vet·, to cxploJ·e the eountt·y aud asccl'taiu whriiH.'J' auy (.H'anch ol' it l'('ll(.'hCs tiS faa· nor·tlt tlS the latitud1~ of Jif'ly deg•·ccs, aftc.•t• which h(• ''ill th·!:iceud that a·in·t· to its mont h. The rest of the men will accompany caJllaiu CJal'lw to the lu·ad or Jdlel'SOn a·iver, whit'h Sel~t'ant O&·dway an <I a ll;u·t y of nine men will dcsernd with the canoes and otlu.·a· <H'ticles dctwsitcd there. (;alltaiu Clarke's {mrty, 'vhich will then be J·otluced to ten, will IH'OCCCfl to the YcllHwsf onr. at its ncaa·cc;t :liJ}H'o:tch to the th1·rc fol'k~ of the Mhsottl'i. 1'hcrc he will build cauoes, and go down th"t t•ivcr "itll seven or his })::tt•fy, ami wail at its mouth till the rest of the llaa·tJ join him. Scsjcant l)ryor, with two others, SSi ,~ill (hen tal<e the l10rsrs hJ land to lhr: 1\fandaus. F•·om that nation Jw ic;; •o ~o fo the llr·itish post ~ on 1hr Assiuihoin ,vith a lrttea· to ~1a·. Tlenry. to proem·(~ hili en(lravou•·s to JH't.'Yail on Aomc of the Sioux chiefs to al.ieompany him to the \lily of 'Vashinr,ton. Haviug made thc.•sc arr·an r;f'm~nts, this ancl the followjng flay Wt'l'e l'111ployrd iu lnm tiu ~ ami t·rpait· in~ om· ~\l'm s . 'Ve wrt't' suec·cssfnl in JH'O<'tll'ing a numlu .. r· of' fint· l ;u·~t· deet·. the Jlc ·h ofwlticla '"aH·xposcd to(h·y. A m o n~ of lu•r a nimals iu this JH'in·Jthoul'fwod 4ll't' till' (love, IJ}at· l~ WON Jp('ci\C' l', };u·k woufl - :-- ' Jl('d\('r, ln!-;'<·ot'l~, pt'a.i•·i•· lark. smadl ill <·l'<tne. pt·ais·it-• h en, wilh the shm·t and puiuled fail: 1lw s·ohin. a. specie>~; of' ht·own pfOVCl', a l'cw lml'fnv:;, small h)atkhia·ds, l'aVt'llS, hawks, and a v~nidy of spa.a·s·ows, as wdl a:; the Ul'(' marlin. a !HI sc•vcJ•aJ spt'l·il's of eorvus. 'l 'he mus•JtWioes too have• h<'t'fl •·xce ·sively tt·ouhlesouw sitH'<' om· al'l'i\'al lter·r. The ludians as ~l·rt ~lbO 1haf. tfH'I'" ~ll'(' gt•t•at llUHibCl'S of the while bufraJoe 01' mountain bltl'rp. on the.• suow) hei~hts ol'lhc uwunfaiu ·, w<·~t oi'Claa·],e's J'int·. 'l'hey g«' lH'I':tll) inhabit the •·ocky ami most in:wcessihle p:u·ls of th · mountaius, but as they ~H'e not (1,.,.,. at·c casil.) killc·d hy tlw hunfct·s. 'I'Jtc plan Is whi<·h a11ost. abound in t Iris' alley ;)l'C O&e wild rose, the IIOnt'ysuckl<'. \\ ith a whitt~ ht'I'~'Y• the srvt>uhal'k, •wa·vi('t•.h<•t•t·y, the d(h••·, aspen ami aldca·. the c·ltOkethc•·•·y, and both Uw nat·t·uw amllH'oad-l<•ar .. d willow. 'I'J1e pa·iru·ipal timh('l' consist~ of lom.."-leaf'ed I) inc, wla ieh t;•·ows as well in • J the a·ivrl' hoUoms as ou Uw hills; tlie lit·s and Janh ar-e (•on-fi 11('(1 t () the h it-;hc•t• par1 s 0 r the hi II s' "I tile Oil flw l'i H'l' i tsr If, is a gl'owth of coU on wood, wif h a wit lea· lear than that oft he Ul1Pt'I'JHll't of the l\1 isr,ouJ'i, though nat'l'OWCI'I han that which gt·ows Jow<:t· down Umt •·ivc1·. 'l'he•·' u a·o also two spcl'ics or clovet· in this vallry; one with a V(~J·y uat·r·ow mall lf'af, and a p~tlc r ·(I Jlow<·•·; the olhe1· wifh a white Hower, and na~wly as luxuriant in its ga·owlh as om· retl elovc•·· 'J'hc Indians who had accompanied us, in1<·1Hl ·d leaving us in order to o;c(~k t hril· friends, the Ootla"hoot s; lntt we |