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Show JJctf'i.t; tmtl lJI tn•kc' s r;:r )Jttl ilion itB hn.n'ki low 3nd the hil!s twar its ·ides high and ru~gl'd; buf iu il~ nan·ow hoffoms arc fountl som~ cottonwoml, willow. nnd 0H' urukl'fu•ush, whicl• gl'ows equally on the ca!lt br·anch of 1h<.· Wo11awo1lah. Aftet• dining at. the Kinnoocnim. we resuJue<l ou1· Jom·ncy OV<'l' the Jaih'h pln.ins, in thft di 1·ec•.t ion nf' N. 45° E. and ••cached, at the dista.nee of thl'ee milt·s, ~l !,mall L)l'auch of that m·rrk abouf five .):ll'ds wi•le. 'J'hl' lauch; in i1 s nrighhourhoocl are comvo"icd or a. dat·k J•ich loan•~ its hill sides, lik<· fhosc of the Kinnoocnim. al'c high, its bottoms ua1'J'OW, and (W!:~!'ICSS but littlt~ tim.bcw. It incJ ·eascd howcve•· in <Juantity as we advanced along the nol'th !lith• of the ('l't'd" f'nl' el<'veu milc· s. At tbnt di ~tanre Wl' were agt·<·c·ahly uqH'j!;cd by th~ appc~want•c• of \\rcahkoonut, or tltt' I lillian w h, .. 1 we had t·al!t't~ llac Higho1·n. ft•om the cil·<' 11111 sf an et• of hi!; w t·;u·ing a IJ o r·n of' that ani mal. su~pendcd f•·oru his left arm. He lnul gone down with us last year aloup; ·Lp,,is's rivet·. all<l was hi;.;hl~· srrviccable in pt•t•pal'in~ the IJlind~ ul' the natives fol' ou1· f'<'<'Pptiou. Jlc i"i, mo•·rovcr, tllf• fit'!)t t!hief of' a hu·ge lmnd of Clwpunni~h; and hearing that we wen~ on oul' rehu'n, laP had <'OllH' \\it h 1Pn of his warri<H'S to meet us. He now tut'tH'd hack willa us, ancl we coni itwt·d 11p thr bottoms of the creek fut· two mil<•s, till the rnad hq;an to lea.v<~ the crt•ek, a nil cross tho hill to the ll~aius. - 'rc thrrel'm·c cmmmJH'I\ fo1· the night in a gl'ove of cot to"' ood, after we had made :t di agt'<'Cahlt' journey of iw<•IJ()' eight milt'~. Ihu·ing tho gJ·catct· p~u·t of the day the ail· was ket'n and cold. ami it alll'l'Ha.tcly t•ainctl, hailed and snowt·d; but, t hou~lt the win<l hlnv with g•·cat violence, it "as ful·tuuatel) rt·nm the south west, and on our hacks. 'Ve had consuHlt'd at tlinm·r the last ol' ou1· th'ietl mcaf, and 1wal'ly all that was I('rt of the dog"i; so that we supped very scantily on the romaill(]('r, and hatlnothiug for to-morrow. \Vt'ah"oouu1, howen·t·, nsslll't\cl us tlmt thct·(' was a house on OwriHr at nu gJ'<'at distan<·c, wlH'l'C we might SUllply out·sdvgs with p1·ovisions. " ' e now missed our guide aml the " rollawollahs, "ho left us abru1ltly this morning, and never lip t1u~ •.7 Jl isso1l'l't. 2fi7 l·ehll'Urd. A f't<' J' n disagt·t·eahle nic;ht, wr cull(•Ct('tl om· ho•·~(·s at au l':u·l.' lwm·, Sunday. 4, and tn·oct•t•<led '"ith a continuation of the ~auao ,~· rat he•·· " 'l' at·t• now lll'Hl'(~ t· to the scu1b" l' !:l1 Htountains, whi<'l1 aplll'al' lo b"tOnte I0\\'('1' as they :Hl\':tlH' l' tow a 1 (] .., t lac ncH'thca!'t. 'Ve f'ollowcd tl1e road ovc·r the pl n iu ~ , llol'th c;oo ca t, J'm• foUl' miles t.n a. raviuc. WhCI'e W:l ti tlu~ ~iOI!l'(' (' Of' a small <·reck, down the hilly and l'O(·ky iiitlc·s or" hi (• It we pt·occrdcd fo1· c.· i~!Jt miles to il s (.'n(t·anl'r info Lt·" is'!S J'i' cr, about sewn mile.s anti a half ahon' tlH· naouth oft l~e I~ons Jwoskco. Ncar this pl:u·c we found t ltc hOII S l~ or "ltil'h " 'rahkoonut lmd llH' Iltiotwd. a11tl v. Ju~ l'(' w~ 110 '" haltl'd t'or breakfast. Jt C'Ontaiu rd six fa.milit s, huf so mis<'rably poor that all we could oht a in ft·om t11L'Ill wel'l~ two l(',an dog·s and a few lat·gc Ntkcs -of' half' cm't'tl lJI·t·ad, 111adc of a t•oot J'(! ~ S('tnblin~; the SWt'et potatoc, or all \\ Jtj(.Jt We COlltl'ir('cl (O f'ut'lll a 1\.ittd ol' soup. 'rite soil or' he plain is good, ll ll l it has uo timiJct•. The J':tngc of soutlnvest monntains is ahou( :fifteen Hlilcs aho\'C us. but eontinurs to lo\H'I', and is still toH:I't•d "jth snow to its lm!Sc. At'ttt· <>·hitw a pa s s a~l' to b 0 " Lewis's river. nrat• tlu·il' no1·1IH' .1 tct·n rxt r<• nait), tlu•y C l:t'- minatc in a hit-;h lev('] plain lwtwc.·en 1hat rhcr ami the Kooskooskec. The sa.lmon uot lm' ing JCt called 1 hem to the J·het·s, the g1·catcJ· pal't of the Chopunni ·h a1•o now <.lisp<.• t·scd in viJiagt•s thl'Ough this plain, f'01· the pm·po!:W of' t•olh• t•ting CJUanta Ia and CU\\' s, "hie fa h<·•·e gl'oW in great alnturlanec. tilt> soil hc.·inb· t·XIl'l'IIH'ly ft'l'lile, aut! in mxuy places COH'l'Cd With th<.• )Uilf)· leu f, t.IJ;ine. tftc.• htt <·h, aud b:.tl~atn - /it·, "hich contt·ihute to rc•Jidt>l' it le!:> thil·s1y than Oac open unshel1e• ·l•d j)laius. Al'1e 1• Olll' 1•epast we cuutiuu('d o•u· t·oute along 111<' W<'sf ~itlc· of flw l'ivrr·, where ttls wdl as 011 the OJl· positc shol'l', flH' }1 i$!;h h iJls :ljlpro.wh it <·lo~d), till ut the distanee of tht·m• miles WC halted opposite to two hoUS('S: thr inhahifants <wnsisfcd or fivr families of Claopuunish, among whom WCI' \ T(•foh, 01' 8k)'. the.) Ollll!;Cl' or 1lu· two c.~hief'! who arcompu.nit~d u8 iu the HHtunm tn the ~Teat faiJ |