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Show l..tO HO('K Y J\1 OlJ NTA I N S(' EN IW Y. ('ll:tradl'r llinnlllalwlli('lilla<l jll'<'<.:l'dt·tl it. II Hl.'<' lll !'l probabl!' llml nllllis liiiH' I Ill· I<JIId :; wllicll t•xiHit•d ll!'l f\ IJ('Ii , W('Kt or Ul 'MiK::> iHHipjli , were iHlnnds of' li 1nil<•d t•xlt'IIL, W<J Kllt •d hy Ill<' g ulf' Hl ren111 wl1i ·li apparv11Liy lln.d lli<' ll a t'OJII'Ht' 11 ol'lli n11d Wl'HL l'n)lll (ll<' Uulf'ol' I •xit·o to tile An·li<· 81'a. '!'lie t•arli<'l' '1\·rli:try <'liOl'liK ll't'l'l', 'll owl'v ~ r, lll:trk!'tl by nn <'lll l' l'g<'IH't' ol'llit• l'OIIIill<'lll n11d a g r:Hlllal appl'O:Jelilo pn·rious all(l pn:HvnL ·o11ditio11 s. Tid :-; i · indil'all•d by lhl' f'ad ll1al ll1e ol<l<•s( '1\•Jtinr.r dl'po::;ib ( E<H 't' nt• !) l'Oill:tin a IIO!'a ll'HK lik<' lllv pl't'H<'Illlllan is that of' lli<' i\li<H!<' lll' or Middlt• '1\•J·tiary. 111 tlli,; (':t.lq.;ory of' oldvr dt•posilH with a 111 01'1' lropi<·al Jl ora , I 1\'0lll <l pl:t('(' lilt• Un'l' ll Hirt' l' 'l'l'rliary hl'd H, thoK<' or ~li ,;::; i sH ippi stndi t•<l 1>\' L<'H<Jllt'n' ll X, a11d tllm;<' of' Brandon , \ ' l'rll lont. In tlw Mio<'l'ill ' ag1', lllt' l'lllllilll'nlal Hnrlitt'll waH hi'O:ukr, IIH' l:tkt•Ll: n;in :-; of' Ill<' \\'l'H(. ('OIIIai JI <'d oJily l'r<•:::dJ ll'ail'r, and tiJ<' Inntl Hllrf'a<'l' llaH l'OI'I'I'I'd with :1 l't'g<'lalioll rt •J'.)' IIIJI<'Ii Iikl' lh:tL of' lht• ll1'l'Hl'IIL d:1_r, :1 lllllllht •r of' i\litH'<'II<' HJH 'l' it •H still l':>.isli11g. 'I'll<' l'li111ale of' Ll1e l'OIIlill <' lll iu IIi<' i\li lH'!'IIl' an·l' II:IH llllll'li lllildt' l'[lian 11011". J•'aii -JI:l.IIIIH tlll'll !!.T<'W :I S 1':11' M " 11orlli as tl~<' Y <·ll <lll sloJII' Hir<'l', :1JHI a IIOI'a flouri ·lll'd in AlaHlm a11d 011 Gn•t•llland as ra1·il'd n11d as luxnrin11l n::; no11· grows al ong Lhl' f'orli l'l l1 parn)JpJ. , \ (t his [inH' (lll'l'l' lllli Sl lmr!' Ut't'n HOIIII' SOI'L Of' J:tnd ('Oillll'dioll lwlll'<'l' ll out· l'OIIIilll'lll :tlld Enropt' 011 llil' Oil< ' l1n11d and A sia 011 tile otiH·r. 'I'll<' 1101'<1 ol' :ill lli l'Hl' 1'1',!2;iO JIH \\'<IS l'SSl' ll[ially lilt• s: JIIl l', :UI<[ a Jnrgp lllllllb<•J' of' pl<~lll i::i ll't'l't' I'OIIIIIIOII to I lit ' till'( '(' t'Oiililll'liiH. ] 11 ll1i r:; ag<', t II(' Jll:tlll lllali: lll l'auna of' Oil I' <·onlillt 'lil <•x liibilt·d I lit• sa l II<' J't'IIJ:JI'kahlt• tkvt• lopnH'IIL ll1:d it did in Elii'OJH' a11d ,\ sin ; a11d Ol'l' l' our \\' <'sll'l'll pl:tim; J'OI'<•d ll('l'dH o I' gJ·t ·n I q 11 ad l'liJ ll'<l :,;, ri r a I i ng in 1111111 l><'l' a.nd r: 11·i dy t II OH<' Lli al. II :wl' :>l I'll l' k with II'OIId l'r and Hlli'Jll 'iS<' t'l'\'1',\' ll':ll't'lvl' ill ~oul li 1\ l'ril'a. TlliH Hlatv ol' llii11g:-; H<'<'IIIS to li:tv<' <.:01ilin11Pd tllro11g ll lht• Pli ot' <' ll t' :t p;<' :IIHL 11p to I lit• lillll' wlit' ll lh<' l'l imnl <' ol' I lie ('Oilli nt•n t wns <'O lnpl dl'i,l' l'l' l'olutionizP<l by Ill<• :tdl'< 'll( ol' lhl' ' ' lee ]ll'l'iod." 'I'll<' clin11g<' wliil'li tool\ plHt'l' at that Iiiii!' was Hll('li <IH laX('f\ lilt' iiii:J g inalion to '().ll('(• il'(' or ns 11111<'11 as il tax<'H IIi <' J't'aso ning l>OW(' I'H to :wcounL f'or. \Vl' ll:t l'l' H<'<' ll that in flit ' .1\ liddl, '1\·rl iary age tli ' eli111:tl<' of' \lasl\:L :111 <1 (hl'ellln11<l was Llinl of' .New York ana 't. L J11iH aL ·pn'R<'Ilt. Jn Ill!' n<·xt Ruee<'l'<ling ]H'I'iod , t IH• g lal'ial epoch, the pr<'Hl'IIL ·lin1ato ol' 0 1'1'<'11 - land wm; l>roug lil down to N<•w York , a,JJ(l all the norLiit>l'll pol'fio11 of' lli<' 'OII(in< nt WI'H[lpl'd ill ie\' and HI101V. 'J'hi ,·· chang<' W:lK lllldOIIhlt •(lly gmtl11:tl ( f'or natuJ'\' does 110[ of'tl' ll "turn a ('0.1'11 ·r "), buL iL i. · ]Jl:tin I lint 147 it 11111 st lmn' l'<'.'ttll<·<l in tll<' g rn<l11al driving; HOiilhwanl of' n.l l l11P varit •d f'OI'IIIS of' animal an<l V<'g<'lablt' Jif't• lh:tL W('l'(' spn•: J.d Ol'l'l' lh l' ('OIIIill<'lil lo tli!' Arelie St>a. '\Vli<'ll!-!;l:L<'il'rK rnat·h<·d as f'ar Holllll ns fliP l'orli<'ll1 p:tr:tll t• l it is 1·v idt•nl Llln.l a ('Oid -f<'IIIJWI':LI<' l'li1nal<• ]ll'l'l'ailt•d in i\ IPXil'o, a11d I haL 011 Jy i 11 til<' HO tilh of' i\lt•. ·ieo wo11ld lilt' :tl'l'l':tgt• ann11al ll'nqwraiJII'<' h:tl'<' l>t'l' ll what, il waH pn•viously in IIH· lalil11dt' of' 1<'11' \"ork. \\'t• IIIII SI I'OII l'l11dt', llll'l'l'f'OI'l', that LlH' hprds of' lll:lllllllals wl1i!'h Oil <'<' t'OI'f 'l'<'<llh<' pl:1im; of' till' illl<·rior of' .NorLh , \JII t'l'i!'a W< ' l't' l'ol't'<'d by lil<' adranl'illg ('ol<l i11lo HtWii llai'I'OW li11Jils ill ,'o ulht'l'll J\Jpxi<·o lhnl lll'ai'I,Y all ll' l' l'l' l'Xi< ' l'lllill:!k<l. Pl:tnls bo1·c llll'il' <'X pah·i:tlioll lwf,l<•r; iJiasliJ11eh ns a ll'l'<', <'1'<'11 ol' ll1 l' JllosL giga11lie si~l', will liv\' 11jlOII 1111~ spa<'<' O<'<'llpit•d by ilH roots pmridt•d lht• <·lilllati · ('OlHiilions :tl'<' f'avoral>l<·; wllil<' Oil<' ol' t 11l' lnrg<' l' IIJ :Lllllll al:-; wo11id rpq nin· at lt'asl a tllou santlliml's lllis spa('<' ror it ~ Rll[l[HII'I. 1\ s a <'O II s< 'q11t' ll <.:<', II'<' fi11d I li t• Jll'l'S<' IIt 11om or Olll' conli nPJJ( n1111'1i III OI't' lik t• I lin t, or lil <' fi O<'<' IIl' l11:Ln i:,; ou r f'a1111:t, lho11g ll Ill<' <· llaJi g<' to wliit·ll I li:tl'<' J'!' rl'l'rl'd s1•1·nJ :-; Iollal'<' ll<'<'ll f'atalloqllill'rtlltllllh <' I'O i'lll<' lli OHf ahulld:t.lll :111d illkrp:-;( illg or 011r i\Jio<;(' lll' ron•s t (1'\'l'S. ()J' tlll'Sl', tlll' (/(jjjJ{o.\'( r ofJit.\' lll:l .)' lH' lak<'ll ns an <'.'GLI IIIJlt'. Tlii t; was a lw:tlllif'ul l'O llif't•r whi eli, i11 .1\ li <H'<'IIO lilii< 'H, gn·w nll OV<' I' 011 1' eolltinPnt :wd OVI'r NorLIIt•rn I.; ul'()p< '. !11 lilt• ellnnge to till' gla ·ial l><'riod, ll owt•vt•r, it was <·xtNrllinal<•d, both llit ' l'<' and lil'J'<', .)'<'L eont inltl'd lo t•xi sL in Ulii1J:L wltt'l'<' a i\lio<'< 'll <' <'olony f'J·o111 J\lll l' ri<,:L had tak<'n roo and it i:-; growi11g Lll<'J'<' aL llll' ]l1'l'S<'nL lin11'. 'l'l1iH "Tl':tt it '<'-l·l'l'dg<' which <·:wl<' down rro111 lilt• nod li , H<'[mi'H.lt •d I'<' J'.Y wiclt ·ly many <'l<'llll'llts in Otll' :i\liom·n<· flom wlliell l1a v<' Ju•ver sill<'<' b<'<'ll J'< '-llllil< ·d, so lllal wli(' ll Ill<' HlOI'IIl l1all ]HI RH<'d a11d b<'Ll<'r days had <'OIIl<', n11d tho ~li :-;~ i 'Hippi Vall<•y arHl J\llanli<\ ~lal!'H W<'r ' r<' -po::;sl'RSt'd by lilt• dt'S('t'nd a. nli::i r lll ll Tertiary ] l l:tni H, llil'y 1\'( ' J'(' still KPparal t•d, hy many thonsallll mil <•s, f'I'Om Llll'irbrl'tltn•n wiJi<·lt lind roniH'rly <'l'Oi::i:-it'<llhl' now Hlll>lll<'rp;l·< l brid~l' or Ikll ring':-; 'L I ·a.it~; alld 11111 :-i till' f.wo kindJ'('(] t; llal't' lw<·n g rOII'illg, andllowl'rirw and "l'l' lin o· and d.)·i1w in <':tl'li colo11y rar IH'J'Ond llw n·a!'ll ~, n, - n . Of ill<• O( li!'r <tlltl tll'I'PIOping lll<'il' ] H'<!II li:tl'i(i<'R l':teli in its OWil way f'ront g'l' ll <'l'al ion to gl' IH'r:1.tiOIJ. \Vlil'll IIOW IV(' COlli () lo 'OIIlp:tro lilt• IJI'l'H<' IIL flora ol' Cl1i11a a11d .Japan with thai ol' IIi <' <'aHLt'l'll lJalf' ol' 011 1' eo iJ(illl'lll, wo fi11d Lit Rlro ngest proof':-; of' lltPir illlilllal<' r<'lali o nship. la11y of' lito H})('Cil'S at·• id<·nLi<·nl, whik ol li <'I'H an· l>ul :-;liglilly ·lia11°' '<Land , 011 lli ll whol e, lilt· diflh·<'ll(' ~ arc IN\f:i tlinn Hll<' ll a l!itl'(' grown out or '<'p:tmLiO il in liiiJllan kindred eol011i<' ·in a.n inlinilPI)' :-;hort ·r p •l'iotl. |