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Show Lewis and Clm•ke's Expedition the mountains. From that place he added. the river was navigable to the ocean; that some of his relations had bt'en t.her·e last fall and seen an old white man who resided there by himself. and who gave tht•m some handkerchiefs like those we have. The distance f1·om chis place is five sleeps 01• days' jourm•y. " 7hen our huntt'l'S had all joined us we found our 1wovisions consisted of four deer, a beaver, ami three grouse. 'l"'he observation of to-day gave 4!6° 4·8' 28'' as the latitude of Travellers-rest creek. W cdncsday 11. Two of our horses having strayed away we were detained all the morning before they were caught. In f he meantime our Tusht'paw Indian became impatient of the delay, and set out to t·eturn home alone. As usual we had dispatched four of our best hunters ahead, and as we hoped with their aid and out· present stock of provisions to subsist on the routt', we 'procet'ded at tht·ce o'clock up the right side of the m•eck, and encamped undet· some old Indian huts a.t tht' distance of seven milt·s. The road was plain and good: the valley is howeVl'r narrower than that which we left and bordered by high and rugged hills to the right, while the mountains on the lt'ft wet·e coverer} with snow. The day was fair and warm, the wind from the northwest. Thursday 12. There was a whi~e fr·ost this morning. We proceeded at seven o'clock and soon passed a stream falling in on the right, near which was an old Intlian camp with a hath ot· sweating-house covered with earth. At two miles distance we ascended a high, and thence continued through a hilly and thickl.v timbered countl·y for nine miles, when we came to the forks of' the creek, where the road branches up each fot·k. We followrd the weste1·n route, and finding that the creek made a considerable bend at the distance of four miles, c1•ossed a high mountain in ordcr to avoid the circuit. 'rhe road bad bern very bad during the fit•st part of the day, but the passage of the mountain, which was llp the Missom.r. eight miles across, was very painful to the horses, us we were obliged to go oTer steep stony sides of hills and along the hollows and ravines, rendered mot•c disagl'ecblc by the fallen timber, chiefly pine, spruce pine antl fia·. 'Vc at length reached the ere<•k, having made twenty-three miles of a route so difficult that some of the party did not join us before ten o'clock. )Vc found the account of the scantiness of game but too true, as we wt're not able to pro('urc any thing during the whole of yesterday, and to-day we kille<l only a singJe pheasant. Along the road we obsel'ved many of the pine trees pealed off, which is done by the Indians to procure the inner bark for food in the spt•ing. l~rida.y 13. 'rwo of the horses strayed away during the night, and one of them being captain Lewis's, he remained with foul' men to search for them while we pt·occctlcd up the et'eek at the distance ol' two miles we came to several springs issuing ft·om large rocks of a coarse ~lard grit, and nearly boiling hot. These seem to be much lt·cqucntc~ as there arc several paths made by elk, deer and other ammals, and near ouc of the sp•·ings a hole or Indian bath, and roatls leading in different directions. These emba.rrasscd our guide, who mistaking the roatl ~ook us three mlles out of the proper course over an exceedingly had route. \Ve then fell into the right roatl, aml proceedCll on very well, when having matle five miles we stop})Ctl to rcl'l'esb the ho'l'ses. Captain Lewis here joined us, but not having been able to find his horse, two men were sent back to continue the search. We then proceeded along the same kind of country which we passetl yesterday, and after crossing a mountain and leaving the sources of the 'rravellers-rcst creek on the left, reached after five miles riding a s~all Qreek which also came in from tbc left hand, passmg through open glades, some of which were half a mile wide. The road wbich had been as usual rugged and stony, beQame firm, plain and level after quitting the l~ead of Tra- vellQrs-rest. We followed the course of thts new creek |