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Show Court of Claims, there had beeu filed in that court 7,748 petitions or elaims on account of Indian depredations. The similarity in number between the claims on file here and in the court would indicate that about all of the claims known to this office had beeu transferred to the court; but when it is noticed that the papers in but 2,792 hiwe been called for or transmitted thereto, it is apparent that most of the claims filed in the court have never been on ille in this office, and it indicates that the total number of claims which will be prosecuted under said act will largely exceed the number previously filed here. Judgments under that act have been rendered in 240 cases by the court, the aggregate amount of wl~ich is $479,068.62, distributed among the different tribes as shown in the following table: 'Jlao~.l~Z .-Judgnsnts rendered against Indian tribes on accozmt of dap~edations. Tribe. Amount of Tribe. Amoant of otos ....................... Chippewa .................. Comm~ohe ................. Chegenoe .................. Xiowa .................... ., Osage. ..................... / Apnohe .................... 8 Navajo.. ................... Nisqtrally .................. Bannaok ................... pawnee .................... I Rogue River ............... Sioux ...................... Arapaho ................... ote ........................ Yakima .................... ompqua ................... I Elikitat .................... Eeeohie .................... Ner.l'nrcBs ................. Wichita ................... Pint* ...................... Warm springs ............. Gila Apmhe ............... crow.. ..................... Molmacha Ute ......... xnw .................. 3f:: Klikitat or Yakim&. ....... Kana, or Haw ............ Banuack or Snake .......... Cow Creek ................. Oregon Snake .............. U~opqua. Cow Creek, snd Red River .I .. I I I1 I I -_ For the payment of these judgments Congress has made appropria-tion in the following language: For payment of judgments of the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases, $478,252.62, or so much thereof as may bha neocssary to pay and discharge such judg-ment. sa have been rendered against the United States, after the deductions re-quired to he made under the provisions of section 6 of the set approved March 3, 1891, entitled "An act to provide for the ~djns tmentta nd payment of olaims ariaing from Indian depredations," shall have been ascertained and duly aertified by the Secretav of the Interior to the Secretary of the Tressmy, which certification shall be made ss Boon as practioable aftev the passage of thirr act, and such deductions shdl be made according to the disa~.etion of the Sezretsry of the interior, having due regard to the ed~~mt ionanl d other necessary requirements of the tribe or tribasaffected, and the amounts paid shall be reimbursed to the Unitad States at st~ohti mes and in snch proportions aa the Seoretary of the Interior may deaide to he for the interests of the Indian ssrvice. I |