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Show (42) (43) Flanders, making feventeen provinces, whereof thofe now united, and then rcvolted were only fevcn. How UIIttqutllam'dEClll flrong. known. But yet the battle was not to the The I'tory, and event of their war. are well I am not about to repeat them, How little‘ did in the beginning, the Spaniards, or l'ortuguefe, or even the Dutch thcmfelves, dream that the latter, would, before long, drip and dive-It the former, of the chief, of thefe their {ettlements in the Eafi-Indies, and malte them their own? The", were neverthelefs long cried for vengeance, and which cannot fail to be. one day heard, and at that moment, perhaps as likely as at any other. It is in every one's dilconrfe, that fomething of the fame kind may happen with relpet‘tto our commonloldiery; [will not therefore dwell on that point. But what part might our Ifiands in the ‘Welt Indies take at Inch 21 juncture :' To whom are they the neareft, or on whom do they molt depend for But Inrely we are their lumber, and other necefi‘ary circumftances of their trade ? Would there be in the Rail Indies the fame necefhty of conquell: as the Dutch found ? i‘i‘light more equal conditions, or independence itiell' be no temptation to one or the other, or might it in that day be thought a great {in to change the words Old how difierent things may, in thefe re- England for New 9 There is one point {0 important, Ipec‘ts be between us and the Americans, and how much to the advantage of the latter. We are one f0 critical, thatI hardly know either how to mention, or how to be filent on it. Suppoie that Ireland itfell‘, I mean the proteltant, opulent and ruling part of Ireland, {hould growjealous ; fliotild begin to make coma dili‘erent nations, {poke clitlhr‘ei'it languages, had different enticing, and ‘eiigions, inconlilteiit together, and were themfelvcs, before the end, extremely odious to one another. The Dutch ohtain'd nothing except by force, victory and conqueil'. well aware, nation. with the fame language, the fame manners, and the fame religion. 'l‘heir il‘eainen, their foldiers, their people are ours, and ours theirs. How eafy will be the traiifition, or the change of depend- ence, prettiftion, or government, between one and the other! Our people do already, and at this moment, feel: with them lhelter and refuge from their dometiic poverty and mifery. Should ever thefe our provinces in the events of chance and time, come, to look us in the face with any near equality, Would it then beavery Ilrange thing, if they fliould cattle a general revolt of all, or of almol't all the feamen of the: Iiritilh Empire? The-{e might not look upon tucmlelves as engaging or acting againll their country, but as. cliooiing between two parts of it. They will, at their ‘pleahireidiiiri mm the titles of» unreafonable and Ufljlllli, or" injured and opprelied. The belt terms. and the bell treatincntwill not fail to carry the greater numbers, There is perhaps on the one lide Y I, 7' . parifons between the flare, fitugition and relation of the Americans towards us, and their own want 1 Will pals by this fubjeéi'. However, I l-Cl‘mV to well'the opennefs, the franknefs and genetofity of that DAMON," as to be fully affured, that there are at leai't, none or that country who advife or urge at this time, the pre~ fent meafures, with any difiant or double view, to tow Ward and liaiien the independence of Ireland, and that , not at its own, but at the colt and hazard of America. The human heart can hardly be conceived to conceal fuch mytlleries. But Were it otherwife, our admini: itration would no doubt be fenfihle of it, andunltead ol being impofed upon, be the more upon their guard. Unhappy are the people, who purine thofe {reps that their friends molt fear,and their enemies molt Willi. Were the cabinets of Verfailles and h'ladrid, or any" other the molt jealous of the power and prolperity of tOVtatrs this brave and defervmg body of men, a Great Britain, united in council, and that they had it molt cruel, unyult and iinpolitic practice which has long if! their option to drive and pulh us for their own an1\.v"'1'1‘.'?"‘ L61.L~~;L |