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Show 126 REPORT OF 1'HE COMMPJSTONER OF INDIAN AFFAIR#. Indians and. whites, and to return the nonreservation Navajos to their reservation; but the want of a water supply a d grazing facilitierc thereon have hindered their return thither. On July 30,1892, I made to the Department the following recom-me~~ dationpse rtaining to the Navajo Reservation, and suggested that the President be requested to give the necessary instructions to carry the same into effect: First. That the Navajo Reservation be divided under the direction of the geneml commax~dingt he Department af Arizona, into as many distriete as he may in his judgment deem expedient, for the purpose of making a survey 5nd contour map thereof, wit11 5 view to eshblishing m system of irrigation and developing a water supply therean, suffioient for the needs of all the Navajos, together with their flocks and herds. Second. That as many o5eers of proper rank, the number to be designated by the said commanding general, be detsilad from the Army, and one assigned to each of such districts, to make a preliminary topographioal survey thereof, and to prepare from the rasults of such survey a contour or topographioal map, a11 npon the same soale md of similar character, so that a proper tsnd correot map can be made of that large raservation. Third. That the survey be made a160 with a view toestablishinn- and maiintiuininz a sy~t emof irrigation and developing a stock water aopply sufficient for the Navajo Indian-in all,some16,OM) or 18,00&&ndthattheirri-r atin-~ d itches, or corrals, dams. Iatteralq eta., ieee8sm.i for irriiation purposes, and the lands to he irrigatad'there: from, ha indioated on the proposed maps, together with the available and suitable places for artesian well6 bore wells to he worked by windmills, points inoanyons or mountains where storage reservoir6 w y be constructed, or where springs or other sonroes of water supply'm~y be developed. Fonrth. Thd an estimate of the cost of eonatruc.tin-r t he -Dro-oos ed ditches. dams. laterals, flumes, etc., necessary for irrigation pnrpoaes, be submitted in detail; that a11 estimate of the annual cast of maintaining and repairinp the same be also 1 submitted; and that theestimate of the cost of eeoh artesiin well bore well, storage reservoir, eta., including machinery and appliances be a180 submitted. Fifth. That a full and ~om~let0rc+DObert m ade nuon the rluestion of the feasibilitv 1 of constructing and maintaining a proper system of irrigatim npon the NavajoRes-ervation, and of providing a suitable supply of water to meet the wanta of all the I Navaios now there and of those to be removed thither. the r e ~ o r tto contain also I any other information or plans necessary to put into successful opemtion the sptam proposed. These investigations and estimates are desired by this office in order that the whoIe Navajo matter, with fill information and data, may be presented to Congress at its next session, with request for the appro-priatious necessary to put into execution the system of irrigation and water supply indicated. If this plan can be carried out, I am of opinion that it will materially aid in the solution of this vexed question. NORTHERN CHEYENNES IN MONTANA. The condition of affairs among the Northern Cheyennes in Moiltana is somewhat dist~urhed owing to tile encroncll~nents by white settlers upon their reservation; a11d also ~ I ~ I OcI Ie rtail~1 1011rese1~vatiola11i~ dlso ng |