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Show 454 MU. II. R. HOGG OX AUSTRALASIAN SPIDERS. [Dec. 2, I sopeda f l a v ib a r b is L. Koch. Described from a non-adult female from Sydney ; not recorded since. Genus Z a c h r ia L. Koch. Zachria L. Koch, Die Arach. Austr. vol. ii. p. 649. Zachria Simon, Hist. Nat. des Ar. vol. ii. p. 45. Type, Z . Jlavicoma L. Koch. As M. Simon remarks, this genus differs from Isopeda L. Koch in the somewhat longer cephalothorax. The two distinguishable species may be diagnosed as follows :- Abdomen brownish yellow all over, no stripe ........................ flavicoma L. Koch. Abdomen brownish yellow', a darker brown stripe, widest anteriorly and narrowing to rear, the whole length of back from front to spinnerets.............................................. oblonga L. Koch. Z a c h r ia fl a v ic om a L. Koch. Zachria flavicoma L. Koch, Arach. Austr. vol. ii. p. 650. Loc. King George's Sound. Female only described. No record since. Z a c h r ia obloxga L. Koch. Zachria oblonga L. Koch, I. c. p. 651. In the British Museum (Keyserling Collection) is a specimen labelled Zachria oblonga L. Koch, from Sydney, a female, which agrees with Koch's description and is no doubt correctly named. The eyes are in every respect those of an Isopeda, the cephalothorax flat above, rather steep at the sides and rear. The epigyne agreed with Koch's drawing, but the specimen was half-moulted, and on removing the skin the new one underneath is of true Isopeda form. The mandibles are much kneed at base; three teeth on outer and two on inner falx-sheath. The measurements in millimetres are as follows :- Long. Broad. Cephalothorax ... 9 front. Abdomen ...... . 14 V. 8 Mandibles...... 4 == front pa,tella. Pat. &- Metat. Coxa?. Tr. & fem. tib. & tars. Legs ............ 1. 3 9 101 9 31| 2. 3 10 12 10 35 3. 3 7 9 7 26 4. 3 8 9 8 28 Palpi................. U 3| 34 H = 12 Koch described a Zachria hcemorrhoidalis from Sydney from a quite small, not adult female. Judging from his description it appears to be a young specimen of Z. oblonga. |