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Show l 15 ] E I7- .1 drawn P Not from our Words ; we have repeatedly de~ Ifthis Propofiil is really fuch as you {hould ofi‘er and elated the contrary ; and we again profefs our Subrniflion We accept, why was it delayed till the Nation was put to ulelelis lTXim‘I‘A‘C, and we were reduced to our prelbnt me- lancholy Sitmtimi? if it holds forth nothing, why was it propoted l Unlels indeed to deceire you into a llelief that we were unwilling to lilicn to any Trims o5" i‘aet ommodn- to the fev-eral Acts of Trade and Navigation palled before the Year 1763, trulling neverthelels in the Equity and Juflice of Parliament, that fuch of them as, upon cool and impartial Confideration, {hall appear to have impol‘ed unnecetfary 0r grievous Refirifiions, will, at fome happier Period, be repealed or altered: and we chearfully content to the Operation ot‘fuch Acts of the Britilh Parliament as fhall be refi'rained to the Regulation of our external Conimerce, for the Purpole of fecuring the commercial Advan- tages of the whole Empire to the Mother-Country, and the commercial Benefits of its refpeé‘rive Members, excluding every Idea of Taxation, internal or external, for rail- tion. But what is firbmitted to our Conlidergrtion F \Vc contend for the Ditpolhl of our Property; we are told, that our Demand is unrealitnahle; that our Allemblies may indeed collect our Iii/zone}; but that they mull at the fame Time offer, not what your lixigencics or ours may require, but To much as flrall be deemed litflicient to liitist‘y the Delires ot'a Miniller, and enable him to provide for It is alledged that we contribute nothing to the common Favourites and Dependants (a Recurrence to your own Trealury will convince you how little of the I‘vloney Ill: ready extorred from us has been applied to the Relief of your Burthens.) To liippole that w * woul l thus gratpthe Defence ; to this we anfwer, That the Advantages which bhadowandgiveuptheSubfianeejsaddinglniulttolznnries. Great Britain receives from. the Monopoly of our Trade, VVe have, nex‘erthelelé, again prefent *d an humble and dutiful Petition to our Sovereign; and to remove every inga revenue on the fubjcfi's in America without their Content. far exceeds our Proportion of the Expence necefTary for that Purpofe. But lhould thel‘e Advantages be inadequate thereto, let the Reftriftion on the Trade be removed, and we will chearfully contribute lv'uch Proportion when confiitutionally required. Irnputation or Obiiinacy, have requefted his Majei'iy to direct fome h/Iode by which the united Applications of his faithful Colonills may be improved into :1 happy and permanent Reconciliation. "'e are willing to treat on lueh It is a fundamental Principle ofthe Britilh Confiitution, terms as can alone render an Accommodation lafiing; and that every Man fliould have at leal‘t a Reprefentative Share in the Formation of thole Laws by which he is bound: Were it otherwite, the Regulation of our internal Police by a Britilh Parliament, who are, and ever will be, unacquaintcd with our local Circumttances, mul‘t be always inconvenient,and frequently oppreffive, working out W'rong without yielding any poHible advantage to you. A Plan ofAccommodation (as it has been ablurdly called 9 has been propofed by your Minillers to our rel‘peé‘tire At? femblies. Were this I'i-Opofal tree from every other Objeftion but that which ariles from the Time ofthe Ofiier, it would not be unexeeptionable. Can Men deliberate with the Bayonet at the Bread ? Can they treat with Free- dom while their Towns are tacked ; when daily Infianees we flatter ()tit'leli'es, that our pacific lindeavours will be attended with a Removal of the 'l‘roops; a Repeal of tholi: Laws, of the Operation ofn‘hich we complain on the one Part, and a Ditlblution of our Army and com- mercial Allocia ion on the other. Yet conclude not from this that we propote to {intruder our Property into the Hands of your l‘v/linillry, or velt your Parliament with :1 1flower which may teririinate in our Deliruetion. The great Huh arlts or our Con‘dimv tion we have denied to maintain by every temperate, by of Injufiice and Opprefi‘ion dillurb the flower Operations every peaceable l‘leans; but your Minillcrs, equal Foes to Britilh and J‘nneriesn Freedom, have added to their former Olvyii‘eTr":is an Attempt to reduce us by the Sword to a bait: and ahiec‘; Subinillitin. 0n the Sword therefore we are compelled to rely for Pl't'WCCllllll, though thould of Realm: ? Viétory declare it! your favour, )et Men trained up to If C Arms |