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Show $6 GUSTAFUSVASA, And O, when I look round snd fee you here, O f Number fhort, but prevalent in Virtue, M y Heart fwelli high and burns for the Encounter. True Courage but from Opposition grows ; A n d what are fifty, what a thoufand ^aves, Match'd to the Sinew ofafingle A r m Tnat ftrikes for Liberty FThatftrikes to fave His Fields from Fire, his Infants from the Sword, His Couch from Luft, his Daughters from Pollution j And his large Honours from eternal Infamy f What, doubt w e then? Shall we, fhall w e Had here 'Till xMotives that might warm an Ague's Froft, And nerve the Coward's Arm, mail poorly ferve T o wake us to Refiftance ? Let us on ! 0> yes, I read your lovely fierce Impatience ; You fhall not be withheld ; w e will ruih on them - This is indeed to triumph, where we hold Three Kidgdoms i.i our Toil! Is it not glorious, -» Thus to appal the Bold, meet Force with Fury, And pufh yon Torrent back, 'till ev'ry W a ve Flee to its Fountain ? 3d Dale. On, lead us on, Guftavus; one Word more Is but Delay of Conquer. Guft. Take your Wifli. H e , who wants Arms, may grapple with the Foe And fo be furnifh'd. You, molt noble Anderfon, Divide our tow'rs, and with the fam'd Olaus Take the left Rout You, Eric, great in Arms! With the renown'd Nederbi, hold the Right, And skirt the Foreft down : then wheel at once, j Confefj'd to view, and dofe upon the Vale : Myfelf, and ray molt valiant Coffin here Th' invincible Arvida> gallant Sivard, Arnoldus, and thefe hundred hardy Vet'rans, • Will pour directly on, andle d the Onfet. Joy, Joy, I fee confefi'd from ev'ry Eye, Your . bs ireid vigorous, and ycur Breafts beat high ! Thin tho' our Ranks, tho' fcanty be our Bands, Bold The Deliverer of hisCouutry. gy Bold arr onr Hearts, and nervous are oar Hands. With us, Tnrh, Juftice, Fame, and Freedom clofe, Each, fingly rqual to an Hoft of Foes, I feel, [ feet them fill m e out for Fight, They iifr my Limbs as feather'd Hermes light! Or like the B rd of Glory, tow'ring high, Thunder within his Grafp, and Light'ning in M f Eye! ° The End of the Third Aft. A CT |