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Show PREFACE. Twould, now, be an unfafhionable Doltrine, whatever the ancient Opinion might be, to affirm that the Conflituent can bind his [\Zcprefentati'ee by Iii/tructions; but though the obligatory Force of the e Inflrubi‘ions is not in/i/led upon, yet their perfucfiw Influence, in nio/t Cafes, maybe; for a Reprgfientalive, whofloould all again]? the explicit Recennnendation of his Con/tituents, would inn/l defereedly for- feit their Regard and all Preten/Fon to their :itnre Confidence. When it is under Deliberation, whether a new Law jhall be Enabled, in which the Elettors of England are interefled, THEY have Notice of it, and an 017‘ portunity of declaring their Sen e. THEY may point out every dangerous Tendency, and are not reflrained in their Repre/entations, from jhewing in the plainefl Language, the Inju/tice or Oppreflon of it. When a Law in its Execution isfound to be repugnant to the Genius of Liberty, or produbti-ve of Hard[hips or Inconvenienee, THEY may alfo in/trubt their Deputies to exert Them/elves in procuring a Repeal of It, 6 ,54 |