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Show extending over nearly the whole of the coxfe. The ahdomen is yellow-brown, somewhat lighter underneath, and three pairs of dark spots visible on upperside ; four impressed longitudinal lines behind epigyne. Legs and palpi red-brown with yellow hair; a nearly black spot on the underside of tibia1 i. and ii. anteriorly, remainder silvery. Scopuke grey. 436 MR. H. R. HOGG OX AUSTRALASIAN SPIDERS, [Dec. 2, Text-fig. 89. Isopeda french i. A, eyes of female; B, profile. The cephalothorax in front is two-thirds its greatest width. The front row of eyes is equal and equidistant, half a diameter from margin of clypeus. The distance between front and rear median greater than the diameter of front eyes. Rear median farther from the side-eyes than from one another. On tibia iii. above are two spines, none on tibia iv. The hair on the abdomen is somewhat coarse. Measurements in millimetres. Long. Broad. r< (J epih ail othorax ... -1i 1-i <i 6^4 in front. Abdomen ............ 14 11 Mandibles............ 5 = front patella. Pat. & Metat. Coxre. Tr. & fem. tib. & tars. Legs ...... . 1. 5 124 134 134 = 444 2. 5 134 15' 134 = 4 7 ' 3. 5 10' 114 10' = 364 4. 5 11 114 114 = 39" Palpi...................... 2 4| 44 44 = 154 Three females and one undeveloped male from Lira bool a, Victoria, I have named after Mr. 0. French, Government Entomologist of Victoria, from whom I received them. Three females in the South Australian Museum Collection from |