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Show XXVI REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. more "additional farmers," for the solution of this problem rests in pushing theplans I have laiddown and that are worklog- so success full-^ a t -~ reaent . " * * I muat urge on to snpport me in this work, aaI feel certain that my plan will save the Ds-partment hnndreda of thonanods iu a few years. From Agent Cook, Fort Hall Agency, Idaho : I have the honor to inform you that the "additional farmer" for this agenq com-menced service here August Dlaat. It was toolatein thesesson for him to accomplish much. The Indians were then engaged in haying, sod I had him taken to their meadows near Snake River, to superintend their work, keep their mowing machines in order, and see that the hay wan properly put up. There were aixteen or more . mowing machines in use by theIndiaos. They occasionally had trouble amongthem-selves about tools, or ooe was trespassing upon meadow land olaioled by ;mother. Tho "additional farmer," by his mild and prodent management, was very banefioial to tho Indians, and soon obtained their reapect end ooutideuoe. By examining the mowing machines often while in use, a goad deal of breakage, and conseqnently expense of repair, was prevented. After the hlsying was over he visited the di5erent Indian aettlements, stopping several days ateaoh, assisting them in their harvest, encouraging thaw in their work, and learning about their vants. * * The result has been encouraging, for withant this persistent labor with them very little farming would have been done by them. The result is 80 acres of wheat, half of it on new laud, besides .other crops. Two miles of new fence hsn been made, the posts and palea for whioh were hanled 12 miles. Ha is now finishing an irrigating ditch, whioh ia over miles long. From Agent efford, Fort Berthold Agency, Dakota: I would reapectfnlly say that an "additional farmer" was given this agency and reported for dtdg in the I&t+ar part of Decenbx, 1884; that sinoe that time he hag, proved a very able assistant to me in carrying out my plans of inducing the Indians t o more out of their present qt~artsrisn their crowded villages, to take and onltivate laud in severalty, thus becoming largely self-supporting. Duriug the winter the "additional farmer." together with the farmer, devoted a great p a t of his tilne to to selecting locations for such Indians as were willing to oomply with my requests as to putting np buildings, breaking lands, &o. * Without going into details, the Indian service has, in my opinion, derived very great advantage a5 the reault of rhe employment of the "additional fmmer" a t tliis agenoy, and I fi~rtberconsiderh is services at this time almost indispensable. From Agent McQiUgcuddy, Pine Bidge Agency, Dakota: We have now emoloved on this reservation four "additional farmers," who entered * " on duty this spring. Ther are scattered out and located in the villages, instructing and superintending the Indians in farming, care of stock, house-building, &o., and are doing good service, being young, praotioal workers and eonscientioua in the dis-charge of their dnty. Now, in regard to the necessity of thane farmers in the future, I would invite ~ o u r attention to the map of the Pine Ridge Reserve. " I trust that a carefol in-spection of the same will show the actllsl need of not less than f o fa~rme rs, ane for . esah district, as each district would make a respectable-sized agency taken by itself, and requiring the constant, presenoo end aupervisiou of a farmer act,ing as wh agent. I trust that the four farmers may he allowed me, and if not, t.hen not less than three. From Ag-e nt MoLau-ghlin,. Stit nding Rock Ap- enos, Dakotil: I desire to state that I now have two "additional farmers," the first haviug been ernplayad sinoe Ootober 1,le84, with headquarters at; the Cannon Ball sottlnment, 25 milesnorth of asenov. and the second sinoe April 1,1885. with headqururters at Grend v ". River settlement, 32 miles southwest of agency. * * My "additional fasmers" |