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Show is?!) If '59 "i thrill not pretend to defcrihe it. England, has, per bewanting in that refpeét, whenever there lhail be. haps, from that llland, reaped more real benefit, than an inclination to demand them. 1 don't moreover mean to fignity, that any Opening of the commerce of Spain ever did from Nlrxico, or l'eru. Spain, gains, indeed, from tliofe polltfiions great riches, of lilver and gold; but {he has dearly purchal‘ed them, at the price of hit inhabitants and people at home. ‘Whereas Ireland allhrds us in many ways, a very advantageous allillance and liipport of men, while we receive from her at the iame time, a coiillant moil rich influx and {upply of money. \Ve now lo depend on tliele things, and can it) ill do without tllt‘m, and are by thefe means f0 united with our tiller llland, that {hould {he on any account unhappily linlt, the cannot butliltea'mill-tlone, l‘allened about our necks, carry its down along with her. Should her condition grow .li‘eland, and America, l‘€C()lIli‘rl<"llilC(l within the com- pafs of thcle lheets, will. or lllhll, be adequate to all the demands or our pFCli‘lil fittiation. 'l‘liat will in all appearance require a new and ttniverlal arrangement of our taxes and commerce, wherein GreatBritaii‘t herlelf mutt hear a molt material part. No man can lay, that all the money in lturope, is equal to our national debt, nor can therefore any provinon he follicl- .cent, but what may produce cllefls anl‘werable to .ilucli a very great neceflity. Some plan feems to he demanded, which may bring into Great Britain a good part of all the gold and filver now current in the world. worfe, who knows but it may turn to rage and delpair, Nothing leis. will perhaps, do our bulinels. and either have an ell‘eét on her liepilltiture, or that pracflicahility of this, cannothnt appear a doubtful problem. ‘Were all flares whatfoevei formed on a con: ititurion the int 3‘ advantageous for commerce, whereol theinaiority tliei'eol',~niay he hardly able to manage and govern their own llate. lam unwilling to point out fuch pclliliilities; but it will not he lot-g health and Wealth in England, lhonld any irretrievahle mill chiefhappen in Ireland, A moderate remedy, might, however, now be timely, for-\i'l‘iat may in l‘utuiity be beyond redi'eis. A- greater liberty and latitude of trade is the pro-per allillaiice in the cafe. It is what Ireland itfelf wilhesanddt'lires. It will at the fame time be of more benefit to us than to them. France is heating us outof thetrades of 'l‘tirltey, of Spain, and even of Portugal. Let but loole the lirilh, and The each is capable, it is evident, that they would then fliare among them thole two precious metals, in lo near a proportion, that no one could therein have: over the rell any very great luperiority. But this is exceedingly wide of the cafe. l\o one llate is lo confiituted; but onthe contrary, alinoll. all governments Whatever are Framed and, aét on principles d'ref'tly op.pofite thereto. [his gives a very greatopportunity lot extreme difference and dilproportion in that reipeft. it is perhaps, on the availing‘ourlelves thereof, that depends the future welfare of our country, and the they will do as much for them, and like-wife for fome others. It is Great Britain, which withholds the hand fttfety, the liability, and the very lublillenze of our of Ireland, and not the nature of things, that eonfines flute: The Dutch are a {mall people, or at lcallt have it. but a very confined territory, and that defended Vi'itn Let us but content, and they will {oon llretch out tlieirright hand, into many a market in the world, difficulty from the lea. where it now never appears, and having done lb, they donea great deal, in the way which we are {peaking of. They are certainly therein at the head oi all mill!" kind. However, it is evident, and might be eaiily pointed out, that they are yet far ihort of perfection. Will iirimcdiately pay to us, with their left, the money gainedthere, as lurely, as that we are born Englilh- their. ldon't point out particulars 5 lights will not he. .. They have, nevei‘tnelels, "t 10957;": |