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Show I I4 ] [ 15 ] ‘We know the Forceofyour arms, and was it called forth in the Caufe 01 Iufiice and your Country, we might dread the Exertion. But will Pritons fight under theVBanners of Tymnny P Will they coun L1151' the Labours and d11grace the \ 181011s 01 their A111e110rsP W111 they force 1-1111ns 101 1heir 1'011e1‘ityPI1 t11c1' delcend to this unwor- 1111p. When Hofiihties were commenced, when on alate Ocealion, we were 11'21.110111j attacked by your Troops, tho' we repelled their 1121ults, and returned their Blows, yet we lamented the Wbtrnds they obliged us to give, nor have we yet learned to rejoice at 3‘11'1e10r" overEnglii'hmeu. 1l1y '1111‘11, will their Swotds retain their edge, their Arms As we wilh not to colour our Actions or d'fotuile our their :1e111110n‘1ed Vigour P-Britons can never become the Thoughts, we fizall, 111 the 11111 ple Lnnguacre 01 Truth, 111111‘11111cntsol‘.()ppreflion, till they lole the Spirit ofFree- 3101': the Niea‘fures we have 1111111L1811,1118 Motives upon 1'111ch we 'nave ae‘red, and our futu 6 1313111115 V\ hen our 1:re I'etition to thet T1111:‘ne produced no 0' 110111, by which alone they are invincible. ()ur Enemies charge us with Sedition : In what does it 01111111. P In our Re 1111111 to {ubinit to unwnrrantable Ac‘ts (1 Iniufiicc and Cruelty? 11 10, fl1ew us :11'e110d1n 1our 111110ry , in wh ichyou have not been equally 1L111110usP the: 12117.61 than 1re1h Injuries, and Votesof your Legiflnture, .zilctdated 10111111111 every Severity ; when your Fleets and your Armies were prepared to wrelt from us our Pro- V1e are :‘1C1u1e11 01 :11 minr-r at Independence,' but how 1e1‘t'1',to rob us of our Liberties or our Lives; when the is 1111' Ace. 1111111011 fupporLt‘dP Bytthe Al 1e0‘ations 01V your hfiuidem, not by 0111'1'16110119.-Abu1ed, inlulted and c011- li1‘111Vle attempts 01Gene1al Gauge evinced his Defigns we 1evied Armies 101‘ our Security and Defence; when the Powers vef‘red1n the Governor of Canada, gave usRe111'011 to apprehend Danger from that (Carter, and we had temned, wh at Steps have we purfued to obtain Redrefs.P We have carried our 1111111111 Petitions to the Throne--, we hm. applied to y our Judice 101‘ Relief; we have ret1enched ireouent Intimations that a cruel and lavage Enemy was to be let loole upon the defencelcfs Inh:1bitants 01 our ourl..uxur',1 and11'1Ll1hleou1Trade. The Advantages 01 our Commerce were defigned :15 a 1' ronriL rs 1'e took fuch Meaturessns Prudence diLt-ated, Compcntittion 1111‘ your I'rotefiion: when you cealed to 11s NecetT11" 11".ll 1111111y.\Ve poii‘eflbd our1elves 01‘Cr0wn Point and 'I ieonderoga. Yetgive us leave molt 101lemnly rotcet, 101‘ what were we to compenl‘ate .P \Vhat has been the Succelns of our Endeavours P The Clemency 01~ our Sovereign is unhappily diverted; our Petitions are treated with lndignity -, our Prayers unfwered by Infults Our Application to you remains unnoticed, and leaves us the incllancholly Appi‘ehenlion 01 your wanting either the Will, ortthe Power, to affil‘t us. Even under thefe Circu11111anees, what Meafures have We taken tnat betray a Defirco1 Inilependenee .P Ha' e we called111 1111: aid 01 th01Ve Foreitrn I0.1'eis, who are theLi« vals 01 your G11:1111am P When 10u1 hoops we re 1ewa1111 deIencelels, did wetnke Advantage 01V 111cu Di 111e1s and ex~ pel them 0111 TownsP 01‘ ha1e \L‘ pct11titted them to for- to aiinre 1011,111L1t we have not yet 101C fight of the Ohjee‘t we have ever hadin View ; :1 Reconciliation with you 011 c011111itutional Principles, and :1 Refl‘oration 01 that ftiendly Intercourfe, which, to the Advantage 01 both, 11c till late ly maintained. I he Inhabitants 01 11115 Country apply themfelvcs chiefly to Agriculture and Commerce. As their lafhions and. Manneis are {imilar to yours, your Markets mul't aflord them the Conveniencies :tnd Luxu1ies for which they ex~ change the Produce of their Labour's. The ""ealth of this e\tended Continent centers with you, and our Trade 18 10 regulated, :13 to be itibfeivient 0111 y to your Intere11. Y on aretoo reafonable to expectLthat by Taxes (in Add11- 111 to 1ecei1‘e tie .v Aid , and to acquire..11111tionalStmngth? Let not 1011r Lntniies and outs pe11L.11de 1011, thatin this we were inllucncetl by 1ear, or :1111 01‘hc1 unworthy Ivlotive. 11:1: Lives 01 131110115 are ‘Lill dear to us. They are the Children 01V our 1":rents; an uninterrupted Inter~ courte otV mutual Benefits had knit the Bonds 01V171‘iend1111p tion to this) we 111011111 contribute to your l‘ixpence, to believe attei diverting the Founta111, that the Streams can 110w with unabated home. It has been {3111,11131 we refufe to 111hmit to the Refiric{ions on our Commerce. From whence is this Inference drawn? |