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Show 33 Tah e Wild Gallant. ~~~Z TT r T r n »„ rifhive vou into my Larder, and fhew you my Trice. " f r ^ ^ J ^ ^ s that came in the Night; if they had n ^ M S t £ ^ L a fart for u'm. I would the King had 'urn. T°rt f?S&l£lS3& and cry for him fometimes; he does not k n o w f f i to^ aVood Meal in a whole Year: His Cooks are Affes: I have a delicate difii of Ruffs to Dinner, Sirrah. Trte. To Snncr \ Why by Supper they had been pafttheir Prime. I'll tell thee the ftory of 'urn: I have a Friend- Enter Servant. Sir, Dinner's upon the Table. Trice. Well, well; I have a Friend as I told y o u - - • Serv. Dinner ftays, Sir; 'tis Dinner that flays : fore he will hear now. Trice. I have a Friend as I told you Ifa. I believe he's your Friend, you are fo loath to part with him • Trice. A way ; away; I'll tell the ftory between the Courfes. G o you to the Cook immediately, Sirrah; and bring m e word what w e have to Supper, before w e go to Dinner; I love to have the fatisfaction ofthe Day before me. [Exeunt Omnes. A C T II. S G E N E II. Enter as from Dinner, Trice, Timorous, Failer, Burr, Conftance, Ifabelle. Trice. C± Peak thy Confcience ; was is not well drefs'd, Sirrah ? l 3 Tim. What think you of the Park, after our Plenteous Entertainment, M a d a m ? Ifa. I defie the Park, and all its Works. Con. Come, Mr.Trice, we'll Walk in your Ga.vazn.[Exeunt,prater Failer and Bu^rr. Fail. O, one thing I bad almoft forgot to tell you: One of us two muft ever be near, Sir Timorous. Burr. W h y ? Fail. T o guard our intereft in him from the Enemy, M a d a m Ifabelle; who, I doubt, has defigns upon him. I do not fear her Wit, but her Sex; fhe carries a prevailing argument about her. Enter Bibber, with a Bottle. Bib. By this hand, I have lit upon the beft Wine in your Coufin Cellar: Drink but one Glafs tome, to fhew I a m welcome, and I a m gone. Fail. Here then, honeft Will, 'tis a C up of forbearance to thee. Bib. Thank you, Sir, I'll pledge you Now here's to you again. Fail. Come away; what is't Wit} Bib. 'Tis what you Chriftned it, a C u p of forbearance, Sir. Fail. W h y , I drank that to thee Will, that thou fhouldft forbear thy Money. Bib. And I drink this to you, Sir ; hence forward I'll forbear Working for you. Fail. Then fay I : Take a litter Bibber, and throw him in the River, and if he will truft never, then there let him lie ever. Bib. Then fay I : Take a little Failer, and throw him to the Jailor; and there let him lie, till he has paid his Taylor. Bur. You are very fmart upon one another Gentlemen. Fail. This is nothing between us; I ufe to tell him of his Title, Fiery facias; andhisfettingDog, that runs into Ale-Houfes before him, and comes quefting out again, if any of the Woots his Cuftomers be within. Bib J faith 'tis true; and I ufe to tell him of his twoCapons tails about hisHat,that are laid fpread Eagle wife to make a Feather; I would go into the fnow at any dme and in a quarter of an hour I would come in with a better Feather upon m y head • and fo farewel, Sir; I have had the better on you hitherto, and for this time I arri refolvedtokeepit [Ex* Bibber. , i,he r RoSucstoohardforme; but the beft on't is, I have m y Revenue upon Ins Purfe. 7 ° . Enter Ifabelle. Ifa Came not. Sir Timorous, this way, Gentlemen ? H e left us in the Garden' and laid he would look out m y Lord Nonfuch, to make his peace with him. Fml The Wild Gallant. QQ Fail. Madam, Hike not your enquiring after Sir Timorous: I fufpedt you have fome defign upon him: You would fain undermine your Coufin , and Marry hiin your felf. ' Ifa. Suppofe I fhould defign it; what are you die worfe for m y good Fortune? Shall I make a Propofition to you : I know you two carry a great itrokc with him • Make the match between us, and propound to your felves, what advantages you can reafonably hope: You fhall choufe him ofHorfes, Cloaths, and Money, and I'll Wink at it. " Bur. And if he will not be chous'd, w e fhall beat him out on't ? Ifa. For that, as you can agree. 'Fail. Give us handfel of the Bargain ; let us enjoy you, and 'tis a Match. Ifa. Gramarcyi'faithBoys; I love a good offer how e'er the World goes: But you would not be fo bafe to wrong him that way. ' Fail. I v o w to gad but I would, M a d a m : In a Horfe or a W o m a n I may lawfully cheat m y own Father : Befides, I know the Knight's Complexion; he would be lure to follow other W o m e n ; and all that. Ifa. Nay, if he fought with the Sword, he fhould give m e leave to fight with the Scabbard. Bur. W h a t fay you, M a d a m ? Is't a Bargain. Ifa. 'Tis butapromife; and I have learnt a Court trick for performing any thing.(yay^e.)WellGentlemen,whenI am, married I'll think upon you; you'll grant there's a neceffity I fhould Cuckold him, if it were but to prove m y felf a Wit. Fail. Nay,there's no doubt you'll Cuckold him ; and all that; for look you,he's a Perfon fit for nothing elfejbut I fear w e fhall not have the grafting of theHorns :W7e muft haveLiverv & Scilin before hand of you,or I proteft to gad w e believe you nor. Ifa. I have paft m y word , is't not fufficient ? What do you think I would tell a lie to five fuch a paltry tiling as a Nights Lodging ? Hark you, Sir: [To Burr. Fail. N o w will fhe attempt Burr; igad file has found him out for the weaker VefTcl. Ifa. I have no kindnefs for that Failer, we'll ftr'.ke him out, and manage Sir Timorous our felves. fiurr. Indeed w e wonnot. Ifa. Failer's a Rook, and befides, he's fuch a debauch'd Fellow. Burr. I a m ten times worfe. Ifa. Leave it, and him that taught it you : You have virtuous inclinations, and I would not have you ruin your felf. H e that ferves many MiftreiTes, fyrfeks on his Diet, and grows dead to the whole Sex: 'Tis the folly in the World next long Ears and braying. Burr. N o w I'm fore you have a mind to m e ; when a Wroman once fajls to Preaching, the next thing is ever Ufe and Application. Ifa. Forbear your rudenefs. Burr. Then I a m fure you meant to jilt m e : You decline Failer becaufe he has W i t ; and you think m e fuch an Afs, that you may pack m e off fo foon as you are Married; no, no, I'll not venture certainties for uncertainties. Ifa. lean hold no longer; Mr. Failer, what do you think this Fellow was faying of you ? Fail. Ofme, 'Madam. . . Ifa. That you were one of the erranteft Cowards in Chnftendom, though you went for one "ofthe Dear Hearts: That your N a m e had been upon more Polts than Play-Bills: And that he had been acquainted with you thefe feven Years, diunK and fober, and yet could never faften a quarrel upon you. Burr. D o you believe this, Dear Heart? Ifa. If vou'deny it, I'll take his Sword, and force you to confers if. Fail. I v o w to gad, this will not do, M a d a m : You fhall not fet us at variance foeafilv; neither fhall you have, Sir 7 'imorous. J \:&\„U Ifa. 'No ! Then mark m y words: I'll marry him in fpight of you; and which is worfe vou fhall both W o r k m y ends; and I'll difcard vou for your pains Fail. You fhall not touch a bit of him: I'll preserve his. humbles from you igad , they fhall be his Keepers-Fees. k jt'.JL-Burr. She fhall cut an Atome fooner than divide us. [Exeunt Bui r and Fade.. Enter Conftance. _•' Con. I have give u'm the flip in the Garden, to come and over-hear thee : N o ffaptis o'dv e:r -MgertowhiiinVkisr ngionw o tfh fiosr tfyh oeuvledr moofrfetri'fdi eh etrh feeel fe fxcoee Ddoingg clhy.e ap, or was more d< |