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Show CLXVI REPORT OF THE CONMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. You will be on tho alert to detect and thwart the designs of any person. seeking, by coming on the reservation or otherwise, to engage Indians for exhibition pur-poses, and to this end ynu will instruct all officials and employ6s at the agency to promptly furnish yon any information they may obtain of the intentionof Indiana to join any ahaws arexhiWt,ions, and you will report for the action of this office any employ6 who may give aid or assistance to auyone aeekiug to aeoure Indians for ex-hibition purposes. Should Indians sttempt to icavc the zeservation for any such purpose in the face of the above warning you will endeavor in every legitimate manner to prevent the same, and if unable to do so, you will immediately report the facts to thisoBiee,and appropriate steps will be taken to enforce obedience to these instructions. Very respectfully, R. V. BELT, Aotlng Comnzissioner. - TNSZRVCTIONS TO AGENTS IN REGAED TO MANNER OX ISSUING BEEF. Oxarcn OE INDIAANFP AIRS, Wasl~tngtonJ, uly 21, 1890. United States Indian Agent, -Apenoy: Sm: As we have entered a new fiscal year, znd it is probablo that funds to clefray the expeune of sneh improvements as mag be acto%llp neaeasery st agencies will soon be available, I wish again to call your attention to the matter of the slaughter of beef-oattle,so that if any improvement in the method yon follow can be made it may be clone. It is my wish that the following roles be established and strictly enforced at every agenpy where cattle are alanghtered: The killing to be done in a pen, in as private a mau~tera s possible, and hp a man who understands the duty, and wllo uses the most speedy and yninloss method pmc-tienhle; and during the killing children and women are specially prohibited from being present. Tho butchering to beby men iu n house or shed fitter1 with the necessary appliances far wspending the oaronsaea duriugtbe operntiou, and with a. plank or log floor, with water rnuning over or noder the floor, or a8 oouveuient to the building as pasnibla, so that cleaulioesa will be insured. The oonsumption of the blood and intestine8 by tho Indian is strictly prohiYited. This swage and filthy practice which prevails at ",any agencies mnst be abolished, as it serves to natvish brutal instinctrr, and is, as I am well informed, a. fruitful sonrce of diaeese. Some proper meaos must be taken for the destruction af the offal, so sa to prevent foulusss and disease. When the beef is ready to be cut up, this rnllat be done in a clean and noat manner by men, detailed for this purpose, sod with the assistance, or llnrler the immediate snpervision of a butcher or other reliable person who understands this branch of the work, andsnchchoppiog bloelis, cleavers, sawq pulleys, ropes, hoams, hooka, benches, etc. as are necessary to secure cleanliness, decency, and ordlel; must be provided end invd;rishly used. The beef will be delivered to men, and not to women, nnleas in casea of speoial exigency. In short, I intend that this branoh of the work. which at many agencies has been ao conducted as to be a, scandal on tho aervioe and .z stinlulos to the brutal instincts of the Indians, shall become an object lesson to them of the difference in this re-spect between the civilized man and the savage. I t ia my desire to afford you every prsotioableassistance to con~plystrictlyw ith the foregoiognlles,and you may submit anestimate for suoll mat.erial, eto., asmsy be re-quired to make neoesssry improvements and additions to your corrals, cattle-pens, slaughter-honseq eto. explaining at the same t,ime in detail how you intend to ex-llcod the same, and likiting your estimate to the lowest possible limit. You will be required to report on this ~nbjeoat s to how far you have carried out l,hese orders, and the attention of inspectors and spacial agents will be specially directed to this matter. Reapeetfully, T. J. MORGAN, Comnciesioner. |