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Show Amid. Why did you Name H°Conf And fince you take their parts fo eagerly, Hencldi r n S you Miofe Ladies Names: You, my Hippolito, <ha\\be.Honoria; And you m y Amideo, Angelina. Amid. Then all m y Services I wifh may make You kind to Angellina, for myTake. Hip. Put all m y Merits on Honoria s lcore, ^xeunt. And thinkno Maid could ever love you more. ACT IV. SCENE I. Manuel, Solus. TH U S I provide for others Happinefs, AndlofePmyown: 'Tis true, I cannot blame Thy hatred, Angellina, but thy filence. Thy Brother's hatred made thine uift ; but yet 'Twas cruel in thee not to tell me fo. Conqueft is noble when an Heart itands out, But mine which yielded, how could flthou^ bet. ay . That Heart of which thou could'ft not be deprtv d, By any force of Pow'r be fide thine own ; Like Empires to that fatal height arrtv d, They muft be ruin'd by themfelves alone. My guarded Freedom cannot be a prize To any fcornful Face a fecond time. For thy Idea like a Ghofi would rife, f And fright my Thoughts from fuch another Crime J d J 6 Enter a Servant with a Letter. Man. From whom? {He Reads 2. Serv. Sir, the Contents will foon refolve you. U* *"«- Man. Tell Roderick he has prevented me In my Defign offending to him firft. I'll meet him fingle at the time and place; But for my Friend tell him he muft excufe me : M^ I'll hazard no M a n in m v Quarrel, but L M y felf alone: Who's within there f J Enter a Servant. . Go call my Sifter and Gonfalvo hither. &*" ****«• 'Twaspufh'd fofar, that like two Armies, we Were drawn fo clofely up we could not part Without ingagement: But they muft not know it. Enter Julia, Gonfalvo, Amideo. I have fome bufinefs calls me hence, and know not When I fhall return: But e'er I go, That pow'r I have by my dead Bather's Will Over m y Sifter I bequeath to you &° Gonfalvo. She and her Fortunes both be firmly yours; And this when I revoke, letCowardife Blaft all my youth, and Treafon taint m y Age. Gonf. Sir, • _ . '. . Man. Nay, good, no thanks, Icannot ftay.- [£*/* Manuel. Gonf. There's fomething more than ordinary in this Go Amideo, quickly follow him, And bring me word which way he takes. Amid. I go, Sir. [£J«> Amideo. Gonf. Madam, When you implore the Pow'r s Divine, [Julia Kjteels. Tou have no Prafrs in which I will not join, Though made againft my felf [Kneels with her. Jul. The Rival Ladies. Jul. • In vain Ifue, Vnlefsmyvowsmay be convey'd by you. Gonf. Convey'd by me ! -My ill fuccefs in 1 Shews me too fure I have few Friends above. How can you fearyour juft de fires to want ? When the Gods prays, they botbrequeft and grant. Jul. Heav'n has refign'd my Fortune to your hand If you, like Hav'n, th' afflitfed under fl and. Gonf. The Language ofth' afflicted is not new ; Too well I learnt it when I firft faw you. Jul. In fpight of me, you now command my Fate ; And yet the van'iuifh'd feeks the Victor's hate : Ev'n in this low fubmiffion, I declare, That had I Pow'r, I would rem w the War. I'm fore'd to floop, and 'twere too great a blow To bend my Pride, and to deny me too. Gonf. Tou have my Heart ; difpofe it to your will; If not, you know the way to ufe it ill. Jul. Cruel to me, though kind to your defert, By Brother gives my Perfon, not my Heart: And I have left no other means to fue, But to you only to be freed from you. Gonf. From fuch a Suit how can you hope fuccefs, Which giv'n, de (troys the givers happinefs'? Jul. Tou think it ecpualyou fhould not refign That pow'r you have ; yet will not leave me mine : Tet on my will I have the pow'r alone, And fince you cannot move it, move your own. Tour Worth and Virtue my efteem may win. But Women's Paffions from themfelves begin ; Merit may be, but Force (till is in vain. Gonf. I would but love you, not your Lov: confirain ; And though your Brother left me to command, He plac'd his Thunder in a gentle hand. Jul. Tour Favour from conftraint has fit me free But that feeures not my Felicity ; Slaves, who, before, did cruel Mafters ferve, Mayflie to Defarts, and in Freedom ftarve. The noble ft part of Liberty they loofe, Who can bat fhun, and want the Pow'r to choofe. Gonf. 0 whither would your fatal Reafons move I Tou Court my kindnefs to deftroy my Love. Jul. Tou have the Pow'r to make my happinefs, By giving 'that which you can ne' fs: Gonft Give you to Rodorick ? Tme wanted yet That Curfe to make my Miferies compleat. Jul. Departing Mifers bear a Nobler mind ; They, when they can enjoy no more, are kind: Tou, whenyour Love is dying in defpair, Tet want the Charity to make an Heir. Gonf. Though hope be dying, yet it is not dead ; And thing People with fmall food are fed. Jul. the greateft kindnefs dying Friends can have, Is to difpatch them when we cannot fave. Gonf. Thofe dying People, could they fpeak at all: That pity of their Friends would Murther, call. For Men with Honour diffolution meet ; The Minutes, ev'n of painful Life are fweet. lul. But Pm by Pow'rful inclination led; And Streams turn feldom to their Fount am head. Gonf. No, 'tisaTraie which carries you away ; And Tides may turn though they can never ftay. Jul. Canyon pretend to Love, and fee my Grief Caus'd by your felf, yet give me no relief? |