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Show JS/Um AJa-Mode. •r- n of my Guards, this morning early. Are waitinginjl^'alks_a.cmh.ther_ Poly. -' Rjk. Firft, give me leave . pj' - - You're welcome. I knew your Father well, he was both brave And honeft ; we Two once were Fellow-foldicrs In the laft Civil Wars. Prf/rf. I bring the fame unqueftion dHonJty And Zeal to ferve your Majefty ;the Courage You were pleafed to praif: in him, . Your Royal Prudence, and your Peoples Love, W7ill never give me leave to try like him In Civil Wars, I hope it may in Foreign. Poly. Attend the Court, and it (half be m y Care To find out fome Employment, worthy you. Go Rhodophil, and bring in thofe without. \kxamt. Rho. & isila. [RJiodophil rtf*™ « £ . immtdiatly, and with ^ E ^ H e r m o g e n e s , Leonidas, Behold *Tw^ MuacTes! [Looking earneftly on Leon, and Palmyra. Of different Sexes, but of equal form: So Matchlefs both, that m y divided Soul Can fearcely ask the Gods a Son or Daughter, For fear of lofing one. If from your Hands, You Powers, I fhall this day receive a Daughter, Argaleon, fhe is yours ; but but, if a Son, Then Amaltha's Love fhall make him happy. Arga. Grant, Heav'n, this admirable Nymph may prove That' Iffue which he feeks. Amal. Venus Urania, if thou art a Goddefs, Grant that fweet Youth may prove the Prince of Sicily. Poly. Tell me, Old Man, and tell me true, from whence [To Herm. Had you that Youth and Maid ? Her, From whence you had Your Scepter, Sir : I had 'em from the Gods. Poly. The Gods then have not fuch another Gift. Say who their Parents were. Her. My Wife, and I. Arga. It is not likely, a Virgin of fo excellent a Beauty Shbuld come from fuch a Stock. Amal. Much lefs, that fuch a Youth, fo fweet, fo graceful, Should be produe'd from Peafants. • Her. W h y , Nature is the fame in Villages, And much more fit to form a noble Iflue, Where it is leaft corrupted. Poly. He talks too like a Man that knew the World To have ben long a Peafant. But the Rack Will teach him other Lan Hence with him. [ As th Guard are carrying him Sure I have feen that Face before. Hermognesl \ Ik Permit falls off. 'Tis he, 'tis he who fled away with Eubulns, And with m y Dear Eudoxia. Her. Marriage1 A-la-Mode. ;-75 Her. Yes, Sir, I am Hermogencs. And if to have been Loyal be a Crime, I ftand prepar'd to fuffer. Poly. If thou would'ft live, fpeak quickly, What is become of m y Eudoxia .<? Where is the Queen and young Thagenes .<? Where Eubulus} and which of thefe is mine > [Pointing to Leon, and Palm tier. Eudoxia is dead, fo is the Queen 5 » The Infant King her Son, and Eubulus. Poly. Traitor, 'tis falfe: Produce 'em, or Her. •• Once more I tell you, they are dead; but leave to threaten, For you fhall know no farther. Poly. Then prove indulgent to m y Hopes, and be M y Friend for ever- Tell me, goocf Hermogenes, Whofe Son is that brave Youth > Her Sir, he is yours. Poly. Fool that I am, thou fee'ft that fo I wifh it; And fo thou flatter'ft me. Her. --By all that's holy. Poly. Again. Thou canft.not fwear too deeply. Yet hold, I will believe thee: yet I doubt. Her. You need not, Sir. Arga. Believe him not; he fees you Credulous, And would impofe his own Bafe Iffue on you, And fix it to your Crown. Amal. Behold his goodly Shape and feature, Sir, Methinks he much refembles you. Arga. I fay, if you have any Iffue here, It muft be that fair Creature : By all m y hopes I think fo. Amal. Yes, Brother, I believe you by your Hopes; For they are all for her. p0ly, Call the Youth nearer. Her. Leonidas, the King would fpeak with you. . Poly. Come near, and be not dazled with the Splendour And Greatnefs of a Court. Leon. I need not this Incouragement. I can fear nothing but the Gods. And for this Glory, after I have feen The Canopy of State fpread wide above In the Abyfs of Heaven, the Court of Stars, The blufhing Morning, and the rifing Sun, What greater can I fee? . * rr , . ,. Poly. This fpeaks thee born a Prince; thou art thy felf [Embracing him. That rifing Sun, and fhalt not fee on Earth A brighter then thy felf. All of you, Witnefs, That for m y Son I here receive this Youth, This brave, this but I muft not praife him farther, Becaufe he now is mine. r r ,. Leon. I wonnot, Sir, believe [jLneelmg. That I am made your Sport t For I find nothing in m y felf, but what Is much above a Scorn; I dare give credit * o whatfoe'er a King, like you, can tell me. Either I am, or will deferve to be, your Son. •aa. I yet maintain it is impoffible Tins young Man mould be yours; for, if he were, W h y fhould Hermogenes fo long conceal him, W h e n he miriit gain fo much by his Difcovay 1 Her. I ftaid a while to make him worthy, L" Sir, of you. But in that time I found Somewhat within him, which fo mov d m y Love, |