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Show (47) ( 40' l afitcrifice. iaws in private But Idclire to explain, that it is not The ways of Providence, and the courl'e of futurity areunfearchable; bur Were any man to the piety of a bigot on his knees, or the prayers even prelume to divxnc, how jizllice and injul lzice, and the of a devout Prince, general morality of the univerfe, may pollibly, in the prefent cafe operate, it would perhaps be ; that Right will llrongly unite, cement and combine, by a mut ual that will {lay or turn the general conrfe and order or the world. Had that been the cafe, our Henry the hath, would not have fallen‘in a prilon, by the hand of an allailiu, nor Charles the hill lullered on a fcal'fold, by the ax of the exccutioner, nor james the {econ-d have led the latter part of his life in banilhnicnt. Thefe were all remarkably both devout and unfortunate Princes. it don't at prefent enter into the conlideration of what reward perfonal piety will meet with in another place; but it is the public good, a love and regard for that, and attention to it, acon~ fiatttreftiltition never to rake, direétly, or indireclly, by the means either of force, or of corruption, the property of the lnbjcét at will, and at pleaftire, but to employ the prerogative-s and the powers entrnlted by the people, only for be: welfare and bappinefs ; which are the true trial and t uchllone of the conduét of Princes and Miniiters, as fneh. Thefe naturally produce alibc'rion, lovalty, fidelity, attachment, and nflbcration and afliflance, thofe, who {hall a8. under its banners; while \Vrong, {hall naturally, and on the contrary, confetti-d and weaken with difunion , dif- fentionand :lil'turbances among themlelres, thofe, by whom it {hall have been unhappily adopted. Theft}, are, on each tide, the fuitable, and as it were, the ne- ceflary conlequences of their own choice ; but there appear fome untoward and threatening figns, that the Hand of Heaven, will, on the occalion, be heavy and; ferere, when, woe, to the party, which {hall abide it? If any thing can, in this cafe enhanee the importance of the great flake, which We are about to renture, it mull be a comparifon ofthe very little profit, that we are going to contend for. The Americans are willing and confcnting to give its all they l we, provided that we will accept it with our right hand, but we are oblliinate to rill; every thing both 'of their: "I .A litpport. But fhonld any man, or number of men, be rcgardlefa of the good or condition of others, trample on their rights, lay unini't hands on their properties, treatt'nem rarhe' like the beads of the fields than as their fellows and equals, [hould they flipper: themfelres herein with the {ta/0rd, and a fnperiority of power; the great Author of mankind, and of their tt'ell‘are and happinels, has it; linked and chained together carries and efecls, that thcle things will certainly ‘ and of our own, rather than not to title it with our left. ()ur t hole obieé‘r is on this occalion, than the diil‘crence l‘tht‘en thol , Our Americans have now no gold or hirer, _ all to the tnothercmmtry. It would eonally d) :1», did they receive as much again. They item none For their own currency; they ufe themlhlres. paper for that, and, fend usall the other. One would be amazed turn to the detriment a rd difitdvantage or them and to think, what men, theirs who do them; fometitnes by a {ilent and hardly Cannot we be contented with all, and do we iniiit on having more than all 3 But it will be {aid we want to tax them. 1 ad: Why or adr ,iniliration can de"i.:‘e.. obfervable courfe of things, and fornetimes with long forbearance and at a great dillance; but fometimes lilrcwil'e at the moment, and upon the occal'ion, with direct and immediate refinance, and a common confufion, wherein the authors of the mifchief are them- ting their money. lrepeat again, we have it already lint lays a ways and mean: man ; we mnli‘ hare it it"? i‘l‘ltes involved, and wherein they often fall a prey and the a It until he. anl‘wered, becanl‘e we are bent upon get- |