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Show Conlcnl~. Qcquiro t11e confitlence of the l\fandans by taking part jn thch· controversy with the Sioux. Religion of the Mandans, nnd thei1· singular conccptiou of the term medicine. Their tradition. The sufferings of the party from the severity of the season. Indian game of billi11rds described. Character of the Mi 6 souri of the surrounding country, and of the riYers, creeks, islands, ' 118 &:c. CIL\.PTE.R VI. The '{lartv increase in the favour of the 1\fand:ms. Description of a buffa· toe dance. Medicine dance. 1' he fortitude'' ith which the Indians bear tlH: severity of the season. Dictt·ess of the pal·ty fol' want of lJrovisions. The ~;r~t importance of the blacksmith in procm·in~; it. Depredations of the Si· ou.x. The homage Jlai\l to the medicine stone. ~ummary act of justie(• among tbe Minnetarees. The pl·ocess by which the Mandans and RicRt'3S make beads. Character of the Missouri, of the sm·rot.mcling conntry, and of the riYcr~, Cl'~cks, islands, &.c. 14f\ CHAPTER VII. Indian method of nttacldng the buffaloe on the icc. An <'nnm<'rntion of the vrcscnts ttent to the president of the United States. The p:.trty are 'isitel\ by a Uir.ara chief. They leav&·their Pncampment, :mu procecu on their jout··. 11ey. Dc,cription of \ht> Little Missouri. Some accouut of the Assi!:i~Joins. Their mode of burying the dcnd. Whitecarth rivet· descr~)JP:t Great quantity of salt discovered on its banks. Yellowstone ri-rcr describctl. A 1mrti· cular account of the country: nt the <·onn .... ':lce of tho Y cllowstone Rnd )lis · somi. Description of the Missouri, t:te surroundin~; country, nn<l of the ri· '\crs, creeks, is\antls, &..c. ~ 171· CHAPTER YIU. Unusual apvearaucc of salt. The formidable chat·:arter of the white benr. l:>orcnpine river describeu. DcButiful ~rpear:mce of the smTO\\tHlins countr: y. Immense quantities of game. )lilk river <lcsct·ibetl. E~tt·not·diuary chal·actel' of Digdry ti,·cr. An instance of uncommon ll'n!lcity of life in a wl1ite beat·. Nan·ow esc::~pe of one o~ the party t'rom that animal. A ~till mot•c remal'l~able iust:mce. ~Iuscleshell rivet· descri!:lctL 199 CHAPTER IX. The p2.rty continue theil' route. Description of Judith river. lndiRn mode of taking the buffaloe. Slaughter river descJ'ibecl. Phenomena of nature. Of walls on the banks of the Missouri. The pnrty encamp on the banks of the river to ascertain which of the streams constitute the l\Jissouri. Captain Lewis leaves the party to CX})lore the northern fork, ami capt.'lin Clarke explores the :Jouthem. The snrronnclin~; countt·y desr,ribed in the route of cap· tain L£wis. Narrow escape of one of his pat·ty. :22 5 CHAPTER X. Return of captain Lewis. Acconnt of captain Clarke's resoarcl1es with his oxplorinb party. Perilous situatioTJ of one of his f'Rl'ty . Tanc;~· river dcscri· Canle11ts. xxv!i ued. 'l'hc p~rty still believing the southet·n fm·k the l'vfissouri, c:a}1tain Lew· is resohes to ascend it. . Mode of making a -place to deposit lH'Ovisions, calle(l cache. Captain Lewis explores tl1e southern fork. Falls of tiiC 1\lissom·i iliscovered, which n~certains the question. Romantic scenery of the surroun<l· ing country. Narrow escape of captain Lewis. The main body undet· cnp· l;1in Cl!u·ke approach within fi\·e miles of the falls, and prr.pnrr for making a lJortage O\'Cr the rapids. 2~ , CIL\ PTER Xl. Description and romantic nppearance of the Missouri at the junction ~·f the Medicine riYer. The difficulty of transporting the bngga~" at the fall~ The party employed in the construction of a boat of skins. The emhat·rn"l'· ments they had to encounter for want of l>:·~per matedals. Duri n:; the worl.. tl•e party much troubled by white ht>at·s. Violent bail-sturm, and prm·ideotial escape of captain Clllrkc and his party. Description of a rem:u·knblc fountain. SinJ!:Ul!\r e~plosion heard from the Bl:\ck mo•111taius. The boat fouud tO be insufficient, 3lld the $Cl'iOUR uisappointment of th r party. ( :ap tain Clarke undertakes to repait· the damage by building t·anoc!;, anrl :H·cotn-plishcs the task . 2/:i CHAPTER XU. The party embark on bonrd the canoes. Description of Smith's rivel'. Ch[lracter of the country, &c. DcarhOl'ne's rivet· clcsc•·ih<'d. Captain Ctwh fWecedes the party fot' the }Hll'l'OSC of discovering the Indians of the Ro cJ...~ mountains. :Magnificent r ocky appearances on the bordf'J'll of the rirer tle· Hominatcd the Gntes of the Uocky mountains. Ca1)tnin Cl:u·k.e arrives at the tln·ee f()l'ks of the Missouri witl•out O\'et·takiug the Indians. The party ar· rire at tla' three fot ·k s, of which a p:n·ticular nntl i:tterestinl) dcsct·iption 1s ~i vcn. 301 CHAPTER XIII. '1'1!,. t\ame of the Missouri ch:ingerl, as the t·ivel' now diYidcs it~elf into :}n-cc forks, one of _whiclt is called aftct• J dfct·son, the other !.Jadisun, nnd •uc other after Gall:ttiu. Their general clwractet·. The pat·ty asee1Hl tl.e .Tdr.:t·so•• IJranch. Desct·iption of the rivet' Philosophy"\\ hich eutct·s into the Jdl'-: rson. Captain I.<:wis and a small party go in at.! vance in search of tl•e 'l.o~ltonecs . DescJ•iption of the country, &c. llm·tlering ou the rivet·. CapJ.;, il l Lc \1 is still preceding tl.e main I>arty iu (p1est of the Sho<tl10nees. A !>in· gular accident which pre,· ' ntcd captain Ct.u·ke from following cnptaiu Le\1· i~>'s advice, and ascending the midulc fot·k of tht! rivet•. Dcsct·iption of Phiantltropy river, another stt·e;tm running into the Jdferson. Captain Ll!wis -.uu a small party l1aving been unsucc(.-,sful in tlu;ir fir~t alteaupt, set ofi' a :.c.;onu time in quest of the Shoshouecs. J28 CHAPTER XIV. Captain Le'\\"is proceeds before the maiu lJody in search of the Shoslwnccs; his Pi suc<'c£s on the firH intcnicw Tl:.t' party with captain Lewiq at lcngtll |