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Show CVIII REPORT OF THE CQMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. This request was approved September 20,1889; the agent of the Green Bay Agency was duly notified; a copy of the rules prescribed was furnished him, and he was especially cautioned to see that they were strictly complied with. February 17,1890, he requested that early arrangements he made for the sale of this timber, in order that it might be effected before the spring freshets would prevent, driving, when better prices could be obtained, and he recommended that advertisement be made for sealed bids, to be opened at the agency at a specitied day and hour. This request I submitted to the Department February 25,1890, accompanied by the following explanation: I have the honor to submit herewith a communication fmm Mr. Thomaa Jennioga, agent for Green Bay Agenoy, Wis., wherein he asks for authority to sell certain timber banked during the past winter by the Menomonees, partly surplus green grow-ing timber out to clear land for cultivation, and partly dead and down timber cut nuder Executive authority of 20th September, 1389, herewith inolosed for ~ o u l;-o n-rrenient reference. I sfso transmit herewith a oommunication received by reference of Ron. M. H. Mo- Cord from Mr. 0. A. Ellis, who represents alumher aompany in Oeanto, in that State, wherein he asks that the sale be made by public auction in place of by adverFising for seeled bids to be opened on a certain day by the agent of that agency. da sale by pubiio auction was tried several years and found to be unsstiafaotory, buyers at the last moment combining to keep the price down, it was discontinued, and very satisfactory sales wereeffected by calling for written bidsduring the two last previous seasons. I am of the opinion that the latter plan is the best. and should be followed this season also. I therefore reapeatfully recommeud that similar authority be granted now, to that contained in Departmext letter of March 19, 1889, also herewith inclosed for your easy reference, viz, that Agent Jennings be directed to publish an advertisement for s period of two weeks in the daily edition of the Northwestern, of O~hkosh,W is., in-viting sealed bids for about P,OOO,OOO feet of timber, to be opened at the offioe of the Green Bay Agenoy st noon on a certain day to he fixed by the agent and uemed in the advertisement; each-bid to be accompanied by a certified check for $600, and no sals to be valid uotii approved by this office; the log8 to be aoaled by experienoed scalers, the expenses thereof to be equs.lly divided between the purchasers and the lndisnq and that the agent be alao authorized to expend not to exceed $3 in adver-tising b~ means of posters conspicuously placed auddistributed among dealers in the same ; the sale and disposition of the proceeds to oonform in all other respeots with the rules approved in the Executive order above referred to. The 28th of the following March the advertisement and sale of logs was authorized as recommended, and the 29th of the same month I ' issued the following instructions to the agent: In campliaoca with your cqueat of 17th ultimo, aud on reoommendlution of this offloe, the Department, nnrlerdate of 28th inslant, hits granted ~ . o aou thority to pdbi~sh an advertisement for a period of two weeks in the daily edition of the Northwestern, of Oshkosh, Win., inviting sealed bids for about 8,000,000 feet of timber, to be opened a t the office of the Green Bay Agency at noon on a oertain day to be fixed by you and named in the advertisement. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for 5500, and no sale to be valid until approved by this office. |