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Show [14] [ I5 ] " liamentary Taxations, becaufe reprefented in' " an flmcriam Jlfltnibly, than the Citizens of " London." Should the Analogy between the Colonies and Corporations be even admitted for a Moment, in is obvious and clear. order to fee what would be the Confequence of the Poflulotum, it would only amount to this, The CoIonic: are veiled with as compleat Authority to all The Colonies have a compleat and adequate legiflative Authority, and are not only reprefented Eizg/if/a Corporation is to make a Bye-Law, in any imaginable Inflance for any local Purpole what- The Objection having been fiated, the Anfwer Intents and Ptirpoles to Tax themfelves, as any in their Aliemblies, but in 770 other IVIomzor. The Power of making Bye-Laws vel'ted in the Common Council is inadequate and incomplear, being bounded by a few particular Subjects; and the Common Council are actually reprefented tOO, by having a Choice of Members to ferve in Parliament. How then can the Reafon of the Ex~ emption from internal parliamentary Taxations, claimed by the Colonies, apply to the Citizens of London? ever, and the Parliament doth not make Laws for Corporations upon Subjeé‘ts, in every Refpeé't proper for Bye-Lows. But I do not ref't the Matter upon this, or any other Circumfiance, however confiderable, to prov e the Impropriety of a Taxation by the Britifl; Parliament. I rely upon the Faét, that not one In- habitant in any Colony is, or can be oifizmih' or virtual/y reprefented by the Brili/b [foo/o of Com- mom, and therefore, that the Stamp Duti es are feverely impofed. The Power defcribed in the Provincial Charters is to make Laws, and in the Exercife of that Power, the Colonies are bounded by no other Limitations than what refult from their Subordination to, and Dependance upon Great-Britain. The Term Eye-Lows is as novel, and improper, when applied to the flfléozolier, as the Expreflion 14325 of flflémo/y would be, if applied to the Parliament of Great-Britain, and it is as abfurd and inlenfible, to call a Colony a common Corporation, becau fe not an independant Kingdom, and .the Powers of each to make Laws and Eye Laws, are limite d, though not comparable in their Extent, and the Variety of their Objects, as it would be to call Lake Erie, a Duck-puddle, becaufe not the Atlantic Ocean. Should But it has been alledgetl, that if the Right to Give and Grant the Property of the Colonies by an internal Taxation is denied to the Home of Com- mons, the Subordination or Dependance of the Colonies, and the Superintendence of the Briti'fb Parliament cannot be conlil'tently el‘tabliflied - That any fuppofed Line of Dillint‘ition between the two Cafes, is but " a whinilical Imag ination, " a chimerical Speculation againlt Fact and Ex" perience." Now, under Favour, l conc eive there is more Confidence, than Solidity in this AITertion, and it may be fatisfaélorily and eafilv proved, that the Subordination and Dependan ce of the Colonies may be preferved, and fliefltpr‘emg flittbority of the Mother Country be firmly {upported, and yet the Principle of Reprelentation, and the Right of the BriziflJ liouie of Commons flowing |