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Show [ 6 J _ t 7 J dreliIed our I'Iel lowSul‘jeé‘ts of Great Britain. W'c have purliicd eve'1y tempeiate, every relpectlul Meafuie; we 11:1.'e exen 111c11e Lied to break oil 0111 Commercial Intercoufie with 0111‘ Fellow-Subjcé‘ts, as the lult peaceable vour. Adinogiition, that our Attachment to no Nation upon Live, and thus to e\to:‘t from 119 :11: the Point of the Bayonet, the unknon' 1 Surns tlziir thould be tIu‘hL'icnt to gratify, ifpoflible m rri'ztttfy, Minil‘tetinl l'11'1'1c11y; with the mifirrable Indnlycnce 1th to us oti 16* in our own I‘Ifit‘l'll lhould {implant our Atmchmcnt to Liberty. 'E‘hi9 \1'1' lhtttercd talii‘iI'L'lvu, would be the ultimate Step of the C 011t1'1'11111111': lint liibtequent Events have thewn, how vain 111115 the Hope of finding l‘vlodertition in our Enemies. Sevez'ul thrmtcning 111:1'11‘L1'Iti11113 agnintl' the Colonies were iniIe.ted in his lviin-L-i'tv's Speech. C‘ur l'Ltition, though we were twd it 11:19".1. deL'Lut one, that his .Ma- jjtiy had been 1101331 U) lCCive it 1:11'ci011'1'l", and to «1111» lining it 1.211111: his i':11‘ii:1:1.:11t, 11'-.19 huddled (1 ho h l-louiiss arnongfl‘ a Band: of American P11- Parliament adapted an infidious Manoeuvre, cats culuted to divide us, to eittiblifh a perpetual 111115111111 of Taxations, where Colony fhou‘1d bid :1111i11tt 0111111,. all of them uninformed what Rnnlom 'l'1 uld redeem ti:1'1‘ IMod e the pretciibed1 Tiibute. V.het III611115 more rigid and 1111111111 iting c0111:lehav en di :1:.tL‘d bv remorfelets VlLOCOI‘S to conquered Enemies P In our Circumfinnces, to accept them would be to defervc them. Soon after the Intelligence ot thelIeProceeding arriv- ed on this Continent, General G'iee, vho in the courte of the lat't Year had taken P1107.than of the Town of Bolton, in the Province of Mull:iehulLtt's Bay, :111d {till and there neglefted. The iords and (301111110113, 1e19, in tl1LI.loi'.th ot'Ii"L"111'11'11.1‘\', lILilLl, that ‘ a Rebellion '11 th inn: zicl'tizdh exitclduithin the Province of h:ll..1.1i L'tts- B91 ; 31‘. d that th:1‘1c concerned in it, hzul be'L-11Cou.1.'11'.131'.1'e1l'1 1d Encout‘aAgeed by 1111- occupied it as a Gairifon, on the 19th D.1voti\111'il fent out from that Place a large Dtachment 01111; Army, 1:11111111 C11111bi11'.1tio'.919:111dII 11 19".151c1'11cn. s,e11t11c l into by l1i9 Mandi.) 9‘ Sub}L'Lts in tch1'11l ot1.'.L01herCol1:nie.9; :‘111d 11111111119111 th= belt '11:;‘1'11 his h‘9ii fly that he \vould take the molt ciitftunl hl'LutI'tnes to enf‘oite due Gbcd:t'nL'L' to the £111.19; and Authorizy of the Supreme Legiflav fome of 11 110111 were Oliice'. s 111111 Soldus of that Detzith- tine." Soon utter the corn illCl'CiL‘l 11111111011119 of whole who made an unprovoked AllI'.1ult 0n the In habitnnts of the {aid Province, at the it: .vn of Iexing;,ton :19 2111,- pears by the Alnd11119 of :1 gre:t D‘umbti of Port 111.", ment, murdered eight of the tnhunitnnts, and 11'111‘1111'z~ ed many others. From thence 1':J'I‘i‘: 1'99 proceeded in varlike Army to the 10"1'111 ol .n:o‘1r‘., Wheretthey 1'19: upon anothei Patti (11" the Inlt;1111.111. at the {lime P109 Vince, killing levei'nl 11nd 111111;:111‘1'11119; 1:11:13, untill c0211- Coltmlt‘f, \'.'i:h 1191L I "11 Countries and with c:.ch other, pelled to retreat b. the Cttintiveop‘ie 17.:tlzl'111‘1y .ti'lILm- 1.19 <11t oi:Ib\ an Act otI Patti11113111‘; by another, fever-.11 01 them 11:1: in I":l1.' 1110111bittd {111111 the l'IitlteaiLs in 1 their C-.1.'1.;It.9, on 191111.11 they 19 l .9 de- bled to tepel this c111l " commenced by tne Brititn ' 1'11' 113'. :‘1 '1 («id 2111' 1‘~1'11'1ta'11.‘."-.11113.11S I . 21- J.' 1CL‘1i L)".Lt to CL- .I'I; 1'1'1111‘1'1L'1'f5 :‘111i film iiileti 1111311 1-' 1'11 to 121'1.‘Lti'11TL1'l 11111.11 ‘1, of hu- reinon. fecuted bytthem nith111: tion. 'l'he 'tlll'd‘) that Donn l;1'1 thI' in order to 1111.1.1‘11L 1i.1::1‘ with him, it we: {‘3' having denotitcd t‘irt‘r 1111.19 \vi‘h 1.1. lhould th1ve Liberty to 1111.111, I. other Iitiefzs. '3.Ln :1e1.,.;d111;"1" Arms; but in open of the Obligation 0? 'Z' '. lions cfieetn tiered, the I putite. 11.: aforctlfid, 1119‘: Ho:1l1ties thus |