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Show 1:81 [Io / Arms fiom tneir 1'1: ' 1111'"‘7 1.111l 1'111'111 :1tec‘. hj' the Love of l1‘.:'"11111, will .t' 'l l ll‘i‘l‘. A '.'. 1'1'1.1 (11' e-{-1' Conqueft. (71" 13131. 111' 11.31117 1.1'1: '1 :1 {'111'21‘1 111.1‘ 0',11 SHUWU1: will hr; g§l<)1":t,;11'i, our E's-1'. (711113311, l.1 1'1: 111 1'. in l7e'111'l1111"l1 limi ‘.'11111 ,l'"1'<'.'t1lo:.1 '.'.‘i'ri:h 'in line 1'1'1111'1'11il.1itl us to 0111111: Let '11'. 1111.1' 1 1' ‘11}: A1111.1.1.131; ; (1.1-1.1 1'11 attend (1111' l‘. m (l11t‘.1,1';1‘.1 1‘ 'I'l1'."J'.1';".L‘.et'1.‘ 11r11111'1l1111l 11111111111e(3111111111111 nl'11111'11ineonli1'21'1'::1‘,"1e; its l111‘1n111' t1i'11i1151'; the l"\;11L111 to redeem you from Ruin .----;1 Clou‘1 hangs over SCH? Heads and ours; ere this reaches )‘or1,'it 11'. 111' 1 1'0‘tably havel111r‘...up11nus', le t11stir-111 (11113. 11.e theRcw"" '11'1'1‘1‘C of former Ixintluel's'1s 11‘ ircz'ntes'.) one: 2:11.1'31'311e1;t thol‘: 1‘11‘1hell11tio1r1:C 11 1111:11 1111'. ever 1<'2"'tt"1'u" in 1113'T":1'3.l,,et ‘1 115 enrreat \Cllt)11\":3‘1‘[(,‘tlf 1111.111, :11111'111': 17.2'111'11'11‘1011 that tlireare1i:our l riends. 131thren 11ml Counuymen on the other Side ottthe Atlantic. 111'3'311l1i1‘11'1i1111 mil 1'. '1'1i11 11': it in111l111‘ti11nC1‘1t'.1:1:1.1111 in:.\"1111l1le. 131' Order of the Congrels, JOHN HANCOCL, 'Prefident. \‘17l111ttl1irn 1'e11'111insl1111:tl1e (111‘11ilie111'11111 111 :111 ill-i111'11'191l Pride, or the Hope of tendering us {uh- Attelled‘11y 1111'11'111(11]71'1'1'1'1111(111101.11 1 1b! rt1. CIIARLLS THOMSON, Secretan. S11l1lie1s who he1'1e fly. 11‘1C1‘. their owords1n the Bonds oftlheir Ameri:an l:retl:11:11. will notdrawthem with more Reluelvnt'e 11°".1i11{l'.'o'.1. thentoolate 11111111111 lamei tl11'l.ofs of tl1.1: Fr,eetlom 11l1i1:h we exl1o1t you, while: hill111 your l‘1111.1t11111efe11e.-~--On t11e o1hc1 Hand, 1"1111ull 1.111 provei1111'111ceelsf'nl,' l'hould t'l111t Conn-eel i011 "him 111' m:‘l :11'1'11111l'u'ill1 1,0 111:1i1.t11in ‘.‘.e dillolved' 1'2111'1.l.l 1'1'1111' qunillers exhaull' your Trcalures;1val‘ e the lil1'111‘1 111' 1'1111'1' Countryinen in vain ."111C11111ts on out Li- Pf'z'x'zzzz'e/flbin, filly0,17,51 0500106423ClioCi‘wioofli"Cfefieioofivfiook‘wkflmiofiwk01h0§00§00§0C§CO§0 The following15 a true Cop" of the Petition f1om the Grum.11 Congrels in America to his M31elt1', 1'hich we (:elivered to Lord Dartmouth the hull ofthis lVlonth, and to which, his Lordl‘liilp li1i1l no A11l.1er would he gn111. Sept. .1, 17 7 . 111131111111) PENN, 11111211 1111 LEE. lte111', 111) the} not deliver 1'1'1'11 weal; 111111 (lefeneelell' to your natural linerule 5? -=--- Si111:3 then your Lihem, 1111'1f‘lne 1h e 1‘1i1'eol'1'our V ihories 3 your Ruin (1t \‘r1url7ele111, 11'11l1t' l1'.i111l .1 1t.1l111 can urge1'01 to :1 Put- init 1lell'1uftivc r11 11llt1h.1t Britons hold dc1r‘ If 111111 l1'1\1:' 1.111 l1‘. ('1'?1'11 to the Con11eét'11'1utl1r1t 1133,1111" 1". gm li1l1lille1‘111'1'11'01'1 11:; it'you l1'11vel'111'91'1ttl1e Wounds 111 1'111'31'1'1 1'i21'l'1t".11.g l1_1 yourSirlc 1111 the ‘.‘)xtention of'the $11111": TC; '11 (1'11"l (71'1'1'111e1'ce is 1111 Ulvjett 11elow your Con- 511 C11. 11111 'if 111i;e 11ml l'iuinnnity have loll their l11~ 1111': me 111.1 1'o1.'1"H"11.1".s:. fiill Motives are not wanting 11,1 excite '1'o'111 Indignution 11: the 'leal'urcs now purl'ued ; .11111'V1'e'1'11lt‘11,1'11111' l"":'11:1r11r,\our l.il>e11}.' 1111'. 11t1‘111ke. ' Notuithilantlingt he Iitlrms 111 1'hich 11e111'e reduced, ' e fometimes forget our 1.11111 Allli'étions t111111111111te anrl lynumthiz'ein yours. "117110" th at r11 lli and inco11fi1ler111:. Councils fltould precipitate the ,l7e'111‘1115tion of 1111 l'L11111ire, which has been the 7".111'1'111'. d ".tln‘iiration of Ages; and 011": God to \1'i1,111'l's; 1h... we 1101111111111't with our Property, L11... 11ger our Liret. £11111 ihcrinee erery thing, but Liberty, 10 To the KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. .‘ 1119/} grader/5 ‘Soi'ei'rign, ‘7'. vourl1‘1'1‘11iel‘t1"s lztithful Subjeu. s ol- the Colonies VEof New Hampfhire, 7111111el1urttts Buy, l'h01.e lll'11111l :111111‘10111lenee Pll'.'1ntalione1, Connecticut, New York, New JCllCY, l'ennfl 112111111, the Counties of New- C,al'tle Kent and Sull'ex' 011 Delaware, B'Iar'3l11nd,V1rgini11, NOlCl! C 2 A C0111: 01 llis P1'1it:1n"'21<fe11th} Ri ".1, the 1 \ '.'":r 1'1) tl11 ' ‘7 rl of 77:1.1"'.1111nth, V1 '11 that . .tlvmen ' '.'l‘. ' ‘ '_1'.ltx77,'. ' ‘1 ': ‘ ' "1.. 111'3111.1'11.111 with 1'111- t, ., .11l, that ' \l1'1111‘1'1.1. F111 "'1 1' ‘ ' Q r -; .. 1‘1;1'\'1'1e."m1(";1'€‘ 1(f‘t(!1ti l.:'LOtd- :.'.,\'.'1',C11.1111111..-1l11,1 :1.1.C1(111l and gave an A 1'l'wcr to tle 311:: namintcd in the |