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Show I REPORT OF THE COMMISGIOEER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. LXIII existing treaty stipulations, and, whenever practicable, it should re-quire the consent of the Indians. In all cases where this office can exercise discretion, the maps of defi-nite location filed by railway companies are transmitted to the agents for investigation and report, particolarly as to whether such location is along the liue authorized by right of wily act, and also with regard to the individual holdings or allotme~~ltisk ely to be invaded or dam-aged bp the construction of the proposed road. Much unnecessary delay can be avoided if railway companies will systematically comply with the conditions imposed by the aots granting them right of way. Each company should file in this office (I) A copy of its articles of incorporation duly certified to by the proper officers under its corporate seal. (2) Maps representing the definite location of the line. In the ab. sence of any special provisions with regard to the length of line to be represented upon the maps of defiuite locatiou, they should be so pre-pared as to represent sections of 25 miles each. If the liue passes through surveyed land, they should show itslocation accurately accord-ing to the sectional subdivisions of the surrey, and if through unsur-vexed land i t ~houldb e carefully indicated ~ i t rheg ard to its general direction and t.he natural objects, farms, etc., alollg the route. Each of these maps shoold bear the affirlavit of the chief engineer, setting forth that the survey of the route of the coml ) a~~ro~a'ds from -to - a distance of - miles (giring termini and distance), was made by him (or under his direction) as chief eugineer under authority of the company, on or between certain dates (g~vingth e same) and that such survey is accurately represented on the map. The affidavit of the chief engineer must be signed by him officially, and verified by the certifi-cates of the president of the company, attested by its secretary under its corporate seas, setting forth that the person signing the affidavit was either the chief engineer or was emploxed for the purpose of making such survey, which was done under the authority of the company. Further that the line of route so st~rveyeda nd represented by the map was adopted by the company by resolution of its board of directors of a certain date (giving the date) as the definite location of the line of road from - to -, a distance of -miles (giving termini and distance), and that the map has been prepared to be filed for the ap-proval of the Secretary of the Interior in order that the company may obtain the benefits of the act of Congress approred - (giving date). (3) Separate plats of ground desired for station purposes, in addition to right of waF, should be filed, and such grounds shonld not be repre-sented upon the maps of definite location, but should be marked by station numbers or otherwise, so that their exact location can be deter-mined upon the maps. Plats of station grounds shoald bear the same affidavits and certificates as maps of definite location. |