OCR Text |
Show 1902.] IGodelena spenceri. A, eyes; B, male palp; C, flagellum and support. Female (not fully adult). Abdomen Mandibles Legs Palpi Long. Broad. . 6i 64 9 7 3 Pat. & Metat. Coxae. Tr. & fem. tib. & tars. 1. 21ry 81 9 2. 212 8 84 8 3. 21 7 7 7 4. *22i 81 84 81 284 27" = 231 28 Genus Delena Walck. Delena Walck. Apt. tom. i. p. 490 (1837). D elena cancerides Walck. This is the only species of the genus found on the mainland of Prog. Z ool. S o c .- 1902, V ol. II. No. X X X . 30 Text-fig. 104. MR. H. R. nOGG ON AUSTRALASIAN SPIDERS. |