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Show I 9'6 REPOltT .OF THE COMMISSIONER 0; INDIAN AFFAIR8 . ' From, the above table. it will be seen that there are 1. 500 regular agenoy positions authorized to be filled by Indians for the next fisoal year and that the aggregate of salaries is over a quaxter of a million dollars . If to this be added the number of irregular employ6s. it will swell the total to be paid agency Indian employes by the Cr~vernment to $297.940 . TABLE 10.-S~lc001 po8itiom8 $Zled ?y and salaries paid to Indians for the year ending June 80. 189.8. 2 assiatant engineers. at $120 . 1a ssistant engineer .......... 1 physician and teacher ...... 6 cadet sergeants. at580 ...... 30 cadet sergeants. at $60 ... ., . 1 dairy boy .................. 1 stable boy .................. 1 farmer ..................... 1a ssistant farmer ............ 2 assistant farmers. at $180 ... 1a ssistant farmer ............ 1 aarpenter .................. 1m sistant carpenter ......... 1n ight watchman ............ 1n ight watchman ........... 3 night watchmen. at $300 .... I night wr&ctohman ........... 2 night watohmen. at $240 .... 2 night watchmen. a t $180 .... I night watchman ........... 1 herder ..................... 2herders. at8180 .: ........... 1 housekeeper ................ 2 assistant teaohers, a t $DO ... 10 assistant teachers. a t $60 ... lteacher ..................... . 1a ssistant disciplinarian ..... 1a ssistant disoiplinarian ..... 1a ssistant printer ............ 2 fircmm, a t $360 ............ 1 firemen ..................... 6 assistant cooks. et$240 ...... 5 assistant cooks, a t $180 ..... 1a ssistant wok .............. 10 assistant cooks, a t $120 ..... 1a ssistant cook .............. 1 assistant cook .............. 4 assistant cocks. . a t $150 ..... 1a ssistant cook .............. 1I ndian assistant ............ 4 Indian assistants, a t $330 .... 1I ndian assistant ............ 10 Indian assistants, a t $ 240 .... $240 13 Inllian assistants. at $180 ... 246 / 13 Indim I i ~ t&n t 8&. $ I50 .... 720 4 Indian assistants. at $200 .... 480 .... / 49 Indian mistants. at$120 1.800 1I ndian esaiatant ............ . 60 ' . 8 lnl l i~naa sistauts. at $1 00 .... 60 6 In~lisnmsiatants,a t $96. ... 300 S Indian aaairtntita, at $dl, ..... 210 16 lndinn ;lasidtanta. at $01) ..... 360 I lurlinn a.ssistsnf8. at $36 ..... 60 1 10 Indian assistants . at $48 ..... I assistant seamstress ........ 6 assistant seamstreaaea. at$180 4 assilitant seemstressea. at $150 10 msistnntaetsmstresses. at$120 6 essiatant seamstresses. at $60 2 assistant seamstresses. at $48 2 shoemakers. at $300 ......... 1 shoemaker ................. 1t eamster ................... lteamster ................... 1 tearnater ................... 1t eamster ................... 2 bakers. at $300 each ........ .I baker ...................... 2 b~kekers. at $150 each ........ 2 assistant baker^, a t $120 .... 3 assistant bakera. at $60 ..... 1 tailor ...................... 1 bntoher .................... 13 Indian apprentices, at $120 .. 2 Indian apprentices. at $90 .. 29 Indian apprentices. at $60 . . 1 watchman .................. lw%tchman. ................. 3 watchmen. a t $9G ........... 2 watchmen. a t $60 eaoh ...... 1 assistant industriral teacher . 3 ss~iptanitn dustrial teachers. at$300 ..................... 1 assistant industrid teacher . $2. 340 1. 950 800 5. 880 160 800 576 240 960 252 480 360 900 240 1. 080 600 1. zoo 360 96 600 180 360 300 150 120 600 240 300 240 180 300 120 1. 660 180 1. 740 300 240 288 120 400 900 180 |