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Show XX J-'ife of Captain I.ewis. vested in the 5ttcccssor so nanwd. with furl her powt·r to him and his successot·s, in like manm~r to namr. c.·ach his succt•ssor. who,..on tl1e death of his pr·t·dt'ce3SOI', shall be invesfed wilh all the po\vers anti authoriti -·s givt•n to yourself. Given undea· my hand at the city or 'Vashington. this t wentieth day or June, 1803. "'"fnoMAS JEFFF.RSON, " P1·esident of the United States of .Jlmerica." 'Vhile these things were going on hl'rc. the countt·y of Louisiana. lately (Wded by Spain to Ft•ance. h<t.d been the subject of negoeiation Rt I>at·is ~etween us and rhis hst }lower; and had actually been lransl'crrcd to 11s by t r·eaties cxecutt'd at Pa.t·is on the thir·tielh of Apr·il. This iul'ot· luation. received auout Ow fir·st day of July. incrt·ased infl 11ilely the intcrt•st wf' fdt in thr expt•dition. and h•ssent·d ~he apprt-hensions or intel'rUlltion ft·om othet• power-s. EYt'I'Y thing in this quat·tcr being now prepat•ctl. ca.plain Lt>wis h·ft " ' ashin;.;ton on the fifth of Jul."·· 180J, and pr·oceeded to Pittsburg. where othl'r artieles had hcen Ol'(let'ed to hr pi'o- vided for· him. 'l'he men too Wt'J'e to he SPI«>cft>d from the military stations on the Ohio. Dela.ys of' prt'pantt ion, difficulties of navigation down the Ohio. and othet• untowa1·d obstructions, rt"taa•flet.l his anival at Cahokia until the season was so fa.l' advanced as to l'l'll(ler it pnult•nt to suspl'lHl his entering the Missouri bcfoa·c the icc should lJrcak up in the succrt•ding spr·ing. From this time his journal, 11ow puhlisltetl, will give the ltistory of his journey to and (',·om tht• Pacific ocean. until his return to St. Louis on 1he t\nnfy-tlait·cl of St'plrmhrr, 1806. Nt'ver did a similat· event cxr.itc more Joy tl11·ough the United States. The humhlest of its citizens had taken a lively interest in the issue of thi!!ljourncy, and Jookc(l fol'· ward with impatience for the infoa·matiou it would fua·nish. Their anxieties too fo,· the safety of the corps had been kc11t JAfe of CajJtain Lewis. xxi in a state of excitement by lugubrious rumours, circulated from time to time on uncertain authot·itics, and uncontradietcd by ldters, ot· other direct information. from the time they had left the Mandan towns. on their ascent up the river in Apt·il of the preceding year, 1805, until tht"ir actual return to St. Louis. It was th~ middle of Frbruary, 1807. before captain Lewis. with his companion captain Clur·ke, reached the eity of Wa. laingfon. where congt·ess was then in sc!Ssion. That body g•·auted to the two chiefs and their followet·s the donation of lands which they had been cneour·aget.l to cxprct in rPwat·d of t lwir· toil and dangers. Captain Lewis was soon al'ter appoint('d governo•· or Louisiana, and captain Clal'l.;:c a r;<·nr•·al of its militia, and agent of the United Stat~s fo1· lnclian affitirs in that department. A ronsiderable time intervened before the govcrnot·'s ani val at St. Louis. lie found the teJ·t·itory distracted by feuds and contentions among the officet·s of the govct•nment, aml tht' people themsehres dividedlJy these into factions and J>at·t ies. He determined at once to take no side with citbct·; but to use cvr.r·y endeavour to conciliate an(1 harmonize them. 'J'he cvcn-ltandcd justit·e lac administCI·cd to all soon establisltcd a rrspcet fot· his per·son :lnd authot·ity; arH1 JWrscYrr ·ancc aml time wot·e down animosities, anti r·cunited the citizPns a~ain into one family. Go,·ct·nor Lcwis had, ft·om early life, been subject to hypo< ·homh·iac afft~ct' ons. It was a <·onstitutional disposif ion iu all the ucar·t·t· lH·andtt•s of the family of his name, anti was mo•·c immediately inhcr'ited by hian fi'OIII his father. They It ad not. lwwcvct·, been so str•ong as to girc uneasiness to his family. " ' ltilc ht• lived with me in \Vashington 1 obs<'ned at times sensible dqJJ'cssions of mind: hut knowing their eoustitulional sout·<~e. [estimated their course by \\hat I had seen in the J'am ily. Du1·ing his western expedition, flac constant cxet·tion whi<:h tbat rc.'fjuil·t·d of atl the facultks |