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Show . . . . REPORT OF THE COMMIS8IONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. LI full history of all their proceedings, and of the causes which led to the failure to procure the signatures of the Indians to the agreement nego-tiated with them in the fall of 1882, together with the agreement itself and all correspondence relating thereto, may be found in Senate Ex. Doc. No. 70, Forty-eighth Congress, first session. No duties have been imposed upon the commissionsince their visit to - the Sissetou and Yaukt,on SiouxReservations, under office instructions of May 10, 1884, mention of which wau made in the last annual report of this office (p. xxxviii). Under date of August 11 last Mr. Edmunds, Bpeaking for the .commission, reporM to this office the result of the visit to the Yankton Sioux. From said report it appears that a major-ity of the Yanktou Sioux are disposed to part with a considerable por-tion of their reservation on the north and east; hut no final decision has been reached by. them. The more progressive Indians favor such plan, while a few of the older chiefs and less advanced members of the tribeare opposed to it. It was stated in the last annual report of this office that the visit of the commission to the Sissetou Reservation proved unsuccessful. TEE OLD WINNEBAGO AND CROW CREEK EESEBVATIONS INDAKOTA. By an Executive order, dated February 27, 1885, all that tract of oountry in the Territory of Dakota lying on .the east bauk of the Mis-aonri River and commonly known as the Old Winnebago and Crow 'Creek Reservations, except certain portions tlterepf particularly de-scribed in said order, was restored to the mass of the public domain. 'By pnblio proclamation of t,he President, dated April 17,1885, said order is declared to be inoperative and of no effect. The lands intended to be embraced therein are proclaimed to be existing Indian reservations, and as such available for Indian purposes alone, and subject to the Indian interconrselaws of the United States. Following is the full text . of the pmolamation : BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE8 OF &ERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by m Exeoutive order hearing date the :7th day of February, 1886, it was ordered that "all that tract of country in the Territory of Dakota known as tho Old Witntebagn Rr.aorvariou and rho Siolrx or Crow Creek Koserratiao, and lying on ' the east htnk of the M~NSUHI IiTre~r, 301 sptlrr aud reserretl by Kxuc~!tivoo rder dated January 11,1875, and which iB not covered by the Exeoutive order dated Augnat 9, 1879, restoring certain of the lands reserved by the order of Jannary 11, 1875, exoept the folloving-desoribed traots: Township No. 108 north, range 71 weat, 108 north, rsnge 72 west, fractious1 township 108 north, range 77 west, the west half of seotion 4, seotions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 of township 1W north, rsnge 70 west, fraotional townships 107 north, range 71 west, 107 north,range 72 west, 107 north, range 73 west, the west half oEtownshlp 106 north, range70 weat, and fraotionsl township 106 north, range 71 wmt; and exoopt also all traots vithin the limits of the aforesaid Old Winnebago Reservation and the Sioux or Crow Creek b r v a t i o n , whinh are nstaiiria nf the lim:ta of the above-desorihed traots, and which |