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Show a office to the Department ou the 2d Deeemb$r. 1884, and by the Depart-ment transmitted to the presiding officer of the Senate ou the 5th of the same month. Ou the 9th of December, 1864, the papers were re-ferred to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed (S. Ex. Doc. No. 6, Forty-eighth Congress, second session). No further action appears to have been takeu by Congress in the matter The subject will again be preseuted to the Department iri time for the next Oou,* reRR. Gila Riuer Reseroe, Arizona (Phmnin and iWaal.icopa Railroad).-The Phcenix and Maricopa Railroad 6oml~anya, corporation of Arizona, has applied for right of way through the reservation, necessary to the con-s t r u c t i o~o~f a railmad, ill conuection with the Southern Pacific system, from a poiut uear Maricopa Station to Phcenix, A~iz. The matter has been referred to Cougress for the necessary legislation, in the absence of any treaty 11rooisious with the India,ns or statutory enactment pro-viding for such right of way. Lac Court d'oreilles Reserve, Wisconsin (Superior, Hayward and Sout7&- ern Railroad).-On the 4th June last authority was granted by the Department for the Superior, Hayward aud Southern- Eailroad Com. paw, a corpor.ation. of Wisconsin, to make a preliminary survey on the reservation, in order to definitely locate the line of route of a railroad intended to be built from Superior to Chippewa Falls, Wis. The treaty with these Indians provides for the necessary right of way, subject to proper compensation. Wsseton (Lake !&averse) Beserve, Dakota (Chicago, Milwaukeeand Saht Paul Railway).-In the annual reports of this office for 1883-'84 men-tion mas made of the difficulties encountered in completing the agree-ment made by the Indians of this reservation in 1880 for a right of way to the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway under the provis-ionsof the treaty with the Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians of February 19, 1867. On the 13th December, 1884, the agent finally transmitted the agreement, modified in accordance with instroctious from the , - Department of July 17,1884, and signed by a majority of the In-dians interested. Owing to the late date on which the completed pa. pers were received, and the fact of its being a short session, it was deemed advisable to defer further action until the assembling of the next Congress. Pakama Reserve, Washington Territory (Northern Pacijic Railroad).- Under theprovisionsof section 2 ot the act of Congress approved Jnly 2, 1864 (13 Stat., 365), and Department authority of November 17,1884, ne-gotiations have been had, through United States Indian Inspector Gard-ner, with thew Indians for the extinguishment of their title to so much of the lands of their reservation as is required for the purposes of the North-ern Pacific Railroad, resulting in the agreement of January 13,1886, copies of which, together with the draft of a bill to accept and ratify the same, and for the granting of a right of way and grounds for station |