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Show 32 T H E WILD GALLANT-A C T I. S C E N E! Failer entering to Burr; who is putting on his Buff-Coat. w Pail. ^ " "Jg J H A T ! Not ready yet, M a n ? Burr. You do not confider m y Voyage from Holland laft Night. Fail. Pifh, a meer Ferry ; get up, get up ; m y Con-fin's Maids wrill come and Blanket thee anon .• Art thou not afhamed to lie a Bed fo long ? Bur. I may be more afhamed to rife ; and, fo you'll fay, dear Heart, if you look upon m y Cloaths; the beft is, m y Buff-Coat will cover all. Fail. I Gad, there goes more cunning than one would think, to the putting thy Cloaths togethenThyDoublet andBreeches zreGuelphs zndGhibellins to one another; and the ftiches of thy Doublet are fo far afundcr, that it feems to hang together by the Teeth. N o M a n could ever guefs to what part of the Body thefe Fragments did belong, unlets he had been acquainted with u'm as long as thou haft been. If they once lofe their hold, they can never get together again, except by chance the Rags hit the Tallies of one another. H e that gets into thy Doublet, muft not think to do't by ftorm ; no he muft win it inch by inch, as the Turks did Rhodes. Burr. You a re very merry with m y Ward-Robe: But, till I am provided of a better, lam refolv'dto receive all Vifits in this Truckle-Bed. Fail. Then will I firft feotch the Wheels of it, that it may not run; thou haft Cattle enough in it, to carry it down ftairs, and break thy Neck : 'Tis got a vard nearer the Door already. y Enter Boy. Sir Mr. Bibber, your Taylor's below, and defires to fpeak with you. thee anhoneft Fellow, and a fafhionable, he fhall fet thee forth I warrant Burr I, but Where's the Money for this, dear Heart? outMo"rie~?We11' hutwhat thinkvou of being put into a Suit of Cloaths, with- Burr. You fpeak of Miracles. ' C^'* Fail. D o you not know Will. Bibber's humour ? Burr Prethee, W h a t have I to do with his humour? flu AU' W,hVm -1 the better for this ? I *'« made Jeft in all my life y- IW Abarechnch wHferve the turn; a Carwhiehet, a V r t e r q u m b t or a hofd^rr JTV;ti™n aL?w-C<Mm>-y-Soldier ? 0ne that has conversM ; h Itlitl: XtT^rYeats! What ^ ^ n a b f e Roguearttho"? w h v F,Tk£ ^a}^°me' as t0 PaVhim readK Money Y' ClShso^youy?o^SM^m M f 0 r y°rJ O W nS0 0 (': Lie d°™-> I'" *row the up, ana^rhrmwithtjeftaUOn: ^ ^ ^ ** W ™ » % . ftart you Burr. Well, I think this impofllble to be done: But, however I'll attempt. FM. Huft'd! he'scoming up. iU" Am' F"iler cm"r'kim- R;l, \*~- %, Enter Bibber, F^Zy^'ZU^ 1™™TU *»»-me a Dunning „ow> ifl Sack with yoT '' N°' n°J m? bufine]& is t0 drink ™Y Mornings-Draught Fail. 'Ihe Wild Gal/ant. 33 Fail. Will not Ale ferve the turn, Will ? Bib. I had too much of that laft Night; I was a little difguis'd, as they fay. Fail. W h y difguisM? Hadftthouputon a clean Band, or wafh'd thy Face lately ? thofe are thy Difguifes, Bib'->er. Bib. Well, in fhort, I was drunk ; damnably drunk with Ale : great Hogen Mogen Bloody Ale: I was Porterly drunk ; and that I hate of all things in Nature, Burr. Rifing.~] And of all things in Nature I Love it beft. Bib. Art thou there Ffaith; and why, old Boy ? Burr. Becaufe when I a m Porterly drunk, I can carry m y felf. Bib. Ha, ha Boy. Fail. This Porter brings fad N e w s to vOu Will: You muft truft him for a Suit of Cloaths, as bad as'tis: Come, he's an honeft Fellow, and Loves the King. Bib. W h y ? It fhall be m y Suit to him, that I may truft him. Burr. I grant your Suit, Sir. Fail. Burr, make haft and Drefs you : Sir Timorous Dines here to Day, yoU know him. Burr. I, I, a good honeft Young Fellow; but, noConiurer; he and I are very kind. Fail. I Gad w e two have a conftant Revenue out of him : h e would now be admitted Suitor to m y Lady Conftance Nonfuch, m y Lord Nonfuch his Daughter; our Neighbour here in Fleet-Street. Burr. Is the Match in any forwardnefs ? Fail. H e never law her before Yefterday,and will not be brought to fpeak to her this Month yet. Burr. That's ftrange. Fail. Such a bafhful Knight did I never fee! but w e muft move for him. Bib. They fay here's a great Dinner to be made to Day here, at your Coufin Trice's, on purpofe for the enterview. Burr. What, he keeps up his old Humour ftill ? Fai'. Yescertain ; he admires Eating ?nd Drinking well, as much as ever, and meafures every Man's Withy the goodnelsof his Pallat. Burr. WhoDineshere betide*? Fai . Bib. O, myGueft. Burr. • had the repute of a brave clear-fpirited Fellow. Fail. He's one of your Dear Hearts: A Debauchee. Burr. I Love him thebetter for't: The beft Heraldry of a Gentleman is aClap deriv'dto him from three Generations: What fortuneh?she ? Fail. Good Fortune at all Games; but noEftate: H e had one; but he has made a Devil on't long ago: He's a bold Fellow, / vow to Gad: A Perfon that keeps Company with his betters; and commonly has Gold in's pockets: come Bibber; I fee thou long'ft to be at thy Mornings watering: I'll try what Credit / have with the Butler. Burr. C o m e away m v noble Feftus, and new Cuftomer. v Fail. N o w will he Drink till his Face be no bigger than a three-pence. [Exeunt. Enter Loveby and Boy; follow'd hy Frances, Bibber's Wife. Lov. Nay, the Devil take thee, tweet Landlady, hold thy Tongue: Was'tnot enough though haft fcolded m e from m y Lodging, which, as long ?s 7 rent it, is m y Cattle; but to follow m e here to Mr.Tnces, where I am /nvited; and to dii-credit m e before ft rangers, for a lowfy, Paltry fumm of Money ? ' Franc. I tell you truely, Mr. Loveby, m y Husbard and I cannot five by Love, as they fay ; w e muft have wherewithal, as they fay ; and pay for what w e take ; and fo fhall you,, or fome fhall fmoak for't. . Lov Smoak ! W h y a piece of hung Beef in Holland is not more fmoak d, than thou haft fmoak'd m e already. Thou know'ft I am now faffing; let m e have but fair play; when I have lin'd m y fides with a good dinner, I'll ingage upon reputation to'come home again, and thou fhalt fcold at m e all the Afternoon. Franc. I'll take the Law on you. Lov. The Law allows none to fcold in their ownCaufes: What do ft thou think the Lawyers take our Money for? 7 Franc. I hopevou intend to deal by m y Husband like a Gentleman, as they fay? Lov. Then I bwuhtFv r,iatin wco.n 'Cto mbIe ,.mf•yoa oyuYu!lo dtn hbdieenarkt hthcoic fmoo mmbcobsf m,tac uh nodmf CefHrwoci mit2pfhua lynloyyu ,rw ainJtedhf fnhsoi tams p; ya oyH uuh sidbmoa nmnediy,t h HHeurus.s Lbbnaatnenrdd ;, |