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Show J2 RO('KY 111 Ol N'l'AIN · CEN 1~ 10' · I · tl , 'l't•rthry lwd · 1Jut af'tPI' flowing ]last ilt<' Bla('k wrst of i 1 IU m 1l ' • ' , · ·t 1 "'' ih 1lltllH ·o1wh lh<' tl})]Wl' Urclacl'OIIH b >ds . 1 hn otlH•r wcarf\ 1 s lfLlll" ~"'> • • • · t'on"<l •··tk Uwir l'iKL' i11 llH' I~tgmlL' 'l'l' rlta.ry lH•tlf;, 11ear l.ill' I' I VI'I'H tn('ll I ' lit • 1 f 'I ' 1}1"<'1" !Jill f.l 'LIHL now tlu·onn·h Uw:ol<' '1\•rii<Lry ·trftla ('fLK(t•rn )ILS 0 ~ l J <• " ' ' ' "' . . nnlil vPry 1war or quit<' to th<'ir .iundion with tlw !111 H. Otlrl. . Th, Trton Rivt•t· tnk<':~ ilH Migin in llH' nortltwt' ·tt•m rtm ~ f tlH' \Vhil<' l~iv cr T rtiary, rUIIR IW:tl·ly t'a 'l, for lhe III OHl pad through fo n~HtliOIIR of' the u pp<'r 'rl'tat'L'OIIH Jlf' riod. Tt tl rai nH an :tr •a abo." t J 00 lltll <·H in lPIJO'ilt :tnd 30 to ,JO mil<'H i11 witllh. Till' IH'Xl 111oHL pro!ni!H'n t HLn•;w1 is \Yl~io l~iver, whit•h llowH dil'l'dly lht·ough lht• Had La11~l s, and gil'l'H lhr mtm lo onr of llH' Jnosl l't'ln:trlmbl<' '1\•rliary d<'po,;it::; 111 lht• world. Jt lak :; ils ri:o;<• in lhe Jll'!Liri<' lll'fl.l' laliludt• 421° and lougil.ullo )04°, tlows for a tim<' in n, norLll t'ast, dirl'dion, l hpn l ll'nds HO as l·o <'lllt•r ll1 l' ~li,.;so uri :t lit! It• onlh of' Past ll (':tl' l:Llitwk 4 :~0 41' lliHl longil udt• nn~ o . t•nrly its l'ntin· <'Oill'H<' is through tlll· Whi tt• Ril't•r 'I'Prli:ll'.)' lw<l:-~, and for llll' ~ 1·t•at!' l' part of lilt• ,\'t'al' Hfi watPrH an· so f!lll of H<'tl iln ·nt thaL till'.)' an• unfit for u. L'. \Vltl' ll llH'}' r:lalld for a tinll' :1 t hil'k Ht' lllll <LC<'lllllll latPH Oil tl11• RUrfH ('l' whi!'h has llll! C'h lll l' !'Olor and COnHiHtl'IH'J of lTt':Lill. TIH' water ilsPlf looks l'l'l')' 111lll'h lik<• lurhid linw-wall'r antl iH vPry asl rin ~~ ·nl to llw ta~;lt•. 'l'hl' rallPy is g<•JII •rally opC'n, lol<'rably ~on·ll woo<L<'<l, :1h011nding ill fiiH' g; r:tss, <l.llll has ;L)wn yo; h<'l'll a f~li' Ol'ill' l'l 'HOI'l for tl11• llldi:ws. The ro:td bl'lwt•t•n [1'nriK Lnramil' and Pi<'ITl' ]JaHSl'H along llll' ,·allt·r for a ronsitLPmblt> di ..;ta ll<'<', lhrough r:n llll' of lhl' 1nnHI Jlidun•squt· !';t'l'IH'ry ill tl1e \VPst. Tilt• rirt 'l' has llllllll'l'O ilH l>ranl'li l'H, hnt llH• only ont• of important'<' is <·:tllt•d lhl' South 1•'01'1, , antl is nPnrly aK larp;P <Lnd long nH lht• main till'l':t lll. Tt dminR nn an•:t al><Hll 2.'50 mill':-~ in lt•ngth antl ..JO to GO ill lll'l'H Hh. 'l'IH· :N io bmm i. t ht nrxl nt oHt i lll]101'l:l1 1t :-~tn•a lll and as t hl' an•a <lminl'd by lhi.• l'ivel' lt:lH hPt'11 llw ;;ub.i t'l'l of lllll!'h inLNl'Hl to ilH· inhabil:wt of :Nl'lmLslm lt!Hl Dakota, ] tak<• lh1• lilwrly of quolinp; U1P minnl·· and exct•l lenL <l<'HC I'il)Lioll of U<•1w rnl \\' aiT<'Il: ' 'l'IH• Niobr:ua 1wing a trean1 hl'l'<'tofOl'e unknown, and one in wl1i eh ll1o pt•ovl · of 1Plmu<ka fe0l mneh inLt' l'l'St, I shall <ksrrib<' it in <l<•Lail. 'l'l1e rivPr is ahouL 4fi0 mile long. li'rom itH ROlll'l'O to lnllgilllt1e 10:3° Hi', it is a brnulif'ul littl • Htr am or rnnning watPr, of a wi<lLli of' from 10 lo Jli f'ppt, gmd IUtlly wiclenin<l' as it deK<'<' lHh . ltH vall<•y fum iHh<'H l1 t> n• \'NY goml gm· ahoundinrr in I'll]\('::; OJ' tJI'l'lt•, but it i,.; for I lie 1110 ·t pal'! d •stitut' Of (; 1~ 00 I{ A PIII(' A r~ . 18 wood <'Vl'n for ennl,ing. 1\ ftt'l' flowi ng Lllus far it mpi lly widrn s, I ill in lonn·iLu<l <· 102° :lO', it atlaitL ' a width of 00 to HO yarlls; itH vall<•y is Htill q11itt• O]l<'n and t•a;;y lo tra vt> l along, but <lo:-;tilul1• of wood ' X:e<'pt <)('easioHal ])illt'H 011 LIH• di:-;tallt hillH to LIH• nodi!. Ill longHudt• L02° :lO' iL L'ntl'l's IJl'lWl'l 'll higl1 sl<'<'P banks wlli<'h I'IOHl'l.)' contilll' it, and for a lo11g way H is a COliiLJklt• l':til<m; h<'n', how 'Vt 'l', wood bN'OIIli'H morl' :tbllllllaH t and pine iH oct·a:-~ionally S<'<'n on llll• blull's, wl1ilc small <"lll t<'1" f l'Ollon wood, elm aH<L ash Ot'l'llPY tiH• na!Tow poi11ls l t• fl by its windi11gs. 111 l oHg itndt• 10 1° 4fi' thP sand ltiiiH conu• 011 tl11' north Hid<• clt)St' to Ll1P ril't'r, wl!ik 011 lh e~o uth si<LP lh<'.)' arP ala di Hlanc'<' of fi'Otn OIH' to two mill>;; oil', ll'aving n, Hn!Oolh l'llac1lo lml'<·l all along lh1• lllull\.3. ThdJlnll'tl gmd llally a.ppt•ll.l' llig ll t' l' an<lllig ll l'l' alJOVC lhl' Ktl'l':Lnl :LH it dl'HCl'nd;; 1111til till'.)' l'l'li.Ch lll<' liPight of :300 ft•l'L 'l'll tl S<Wd 1n ostl.}' l'l':LHl'S 011 til<' north Ki<lt• in lollp;itlldl' 100° 2:! ' j hnt il lit•:; d OH(' to till• Htl'l':lln Oil lllt• i'\OUth Hidt• lll':trly all l11<· way to \Va :-;ikon:-;ka.. 'l'lii'Oughonl lhiH H<'<' tio11 lying lwtwt 't' ll longitlltl!' 102° 00' and long itntl<· 09° 20', a diHlanel' of' 180 mill'H, Ill<' ' iobram is in l'Vt·ry n·HpL·d a JW<· nlial' :-;trl'alll, and llH•n• j :-; non<' that I know of' that iL <':ln Ill' <·on!pa!'Pd with. llllowH h<'l't ' ht>lWl'l'll high 1·oek.r hnnl<:H of so il whil • antl y<· llowi sh t·:Lll':tn•on,.; and Hili<·r·ou::; : and,.;tonl'. standing oflr·n in j)i'l'l'i)lit·t•s at Ill<• wal l'r' s ('( lg1', its vprtil':tlily lwing pn•st• rvl'tl by a enpping of' lianl g rit. lt. iH lit•l'l' illl]lOKs iblt• tn lravc•l any <:O IIHidna hh· di slaneo along it:; i111111• ·di:do bani H wiLliouL hn.ri11p; fn•qul'ldly Lo l' linilJ tho rid gt>H wlli ·It ri Ht' KO IIIl'lillll'H p<'rpt•mlit'ularly I'J·om ill<• stn•:tJII. ; \ ,.; you :tpproarh from tl1n norl h o1· south llil'l' :u·p 110 inlli <':tLions of' a rivt •r till .}'011 <:OnH' within lwo or lill'l'(\ mill'S Of' lJ11• O:tllkK, and. tlll 'll ouly by llll' tJ·et•s, wlioHP top: <HT<lsionally ri:w abovt• tht• ravinl'S in whirl! til l'.}' g row, so eon!plt•tPly iH it waiiPd in hy high blull' which t•nelost' H narrow I':LIIPy. It 'l'l' IIIS to ltavl' n•sulll'd f'I'O lll a li ::>H UI'P in till' earl It's <'I'IIHt, a.nd now !lows nl ~t dt•ptlt of abonl :100 l't'l'L lll'low tht> p;t•n •ral l<·vt'l of' llw vmirit•. 'l'hl' ::>oi'L ro<·k whi<·h f'oi 'IIIH the blum, i fi worn into tlil' III O.'t illtt·i catl' labj'l'iiiLhH l1y llw liUI ;;ln•aniH, all of wlJil'h l1a vP t.IH •ir RO IIrCl'S in lwaulif'ul g' llHhing Hl)l'illg::; or l'lt'al' COld wal ' I', Jn thl'He Slll<tll dt't']l vall<'y::> UH• gm ·:; iH lu x uriant; pin<', ash, and on.k arc abnlldanL ; cli l'ITi<•s, t'UITnnl K, gooKelwrrieH, plun1H an<L g 1·apt•s grow in profu sion in tlwir . <'~VO IL g)k, dPI' r, and oth<' l' anilnaiK li11d li<'I'<' their eltoieeHt haunts, and ht' l'<' they eongrPgat • <lul'i ng tht• SIIOW a 1ul eoht or wi 11 ll'l'. The 1· •gion i · a p •rf,d paradi ·' for ·arage lil\ and thP Brulc::l wl1o now |