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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 91 The issue of stock cattle to the Sioux Indians is provided for in Article 17 of the agreement, approved March 2, 1889 (25 Btats., 894), which reads: * * And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized. s;nd directed to purchase, from time to time, for the use of said Indians, such and 80 many Amerioen heeding cows of good quality, not exoeediug twenty-five thousand in number, and bulls Cf like quality, not exceeding one thousand in number, as in his judgment can be, uqder regul?tions furnished by him, cared for and praserved, with their increase, by said Indiana. In Maroh last 10,000 oows and 400 bulls were edntracted for to be delivered during the following August: To secure the best results from this issue of cattle, the following instructions, dated July 14, last, mere sent to the agents in charge of theIndiaus to whom the cattle are to be issued: As the first delivery of the flmt installment of the oows and bulb for your Indians, under the provisions of Article 17 of the agreement, approved March 2,1889 (25 St&., 894), will be oompleted onor before the 15th of next month, yon shouldmake preparations as soon as practic&bl,blef or their issue to the Indians. * w Under the provisions of this sot it becomes your duty to select suah Indians as yon have good reason to believe are prepared to takeproper care of stock and can he relied npon to take m intere~itn its preservation and its increase, a d i ssue these eettle to that class only, and in such number to oaob ss his character and oircum-stances may warrant. You will have sash head brmded before issue with a private mark, in addition to this I. D. brand, to designate the Indian owner, and you will prepare a sohedule showing the names of all to whom issues are made, the number given to each and the private marks; so that the stock of each will be kept of record and can be readily identified, and that two iasues may not be made to the same person, and all the in-orease must be branded and recorded in the same manner at the proper time, one copy of which schedule and record yo11 will hold in the agency files and forward one to this office. Take the receipts of the Indians, as prnvided in sections 383 and369 of officeregu-lations, which you will fully explain to them at the time of making the issues, and also call their itteition to the provision8 of the sot, which are to the effect *ha$: * * * "No sales, barters, or bargains shall be made by any pereon other than said Indians vith each other of any of the personal property hereinbefore provided for; end any violation of tliis provision shall be deemeda misdemeanor and punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one yew, or both in the discretion of the court." Youwill explain to them fully thatthey are required to take proper care of their cattle. They are not to be neglected, allowed to run wild on the range, or to stray off beyond the personal oare of the owner, but they are to be either confined in a suitable inclosure where they will have aooess to food and water, or they are to be properly herded. In the winter they must be suitably housed, or sheltered from the storms, and he supplied with an ahundanoe of food and water. They should be in-structed and induced to urovide dnrin-s the summer 0essOn an am~ l esu oolv of hav A * " and other food for winter use. Whenever practicable, cows should be broken to milk, .and the Indians should be instructed as to the most intellig.en t -.pre.pam tion and eoonamiaal me of the dairy products. It is, of caurae, expected that in due time the Indiana may be allowed to slaughter for food a portion of the herd, and to sell others; the object of the isaues being, .however, to preserve to them a6 dl times a number not leas than those issued. The |