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Show (2‘) is) i fay it with fitbmiflinn, but the power or the Pain liament is the right of the public. Ibo-particular members of that molt refpeftable body are in the fia- tutes enaéted by them no more per‘fonally tnterefied, than the ref't of'their countrymen. '1 hefe pals through 'l‘ikewife returned {even times fironger, than it was bee fore. Other broils and contefls may, and man y no doubt will arife from this caufe, {hou it proceed; but this is the origin, the fpriug and theldfour ce. The. lhey right itfelfof this meafure is in queltion, as Well as the expediency of it; I will therefore prefum e to fay fomething to that propofition. are indeed our trullees and guardians in that high oflice, but they will, on that account be the more inclined, that every Rep taken or to be taken by them ihould be rica are ,fuppofed to confilt of about two millions of perfons their hands, but being fo palied, they are thetnlelves bound to obey them in common With others. fully and carefully examined, like all Other honed men, earned for the interePt of there, Whole concerns are committed to their care. A confideration of the meafures now propofed may iikewife pofiibly lead to fome nice and delicate conjectures or circuml‘tances, whether of the prefent time or of that to come; But it need not be (aid, that the Writer only findsthe one, and guefles at the other ; they depend on an author much higher than Princes pr their The inhabitants of our colonies in Nor th Ame ; they occupy and poffefs a very extenfive territory, much larger than Great Britain; they are not themfelves the original people of the coun try, but they now {landin their place; and they havein general been born and bred there, howeverthey rece ive likewife yearly from other places many, who miss themfelves with them; they have divided themfelves into feveral diff erent governments; they have accordin g to rules or laws agreed upon among them allo certain tted every man his own; they have felled the fore fis ; they have cleared and tilled the land, they hav e planted it, thofe to have molt edeiitial effects in the producmg they have {own it, they have floc ked .it with cattle; them. What can thenbe a more fit means to induce they have built themfelves houfes; they have entered a due reflection on our proceedings and to infure from into exchange and commerce; they have fpared and faved them a defireable fuccefs, than to lay before the public _ for a future day or for their fami lies ; they have by or the governors of it, fome polisble confequences of many and various means acquired many and various their conduct .9 forts of property ; they are by nature entitled to welWe have not far to feel: for the cauf'e of the prefent fare and happinefs, and to feel; and purfue thofe blef~ lituation of things between the mother-country and fings, by all the methods not atte nded with fraud or our colonies of North America ; of the oppofition and violence towards others, which they {hall conceive and diliurbances on the one hand, and of the violentlaw‘s, believe the molt probable to proc ure or enfure them ,; motions and preparations on the other; Thefe all un- they have for that end a right to fre edom in their go~ doubtedly proceed from our having taxed thole colo- .‘rernments and to {ecurity in their perf ons and propernies without their confent. Affeétion and union ob- ties ; none are warranted to deprive or difpollefs them tained between us before ; there fucceeded inl'tead--~ of thefe things; fhould on the cont rary one man or animofity and oppofitiou, as foon as that was attempted; a body of men advance any claim, which tended to en- however peace and fatisfaétion were on our ftaymg Stave all the perfons or to unfettle all the property of our hands again reltored. We are now once more this great community, to divel‘t the m of every thing, which they come back to the minii‘ters, but who is pleafed to- fufter the actions. of charge, and the fpirit of difcoridl {amiss KC ' A poflefs and to leave them nething, which. tn-, I ' "I |