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Show l)JSTRICT 01.~ PE.NN ' YLVA~lA, to '"t. DE IT HE.MEMllE.RED, Thttl on the twenty-ser,orH\ tlny oi Jnnunt·y, in tltc thirty-eighth yt·m· of the in<lcpentlcnce ol tl1e nitcd States of :\mericn, A. D. 181·'1, llr·:ulfor<l & Inskeep, of the said tlistrict, have tlcpusitcd in this ollice the title of a ltook, the right whereof they claim as vroprietors, in the wonts folio win~;, to wit: "llistory of the l:".xpetl.ition under the Command of Cnptains Lewis anti Clnrk, to the Somers of the i\'liRsour·i, thence m:rosK the H.ock.y Mountnins, and down tl1e River Colum bin to the Pacific Ocean. Pcl'formed during the Y cnrs l 804-5-6, by order of the Government of the United States. Prepared fot· the vress by Paul Allen, Esquire." In confor·mity to the fil'l . .-rcongrcss ~f the Unit~cl States, entitled « An act for " the cucourngcrnout oflcnrn111g, lly scctu·mg the coptell of ronps, charts, nnd books, "t.o the n~o~thcws nnd propr·ietor·s of such copies <lu..ing the times therein mentioned.'' And also to the :\cl, entitled, "An at:t suppll•menutr·y to nn net, entitled, "An " 11ct fot· the encouragement of lcnt·ning, by sec111·in,; the cop•cs of maps, ~:hnt·ts, and " hooks, to ll1e authors 1mcl proprietors of ~;uc.h copies 1lurin~ the time~ t het·cin men• " tioned," 11nd extending the benefits thereof to the ar·ts of designing, engn1ving, nr11' etching historical and othct· pt·ints." UA VlD CALOW eLl., Clerk of the Distt•ict or PennS) h:\lli:l. CON1:'ENTS VOL. II. CHAPTEU. 1. Th party proceed in cnuocs. Description of nn lnlllan sweating bath and. bmiul place. ~lllll) clnn~~~rous rapids JlllSSetl. Narrow cscupe of ouc of the ell· uocs. ln the passage 1lown Lht•y at·c visited by several ln<linns, ull of whom manifcst pncifit·. dispositions. Description of the Sokulk tribe. Their dress, and manner ot buihling houses. Thcit· pacific churnctet·. Their hubits of living~ Their mode of boiling salmon. Vast •tuantitics of salmon amongst the Sokulk. Council held with thi::~ tribe. The lcn·ot· und constcrnution excited by captain Cbrk, concerning 11 hich :1n interesting cnu~c is rel:.lte1l. Some uccount of the Pisquitpaws. Theit· mode of but·ying the dead. f ~ HAPTER II. 1 The vnrty in thei r· pnssnge still visited by the ltulcuu:s. 1.t>page'a river d~sr. rrbed. lmmense<tttantities of salmon ~:aught by the Indians. Description of the river Towahnahiooks. lndian mode of sta~:king fish, tmd prqulring thetn for mtu·kct. Desct·iption of the grertt fulls. Descri1>tion of an lndinn canoe. Alnrm ex~:itcd by an anticipated attack. from the Eltcltoots. A very dangerou• rapid passed in snldy, called by the Indians the 1:1\IIS- Account of the lndian houses in the neighbourhoo<l. Another 1\rea<lful n1pitl put~scd without injury. Some account of the Chilluckittcquaw l udinns. Captain Cl:u·k exa .. mines the gt·eat rn1>ids. Description of an lmlinn burial {lln~:e. Tlw rnpids passed in ~;afcty. 27 CU.\ l'TgR IlL First nppearnnce of tide watct· in the Columbi:. river. l)escJ·iptio» of the Qui~:k~auu river. Sontc nccount of lhl' Ski !loot Jmlinus. The party pass the rivet· Cowcliskec. Some accouut of the Wahki:tcuJn lu<li:uu1. Arrivnl on the borders of the Pacific. Di!lng•·eenble and critical situntion of the party when iirst encamped. Their distt·ess occasioned by the iucessnnl ton·ents of rain. Exposed fot· thitty dttys to thi!! urcnching Jelugc, during which time their pt·ovisions <u·c spoiled, antl most of thcit· few nrticlcs of rnt•t·chnndisc destroy., ed. Distress of the \IIH'ty. Advcn tut·c of Shannon and his danger from the \Vuhkiacums. Difficulty of finuin(; :1 vlnt:e auitahlc for a pcrtnanent en· eampment. Visitetl by scv<·ral Indians of diU'l'rent tribl·s, on '\horn medals :.\r bcstowcll. 58 |