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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISBIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. LXIX. company as payment for right of \ray, and with suggestions as to their disposition. Another draft for $358.95, dated April 8,1S90, has been received as payment for right of way withiu the Chickasaw Nation. By act of Congress approved June 27,1890 [26 Stat., 181, and page 391 of this report], t.his company is authorizetl to sell and convey to the Chi-cago, Rock Island and Pacific Hailray Company all its railnay prop-erty, rights, and franchises in Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. A map of the tenth section of 25 miles of the definite location of the Choctaw Coal and Railway Company18 line of railway through the Iu-dian Territory was submitted to the Department by this oEce Novem-ber 12, 1859. A portion of the line indicated upon the map passes through a gap known as "The Narrowsn in the Choctaw Nation, in a sonthwesterly direction from the city of Fort Smith, Ark. The Fort Smith and El Pasn Railway Company, which had been granted right of way along the same general direction through this portion of the said nation, also filed a map of definite locatiou covering the passage through this gap. These maps were approved by the Departmeut under such conditions that both roads might be constructed through this passage. The map of the 11th section of the road of the Choctaw, Coal aud Railway Company was approred December 31, 1889, and seven plats of ground desirecl for station purposes were submitted to the De- Ilartnlent April 12, 1890. April 3,1890, a draft for $1,000 was tendered by the companjin payment for right of way upon the portion of its liue which, they statc, had been graded to that date. Cornplaints have been filed in this office to the effect that this company has inclosed a right-of-way strip of greater width acd area than the grant authorizes, whioh will be made the subject of a separate report. July 24,1890, this office received a comml~uicatiou from the chair-ma. u of the Senate Committee on In(1ian Affairs, inclosing a copy of Senate resolutio~l No. 114, which provides for the validation of leases of coal andmineral claims which had been entered into with individual n~elubetso f the five civilized tribes in the Indian Territory. Before report was made upon this resolutiou, however, a substitute resolution (8.1 %N. o. 119, and House joint resolution No. 206, wl~icha re identical in their provisions), providi~~fgo r the validation of certain coal leases entered into by citizens of the Ohoctam Nation and lkeld by this com-pany, was referred to this office by the l>epartment, with a request for a report thereon in lieu of the former resolution, Senate No. 114. The substitute resolution was returned to the Department Angost 14,1890, with a report suggesting certain amendments an& stating that, if so ameoded, this office saw no objection to its passage. Tl~eac t of Congress approved June 12,1890 [26 Stat., 147, and page 358 of this report], extends the time within whioh the Deoison and Washita Va:ley Railway Company is required by its grant to construct 100 miles of its line of railsay or forfeit its rights thereunder. Maps of the defiuito iocatio~o~f the first and second seotious of 25 |