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Show contract was approred it should be with the understanding that they wopld furnish the Indians with such supplies as they needed at rea-so~ lablpe rices, to be approved by their agent. In view of all the facts, and that the approval of the contract was urgently recommended by Senators Washburn and Spooner, who per-aonally assured me that they were well acquainted with the circnm. stances, believed the plan entirely practicable, that it could be adopted with safetj, and would afford the Indians the relief they so greatly needed, I recommended that the Department request the President to modify the regulations approved by him under date of October 16,1889, above referred to, and to authorize the approval of the contract named under such conditions and restrictions as would protect the Indians, and to confine the number of white Inen to be allowed at each camp to t,hree, viz, an overseer, a cook, and a teamster. February 15,1890, the Department submibted the matter to the Presi. dent, and March 4, 1800, he authorized the approval of the contract under the conditions and restrictions above named, but added that said approval extended only to so much of the t'imber contracted for as would be delivered on or before April 15,1890, "the contract to termi-nateat that date." Accordingly I approved the contract, and submitted it to the Department March 6,1890, adding the following conditions and restrictions : (1) That the loggingoperations of the Indians thereunder shall be subject to the general supervision of the United StatesIndian Agent for the White Earth Agenoy, Minn. (2) That P. and J. Meehan, parties to the within oontrsct, may furnish the Indian ooutrsotora, also parties thereto, with such necessary supplies as may be required to enable them to carry out t.heir obligations, and no others, at such reasonable nnrices as may be agreed upon and approved by the United States Indian Ageut f& the White Earth Agenay, and be re-imbumad therefbr out of the money to paid for the loge under the oontroct. (3) With the exception of one foreman or overseer, one cook, awl om teamster, 5t each logging camp, no other white labor shall be permitted to go upon the reserva-tioo under this contrect. (4) Thst ass prescribed by the President Maroh 4, 1890, the said within oontract aha11 be "for ao much of the lumber or timber contra6ted for as is delivered on or be-fore April 15, 1890, the contraat to terminate at that date." (5) Th5t P. and J. Msehan sball execute a bond. with two rood and sufficient sore- I . , ~ ~ ~~ tie*, inthn pennl r!lrnol RU.00fi. cun~litiollrdfo r rlh?faithfnl nlbrervnuea ditI~,:In%raof tbr United Stutes mlariug tu rm?n and interroursn with tila Indians, rhe rec~~larions nnv or that mmsv hereafter be arescribed thereunder. the oonditio3a undr whioh this contract is approved, and the faithfol performance of aaid within contract. (6) The soalinp of the logs ant ~lndetrh is coutrsot shall be nuder the general an-pervision ofthe united states Indian Agent. - March 18,1890, the agent was notified of thisapprova1,and instructed that as soon as the lumber firm filed the necessary bond to transmit it to this oEw, which was done, and the contract confirmed. The 1st of February, 1890, the agent requested authority to adver-tise for two weeks, calling for sealed proposals for the logs cut by the |