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Show ET/Jc fol/hm" 715* 7'1 (1 DECI ARATION [/17 iZL'RFFREv S1"lNT.-\1' 11717.8 of t/zc UNITJ 1)(.O1ON11.S {f NOR'L 11 MERICA, 120.10 77W [12 (.11'.'.‘"1 RAL CON(317113533 .7; szlm'u.'017. ,f..7..'/7'vg ,107‘117 1.176 Cat/fa: and JVmfiy of 1.12.217,0 $1111.13 F1t was po.."'11 .: 111 ..'11711 \\'1‘.(1C‘{(7‘.C1.C111C11‘P16511'On,10 be‘ieVe thanhe 1317.101? 1.1711117. 70.1111...-.1..L111.e1.11e11L1- L711 11 1" art 01 the 117.11‘.1:.1‘.1:.11L1..7?L.'11r'1'111r.11 31:11'11111te1"10perty in, 3.1111 .111 111111011111101 1"0\7.‘L71‘ (:V‘.71‘ 171117313, marked 1115 (.7111)? (1.7111311 1'11 (7111103111577, and 511111111110112117; his 1111111111: (10:11‘11121'7‘. 111111 1311711111.", 11711117: UhjeC'tS . 7.1 115257.1111').77:‘.11.111111.1,11L‘V‘L7r 13317111111171171311111113, hLmCVer 1111-37 t011et11171 the {0110V7'i17:; 1";1pL717~7,15t0 give the smoL1 Peop1e 01 1211g131111,11t1‘uclde;1 L71" t11L711111cip1Ls 17.1111 [11117.13 011‘111L11‘ Brethren of A111L71‘1L7a, 211111 to confine, by their authentic {OCVL'NC 7.111(1 0:1}11. .111r77 117.17: 11.17 7.11171." 01' 111L717: (1111011103 afght f...1L7.7.5i_ 1;.11111 1‘."1.117. the 1'11:'s'7:7.71717;. .‘ 171(11‘17111 1.1.7:- 1)ee111111t11711, the (211111111117: 0." their 13110111103, them 1.17:5 been 5711117.?eL1 t0 111.1t I: who not L<>11te11t with attributinv t0t11e1111‘v'10- tives, wh771L1'1 th ..7v 1101 :011111 111113141111 but abhor, have the .15 11101117L71‘V' 111.0 to brand them with 1?.pithcts,1V111L711 would much better chamflcri-Ie their AL‘L‘7L11:1'13. for 0111‘ Great C1L7.7.t1,7., 1'1‘1117L7'1111L7S tain 1'011:1:7 1'..lL1L11r, 11117.?1'1'17 DiC'tates 01110111111017. Seuf'e, refleét 110011 the {73111.71-L7f1, . .7'.111h771‘11‘_V7 over :.7 7 .7 . Reverence ‘ L‘ .. .7: ( 1.711 7.111117, 7.7.1111 the 111 117.0173 who .11 \"85 111111111th to promote 1110 "17111112 (11‘ 17111111517110, .1‘.L‘1 01117711t to be 1111n1i11111c17e11 1111‘ the Mtninment cf"..11 at End. The 1e- g1fl71t111‘e of Great 131110111, hOVV'LV‘e1‘ 1.171111111th by an in‘ (11111121te PAC-.017. 1‘01‘ 11 PL71V7L1‘110t 017.1771.1211111110111110, but Thefe (11'1117L7]/\111er1ea11 Congrefs‘. 111L111; 1'0 1711111111, 1117.11 1. (elves, 111111 to 1111.33.1171 1.) VVOU1L11X3‘ L1..- V7.11'1L‘1 they.Lnow to he 17eC7L111111V' 1117101111141 by the very C1711..1:111‘1.1111:t' that I‘.111:).‘.L11‘.1, ..11L1 11:1]1e1‘11tc 01' fuccefs 111 am 1.17111: 01‘ Contei't, attemhta. to (71' L1*'..e'11‘ ..C'11L1 RL111': \V‘here 111793.111 117.0111L111L7 had 10 117L1th,1..17‘:7., 7.1‘ "11711.,1.1V‘L7 111111117111, 11e1e1‘:1111771110117, 1C1 211111 i1111>01tic 1"LHPO1'C 0. €11.11MD7 1111.71"; ('17-..‘ :1'133‘171/"117101L7111e, 111111 have themhy A15711111L711t 117.7.77‘ 7.771;.111, C'f!‘.‘.'1HCLLI . . Rci1eL-L1011 L7 2.11 17.7.t 1770.1111717 in his51111.1 17.11 entire 1117171.: "1.37. 01111.7 1:17.11L1117L‘t 01"111: .L7 110771 bubjef'ts ..1 1'711‘1‘11.i'1.7£1-~7- 911111.7(7'1‘5 :19 111117," '3: 11711181L7L1 1t 11eLL71.'.11 V 101 17.3117 L7117117‘LV7'1111their l1111Apper11, {10111147311111 t011111111w-1',Lt 1‘.0‘7.L\"""€1‘111111113311[11311511123111- 17.111.717.11: 1117.147 for unlimited #1111171 7 111111 the. Oninhm (11" . . and 111' 7.7.11(3L7111111L71{L-~v0111.2.71 017.1L177‘ 3113111511111, VVL‘ L1".7117. 1n1111b1t111.'..; 01 1111.; V‘7.'1L1L‘ L;.tL17.1‘..L1 1..1011‘s. 11L71pcet 1:) t17L7 1"::77:"t 1 ‘ 1111.107 171'11‘111‘ C;;11i'.7. VV7'1111tevxr dues, the 3.":7 than a 107.7; of ,- ‘ (Eur 17'.>1‘L1".111‘. .7 1115711111, 1e1t"7L " 7.7.LL7 71.11 1...77 11179.79 1111111111 12y ( .7.: \'.'1111.1, t.) 17.11111L71'\XM)\\11['1]C '111111' '1t211ts 01 .113. 1$1.111}, 01Cre1‘1t 7.;- . {1.111771111L71'L7‘L'110res :1 1.11:; 1 ...71'. 7:17., 1111111317};- 1>L7117Lr7 1.71' 111.17; . .. 7:77 171...:..1.1 .11111L711 1"01‘11111es, withLmt the 17,711.. e117 ‘7 7") the CL.‘L‘.1‘.‘.‘ry.10117. V\'1‘.1C1‘.t]1':jf 1"L711111V'LL1,1)\7 7:111:13. .1 1 21110171, {.1111 3.1 ‘:.111L‘01‘.1}L.L7172 11'": Epint, they L7117L;‘17LL1 111;..611ts in 111.. 11111117111111! 1n- hefhhahle |