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Show [60] [ 51 ] imminer hath not yet eltablilhcd the Character of a Prophet, l mul‘t confider this Allertion rather as fectly, and that where Eltates may be eafily railed by mere 'l‘illage, the Temptations to a curious Specimen of Lip-Loyalty, I will not Manufacture are wanting, and .Men, who can call it extravagant Adulation, than as a fober Re. commendation, to lurrender all thofe Guards and depend upon their Intltillry alone, Will not have Securities of Liberty, which the Conltitution of a Free Government hath provided -, but, if the firm-3% Anya/22mm fliould ever be reduced to the un- happy Neceflity ofgiving up-their Natural Rights, Recourfe to Arts for Subfifience." But that which Perl'unfion might not efiiee‘t, and to which peculiar Circrrml'ta. ces might be adverle, Necef- lity, and an Alteration of thole Circumfigances, and their Civil Privileges, I believe They would as foon make the Surrender to a Prince of the may accomplii'h. When the Alternative is pro- poled, and the one Part of it allures buccels, and a comfortable Support by a moderate Application Line of Br-'szwick, as to any other Mortal, or of liidui‘try, familiarized by Ule,‘ and rendered Number of Mortals, in the Unir'ei‘le. eafy by Practice; and the other afiordling 0113 y an Experiment 0t precarious lhue, caning ordag We have lEen too a Piece in tome of our late Application unexperienceo and dreadet, am: C. Newsl'apers, all bedawbed with the Lace of with Perplexity, and productive of irklome anr- Complimenti--There is no End to human Am- ety, the Uenerality of Manltind would not ientaltg bition l it is perpetually rellleis, and pulhing for- ward. lt‘a littl" l'--~ct-r 'l- is railed to the l itle of in chuling the former. Excellency, and the Rank ot'a Kind ofViceroy, there iiative is taken away, and Choree yield: to INece1~ is llill :1 Summit beyond the iiminence to which fity, the 'thterprizrng wrll‘fo‘rm IJrOJCEL‘S, the flu. dicious improve, the Inuultrious exetultt tun:i he ha h been elevated, that he is follicitous to gain. It hath been truly laid, that " it will be no eaf Talk to perluade the deserted/"Jr to forfake the Culture ot'their Lands, to leave the Ways their Fathers trod, anti in which 'l‘hemfelves were trained, to drop a Bulinels they already unde rllaiid, in which they have had longr Experience, and by which their Families have thriven, to change all their Habits of Thinki rig, and their Manner of Life, in order to a pply to Arts which they do not know, or kn ow but imp er- but, though it worn (rain the Preference ot Chorce, yet, if the {Hat: Succel‘s, in one IllfianCC, wnl animate tie tlllilll to make Trial of the Means which have fucceettt under the Direction ofothers, llnnulate the £31th matic, and route thevlndolentThhouldltlnigtscg];fity, after a little flime, ceaie, mg :1: 1. am]: become as firong as the olo,‘ and t .e r tern"A q would therefore be altered, tne Choice be an iit: of Deliberation, rather than‘ot blind .lfnrpu .e , old Pi'eiudices would be greatlyabalted, ibntrilt) en): tinouifiied, new AttachmentS,~ [361 IRES, LC wlms (:ch From this Change, different fulfiltquL-knttlic [htmay be conieftured or foretold, ant, per1 alps ‘-]~ A late notable Speech puts me in Mind of the Ingenuity ol _ the Female Dilipu;ant, who ufed to filencc Debat e, Dy cry'v mg cut, (104' (is! 5 [M King, mid "what [Iaq'e you tin/291 (0 Mat .9 f,‘ feétly, )it-l-c mofi‘ Confident might be tiilappornttt Luge tfo Men for l'rjvent. It is not to difficult into new Employments and Methods 0 8 it", \x 1.11 |