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Show REPORT OF TEE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. , .83 ,advertised, their cb$oks will be forfeited, and the logs awarded to the next highest bidder, or bidders, or resold as may be deemed for the best interest of the Indians. CHARLES8 . KELSBY, United Stat86 Indim Agat. In addition to the advertisement,. the agent reported that the follow-ing circular had been printed and.forwarded to all lumber firms which were so located that the logs for sale could be advantageously handled by them: AU persoh8 intereatAd as prospective bidders in thesale of MenornoneeIndian logs, whioh ia expected to take plrsoe early in March, 1892, are invited to inspect the . timber and test the scale. , At 'this date about half the logs are banked, and the roll-ways are free from snow, so that intending buyers may judge the quality of the logs with reanonable osaur-ancs of correotnesa. CWS. 8. KELBEY, Unlted Statee Indian Agent. GBO. W. GANB, Supwtntadat of Logging. KESAENAW, IS., Jawuwy #g, 189.t Upon the agenets request, and before the advertisement was pub-lished, the date for opening the bids was changed from March 1 to March 15,1892, and the following bids were opened on that date: The bids were forwarded to the Indian Office by the agent with the following recommendation : As the bid of D. Jennings, $10.58 per M for tbe entire 20,000,000 feet, ia $10,6W greater than the next lower bid, and exceeds euy Combination qf bids, I would re-apectfnlly recommend that the loge he awardsd to him. March 21,1892, the Department approved the award of the loga to avid Jennings, as follows: Bidders. Morgan Broa. & Co .......................... DO ..................................... Do. ..................................... 6. W. EolliPter. ............................. R. x a ~ i ~ l aizn cCo ........................... Moo? Gallonay & Co.. ..................... h0 ..................................... Holt Lumber Co ............................. Do.. ................................... Do ..................................... D. Jenninge ....................................... DO ..................................... Do. .................................... In view of the fwt that the bidof D+d Jennings appeam to be the highest for all the log8 banked, and in complimoe with vaur reoommendatioh. authoritv is hereb"v granted for the arroptsnce 02 the bid of Mr..Jaonings (Su.8) foi610.58 thousand feet 1°C all Tho logs, not exsoedimg 20,MO,O(IU feet, hxnkad by axid llldianeduring th8 'The higheat bid. Logging onmp. Main Wolf ................................. Little Wmt Bvanoh.. ..................... West Bmncl~... ........ .: .................. All lo s banked ............................ Wou%irer and tributaries .................. Main Wolf.. ................................ weat Branch.. ............................. / Oconto above dam .......................... Oeonto belola dnnl .......................... All logs banked ............................ do.. ................................... Wolf itiver and tributaries.. ............... Ooootu, both marks ......................... lait mason on the Wolf River and its tributaries. and on the Oconto River in is- Per M. feet. $1&80 8.30 , 11.80 10.05 10.15 11.10 lo.zo .I%. 25 7. W 10.00 *lo. 58 10.51 10.57 cousin; and the sale of said logs to said bidder is hereby approved as requird by the aot above noted. |