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Show t: .62 ) ( 6': i is not longer than three and thirty years ago, that it 'as etherii‘ile with US. But who can lay whether the of his countrymen in that part of the world; but as fame flame, the fame {acted flame, may not at this time burn brightly and llrongly in America, which one, who has no other views or intercll, except in the eommmi good of his colony, or continent. Let then once {how'd forth inch wonders in Greece and in Home. any {och man candidly and fairly ask himlelf in his and from iahofe allies it llill .c-ttglightens :1 great part of mankind, I mean, 'nlll Whonre not [unit in ignorance or barbarizy. They have certainly three excelleit and own brealt, what he lhould in that fitnation, think of" freeioims of'government, and which partake, per- haps, in home degree, of the principles, whereon were Framed the ancient ones of thole eminen; ClthS. rIhcy are themlelves, as yet, a new and nncorrupted people. They carried with them formerly, the lpirit oi liberty from l")ngl;tnd. at the time that It was in its reatell purity and perfection there, nor has it fince degenerated by the clii,3.;_tte. \Vlioever {hall judge of their temper by "that at home, and proceed accordingly, to recommend and advance himfelf here, at the extent? being taxed at \Vellminfier; and let no man on this ocmlion throw at llone, whof: heart does not plainly and roundly zinliver him with its aEent. I may make too free with Mihillers of time; but I would partin culnrly prelé this on tit-ole, whole delires, pallions and~ inCllUJIiOl-ls are followed by et'iEcfits, and who 'hold_,. perlnps, atthismomciit, in their hands, the fate of Great Britain, and of North America. This. I fay, is, a propofition without; fyilogilh; but which, if properly brought home, and enforced by every man, upon himlell', may, perltztps, penetrate, move, and will perhaps in the end he {combed by that flame, {often more than all the arguments and eurnelinefs, which he may find to burn too powerl‘nlly for him, which I have hitherto tried. I would willingly try this experiment of [ran-[pone tion upon a late. [l‘t‘rlliilfllolh wherein fume people's Opinions, item to be afl‘ec'led by locality. Certain let~ ters (fee letters of "3:0 C rner Hutchinlon, 8-5:.) have been publiflted of tin :1D".€l‘lC‘.}l] Governor and Lieutenant Governor; and a third perl‘on, together with reintrlts, and the lpeech of n learned and ingenious gentleman. They are offered as an appeal to the public, ttgnitil} the colony of Mullitchnletts Bay. 'lhefe and of the lLllUl‘C, and of the means to CXEingUilh "which, he has tornily igixzmnt. l have now conlidcrcd he I‘Céillt‘xt‘if, the praé‘ticrtbility and the profit to be expected from our prefent meal‘ures, and hate gone in for as to oller another nieninre initead. I hope, that I have proved my propolitiors to :1 great degree of clettrnels and cero tainty. i don't ltnow what to do more on this lubjeél', nnlcié I liiot id propole lamenting, which might convince end fatisly, without the trouble ol‘rettfon and argninent. 'lthis feems difiic ilt. However i will not delit'iair. Let me be pei'tn‘ttcd to try my hand in that cafe. 1 will recommend, and lo far as becomes me, cannot, therelore, but be themlelyes litewife the ob- ject oFa public conlideration. l have, by the touchlione of locality, 21 mind to examine and quellion, form: of this learned gentleman's rationing. it is now but be- dclire and reqncll, that every one, when he conlitlers of this (object. and elpccitilly before he tries any hard Words, or puller; any linrlh laws, will place himlclf in tt‘y banix‘hed our Ring. America; will imagine nin'ifelfborn, bred, relident, tions ; for that they tended to deprive ms of our belt" and havmg all his concerns and l'ortnne ther‘e. Idon't tween eighty and ninety years, {nice we of this conn- On what ground did we do it ?--It will be anlwered ; that we did not like his ac; tights and properties. ‘hat we did it as Englifltmen, mean in the light of ti (Sorerncr, or of one who lacks on the conititution of England~l¥he was the com- {0 mon |