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Show I .REPORT OF THE CO~BBIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. XLIX . , ! their linds secured to them & patent before any portion of their reser-ration is restored to the public domajn. The non.9.eseruation lndians.-Scattered aloug the banks of the Kla- . .' math River on both sides between the Klamath River Reservation on <. the north and the Hoopa Valley Reservation on the south, are fourteen villages of Klamath Indians, haringa total population of two hundred and aerenteen, men, women, and children. The river affords them a e, however, and their villages are situ-w~~ veniencine their use. They have . ied by them, and as their hites, they have been lift both in the occnpation of their lands Early in the present year reports reached this o5ce of apIlrehedded ouble between these Indian8 and the whites, growiug out of the grad-the latter. So serious did these com-aints become, that I dispatched a special agent to the scene of the ported troubles, with full instructions to investigate thematter, and, e protection of the Indians. As the, . . restored, a better feeling exists, and trouble between the parties. How-tion in respect of their e special agent7* report will be fopnd herewith, page 264. ROUND VALLEY RESEEVATION IN OALIFO&NIA. ,030.8 acres (being land. Under the act the reservation were the valley thrown open to se$tle: acres of it within the reserva- . , . extended, thus adding a large, , , ation; 'which, inelnding Camp ly 26,1876, increased its area . . ' ment of 'three wmmiasionera, all improvements of. white orimd the Secretary of the Intqior tb pay for , . , , the proceeds of the sale of the lands author- ' ' ' , ent wss made, a portion of tbe claims paid . . ,. , , > . . , , |