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Show ' REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. CXXIII circumstances until the end of June. The treaties with the Crows, Sioux, Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Utos, ctc., malre provision for issuing clothing, and stipulate that it shall be delivered at the Govcrumeut warehouse on the reservation not later than Augiist 1 of each year, a promise which this office has never beeu able to keep. The present system of purchasing and delivering supplies to Indians involviug publicity, competition, and inspection, needs only care and judgment in buying, and honesty in inspection and delivery, to insure general satisfaction. It is not possible? I~owever, to furuisli to Indians clothing suitable as to size, and the "misfits" must be many, ludicrous aud vexatious. INDIAN FINAKCES. 1 FUNDS AVAILABLE DURING THE FISCAL PEARS 188!L190, AND 1890-'91. Approprdatation8.-The following statement shows the amounts that were appropriated by Congress for the Indian service for the fiscal years 188W90 and 1890-'91: Totd ................................................. I 6,081,851.37 I 2 127,39469 -I 1,042,543.32 Under the head of " Fulfilling treaties with Indian tribes, perma-nent," are such specified sums a,s are required to be appropriated an-nually under existing treaties, either for a certain number of years or for an indefinite period. A unn~bcr of treaties contain provisions for clothing, subsistence, agency andschool employ6s, etc., to be furnished by the United States for a certain number of years, but such provisions do not state specif-ically theamount of money that must be appropriated. These amounts are annually approximately estimated by this office, and the sums so appropriated can be used only for expenditures incurred during the fis-cal year for which the appropriations are made. The total sums so appropriated by Congress for the fiscal years 1889J90 and 1890J91 %re to be found in above table (Nb. 16), under the head of fulfilling treaties with Indian tribes, annual." A number of the tribes haveno treaties; others have treaties, but the amounts due thereunder are not sufficient for their support. Congress annually appropriates certain sums as gratuities. The total sums appropriated for such purpose for the fiscal years 1889-'90 and 1890-791 ere to be found in above table, under the head of &S' upport of Indian tribes, gratuitiean a~~iellingtreatiweiath Indian tribea,permanent ........... ru16iling treaties with ~ n d l s utr ,ibea, snnud ............... Support of Iodian ttibes,gratuitius ........................ Sop artof lndisn schools ................................. ~ n o i%s n t d ac~on~tdin gent expenses ........................ Coment and misoeilaveo~~ser~en.s.e..s. ............... $1.428,66L.90 1.585.706.81 702,500.00 1,379,588.13 160, 000.00 318.331.M dl, M3,676.29 1,597,740.00 746,000.00 1,842 7'70.00 171:000.00 $115 020.39 II'W. 16 4 3 : 5 ~ . 0 0 463.201.87 2,000.00 407.877.90 |