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Show [29] 11111011 to 11:11:61,1111: 111111111 it oeeulion much dif'rref's, three {neceffive princes of the Houfe of Hanover, {'tiled the fertile 1017,1011; L111 Amer1L11 would :1t11ord you afafe alylum from 1101L111 , andin 1:11.11; from oppleflion alto- rebellion. .111 111111111111, in 111111511 many thouliinds of your countrymen have found11011111131111, peace, and affluence, and become united to us by all the ties of confanguinity, mum-111 inte1ell an d alleClion. -Nor Llid the Conorefs flop he1e.---l lat! e1edl 1y a p11calinL; expeétation, that thejull rice and l1un1cn1it1'1vhiel1 haIlilo long eh ameterifed the Orders were given to re-inforce the troops in America. The wild and barbarous favages of the wildernefs have been folicited by gifts to take up the hatchet againfi us, and inl'tigated to deluge our iettlements with the bloodof111110Lent and defencelefs women and children. --The whole country was moreover alarmed with the ex- peti‘ted honors of domettic iniurreétions. - Relinements 1:. nOli1h nation 11',onld on proper annlication afford us in parental cruelty, at which the Genius of Britain muli' bl ulh' Refinements which admit not ot being even lelie111, they reprelc :ned‘:heit grievances in an afiefiionate recited without horror, or praftifed without infamy! We addreiis to their brethren in Britain, and intreated theii aid and interpolition in beh al1 ot theie Colonie {hould be happy, 11ere thel1e dark machinations the mere fiiITgeilions of lulpicion.--We are lorry to declare, that The more fully to evince their rcfpeet for their So~ veteinn, the unhapnv people of 10111011 were requelted weLare pofiefied of the molt authentic and indubitable evi- Llence ot their reality by the Congrels to lubmit with patience to their fate; I he Minifiry, bent on pulling down ti1e pillars of the and 311 America united in a refolution to abltain from 001111Litution, endeavoured to erect the flandard of defpo- every 1pecies 01' Violienee1-D uring this perio;,tlt1l.1t dc tilm in America; and if 111ccel1sful, Britain and Ireland voted town lutlered 1111l1peakably.---Its inh1bita11ts were infulted, and their property violated.---3till relying on may {hudder atthe eonfequences.1 the clemency and juliice of his hI'iaiedy and the nation, to 11age war with their fellow fubieels, and America is a- they permitted a few regiments toeahc noileliion of their town, to furround it with lortitications, and to cut 1111‘ all intercourie between them and their friends in the country. "11112111110113 expeftation 111d 1111 .1113'11e1'iea unit the event of their petition. -- All :‘1211erie'11 11111331115 its fate. mazed to find the nameot Howein the catalogue of her enemies She loved his brother?" Three ot their molt. experienced generals are feat Delpairing ot dri1Li110'the Colonies to rellfianee by any other means, than 361111-111 hofiility, :1 detaLhment of the armv at Botlion marched into the country in all the array 011 war ; and unprovoked, fired upon, and killed feveral Their 1Brinee v1'1111‘1L'1t1to their complaint ; 11nd vain were of the inhabitants-The neighbouring farmers fuddenl1 .111 attempts to 11111111115 him 111111 '11 en.Le 01' the 1'111'113rings of his 11:11e1'iL11111111111LL615, Lil th‘e ueir1 of their "171/1 anembled and repelled the attaLk1-From this all com- 11/15/1811, and ot the 7.71.711 Pi'ngzI1'J11liic11 impended 01 er -The citizens petitioned the General for permii111011 to leave the town, and he promiled. 011 furrendering their a11ns to permit them to denart 11 ith their other effects. ~- 1 he, aecordinglv ibrrendered their arms, and the General violated his 1111111. Under various pretences, paliports were delayed and denied. and manvrthoufands of thell‘l‘ habitants are at this d11y confinedin the town in the-ut- mol‘t wretchednefs and 11'211t.--The lame, the blind and his dominions. lnttea d L.l1diiLC11i1n' 1111' :1 1111111 into our grim anL's, intuit war :1LiLiLLi to and our long foibez.ranLe rewarded 11i111 the of CO\'\I'L‘1‘.LlLL.. ( n. tr:1de with 10 .1111 candid e11opnrellion, i'nputation 1.115 pront- bited, 111111 211116,! 111' ‘11‘1‘1'11111‘1‘1C‘Ht 111111101. 1'1 gnertnt our e1'Ln Eilhinsr L1.1o'1n'o\'1"11 1:11:11. 1' '.:;'11 1" -' 11'11111lies, for the piii'polc or LL L'L111111'1L1111 .1'e'1'edeC'llatcdleditu 11:1, 1111d in n 1111e1'1: n; 1110. 1'e1'j.'$ri;a'11:s which munication between the town and country was intercepted the tick, have indeed been turned out into the neighbour- placed the Wow 01 (31e11t-.11111.1.11onthcleads of the » three "" The eople of the Nlanirnufctts Bar, have eref‘tcl .1 Monumui‘L in We 1111-1111111" Abbey to lis131‘dsnlztl'. |