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Show i( REPORT OF THE CObfMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. XV i ALLOTMENT OF LANDS IN SEVERALTY AND PATENTS. During the sear three certificates of kllotments have been issued to Lhe Indians on the White Earth Reservation, nnder tlie t,reaty with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, concluded March 19,1867 (16 Stat., 721) ; two to the citizen Pottawatomies of the Indian Territory, under act of May 23, 1872 (17 Stat., 159), the cost of the land to the United States having been reimbursed by the allottees; thirtythree to the Sioux Indians at the Rosehud Ageucy, uuder the sixth article of the Sionx treaty conclucled Acril 29, 1868 (15 Stat., 637) ; sixty to the Sioux 1ndian$at the Crow Creek Ageucy, urlder the same treaty; twent,yeight to the Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians on Lake Traverse, under the t,reaty of February 19, 1867 (15 Stat., 505), and four hundred and eighty-five to the Santee Sioiix Indians, under tbe act of March 3? 1863 (12 Stat., 819). Patents have been issned as follows : One huudred and thirty-eigbt to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, on the Bad River, Red Clift, LIAuse and Vieux de Sert, and Ontonagon Reservations, under the provisions of the third article of the treaty of September 30, 1854 (10 Stat., 1110); eight to the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux, uuder the fifth ar-ticle of the treaty of February 19,1867 (15 Stat., 505) ; two hundred and fifteen to the Dwamish, Src., Iudiaus on the Tulalip, Lummi, atid Swiu-omish Reservations, under the treaty of January 2J, 1855 (12 Stat., 927) ; fifty.three to the Xiaquallg, &c., Indians, on the Squaxin audNis-qually'Reservations, nnder the treaty of December 26, 1854 (10 Stat., 1132) ; five to the Hickayoo Indians nnder the treaty of June 28, 1868 (13 Stat., 623) ; nine to the Santee Sioux Indians, under the treaty of April 29? 1868 (15 Stat., 637); eighty-two to theChippewas of Sagiuaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, under the treaties of August 2,1855 (11 Stat., 631), and October 18, 1864 (14 Stst., 657) ; twenty-two to Shawnees of Black Bob's band, uuder treaty of May 10,1854 (10 Stat., 1132) ; 'and nine hdndrqd and fifty-four to the Omahas, under the act of Augnst 7, 1882 (22 Stat., 341) ; making the total number of certifi-cates 611, aud of patents 1,486; g-and total, 2,097. Allotments have been made and the issuance of patents directed to one hundred and sixty-six Pugallnp Indians. Preparations for making allotments to the Crow Indians, under the aOt of April 11, 1882 (22 Stat., 42) are nearly completed, and the work will be initiated (subject to your approval) this Pall or early in the apring. The general allotment bill passed the Senate and mas favorably re-ported by the House Oonlrnittee on Indian Affairs during the last ses-sion of Congress. It is hoped and believed that this bill, or some sim-ilar one, will become a law a t the next session. Several bills providing for allotments on reservations where thev are not now authorized. or |