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Show l 52 l t 53 l ivlerehants have in the Plantations, and there hap- pens a Deficiency of Afl‘ets, llitits them out likewile from all Chance of Satisfaetion in the initial Scramble among Creditors {or the ebtor's Eltate on inch Events. In fome of the Colonies They changed, by Acts of Allenibly, certain Species of perfonal Property, 6. g. . H‘thro, es, intoR the . Nature ‘ of real lilta . tes, by mamng lhem deit endible; and, by this Altera- tion of the Common Law, and Confulion of the former Dillinétion of Property, very confidera bly diminilhed the perlonal Fund, liable to 52/! Debts. ‘ . nious Inconlil‘tencies. If the Examiner IS a Lawyer, he. has betrayed the molt fliametul Ignorance; ii" an Agent, the molt infamous Unfaithtulneis. Had the A'mai‘z‘cmz Chief yzflicc afted in England, as too many of his Counti‘yn‘ien have done-Had He paid his Court to Power, by mean. Compliances, and endeavoured to recommend himfelf, by inventing Aettulations againfl' the Colonies, by repl‘Cléfltillg the Inhabitants in E‘liem, as a retracitory, dilloyal, and rebellious leople, anldiliy propoling Schemes l'or then: Depreffionf-Hat ie no; firmly maintained his Chm-after o Honour at; Probitv, we fliould not have teen this Impeac1ment 01 his Underl'tanding -, but he left the Talk As thefe Circumfi‘ances were reprefented and believed to be great Dili‘imragements to the Trade ofthe Mother Country, after repeated Requ ilitions to provide a Remedy in the Colonies, in which the Grievance was Kit leiifibly felt, had been diffegarded, the Statute was finally made. of Profititution to the Man of lordid Views, 11/6 fuperbos fldz'tm Regain, Dana/E]; forts, expert 60mm Coint " Had the Colonies," lays the Examiner, This was, withoutDoubt, a Subjec t upon which the Superintendence of the l‘viloth er-Country might be yultly excreiled ; it being l‘Cl JthC to her Trade and NaVigation, upon which her ‘Nealth and her ), -). ‘) iv n. J K 3 tow el . dep i end , ull'u [LL l'iea‘ieiv ntio n of' her Superl'ority, and the Subordination of the Colonies, are featured, and therefore is com prehended in the l)i{tiiietio fuch Advice hath been g1ven, it was wea {dot1 11:111- After citing. and applying this Sta tute, the Ex- aminer taltes Mealiire, ought to be removed for t eir n p or their Treachery. n. Occafion to inlult ii Gentleman of a molt amiable and relbeftable Character, becaufe he prelumed, it leems, to quefiio n the Univerfality of Parlia mentary Pow er, and appears to be f0 totally occupied in the Buline fs of Defamation, as not to be aware ofhis running into the mol t egrEgious " agreed to the Impofition of the btamP'DEtlfs' a Precedent would have been el‘tablifhef .or their being confulted, before any Ingpo 1min upon Them by Parliament would herea te:1 taffl Place." He intimates that They were aav-i eIf by lome of their Agents to take this Condo. 1‘ dious, and the Agents, who recognminCEtaCite y How would the Precedent have been eftabhtheg, or, if it had, what would have been the. dvantace? ‘This Conduct would have admlitte , that The Colonies migh. t be taxe. d at any . ime,d anfo (20" and in ' any Manner, w ithout their Confent, |