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Show MATTER Of Filer. MATTLR (3f FACT. moft loyal colony of the thirteen? \Vlry was it dillinguill‘icd have been fit for ufe ; little land carriage Would have been ne- by an unneceflary dcflrut‘tion ? \Vhy dld no fort of declaration cclTary, from the place of. landing being fo near to Philadelphia - whatever accompany the army as it penetrated into the coun. try, acquainting the inhabitants how to conduct themfel\'e5, holding forth {afiety to the loyal at lealt, many thoulands of whom your Lordlhip is well aflured are in that Colony E Why have thele loyal people been treated the worlt P I pray your will find N.York treated lordfhip to enquire into the iitate of that Colony, you worfi,tho'icsao that 1500 loyal {ubjecls joined Gen. Burgoyne in his fhort 131W"Undmlsprogrefs into it ; that near 5000 from it have jomed the other m Email" armies, and that 4000 have returned their names in the city of New-York, to ferve as militia, for the defence. of that town. In pity and in jufiice, my Lord, I hope you will enquire wh thefe things have been done? And that, llllltftld of a COIltlv nuance of fuch conduc‘t, the loyal and repenting will have fomc diflinguilhing indulgence fliewn them, fliould the army move that way next campaign. Policy enjoins it.‘ That province in gained, would infure the reduction of the rcit, as the loyal there would greatly encreale and elleiitially' aid his lVIajelly's army. If‘after what has been already feen in the provinces of Jerfey and New York, the public could be furprized at any mil: conduft or proof ofincapacity, the expedition to the Head ofthc Elke River mull furely produce that etlEt‘t. Great geniufes in a variety of difficulties choofe that which is molt eafy and practicable. It belongs only to the condufiors of the King's armies in America to choofe that which is molt difficult, tedious, and uncertain. Gen. HOW? in I will pals over the ablin‘dity of declining" a march 0ftwenty.lc‘,';‘rey: ("‘5' 34 four miles from Somcrfet Court Houfe in Jcrfey to the River E‘V‘Z'mmm V Delaware, which might have been performed in one. night, and the river croflcd before a timid and greatly inferior enemy would ' ' have ventured. to quit his llrong hold. Such a {lep would hate put us in poll‘efiion of Philadelphia in threeidxys, inflead of , By this 13".} three months, and {objected that whole province to the royal route the rebel army; and it would alfo have put every magazine the rebels had and the fleet would have been near to the army ready to rm} afforded all necefl‘ary aids, and even to have fecurcd a fate retreat in cafe of any dilaller. An'afiion {o decilive as thzitofBrandywine would have enabled A Q It}: much the King's army to have purfued the fugitives the fame day to Phi~ "Nil 1"" i" ladelphia, as the boats would have been at hand ready to have ‘;"""""'il"'-‘ 'f crofied the Schuylkill, the only river in its way. The (treativjnii'l("All quantity of flores laid up in Philadelphia would have fiillen "l" "cum" into our hands, and probably in the general confulion, the Congrefs themfelves. A great deal of time would at leaf: have been f‘aved, which proved to be fo neceflary at the clofu of the campaign; and it would alfo have been the faxing: of feveral veflels loaded with baggage, cloathingr and merchandize, which were loft in the river, owing to its being fo late in the feafon before they could be difpatched from New York after we were certain the army would be able to keep pollillion of Philadelphia. ' Had either of thefe plans been purlhed, the bufincfs of the campaign would have been lb forward, and with {o {mall a lofs from licknefs, that the troops which were called away from New York might have been {part-d, and thereby enfured ajunétion with General Burgoyne. What a different face would our affairs have worn in Ame-D_31‘7~l\:mr?get rica at this hour? Your Lordfhip muf‘t be convinced, from "Ch"li‘lwk your own information, that the rebellion would have been at‘iuli‘w‘" an end. Behold the reverlb of all this. Five weeks were loft in goingr round to Elke; the horfes of the army were almolt intircly rendered unfit for fervice ; the troops were landed in one of the mofl: unhealthy countries in America, in the moft fickly feafon ; and obliged to halt near a fortnight in order to collect horlizs, and to refrefh, after {0 tedious a voyage. The landing was made lixty miles, inllead offixtecn, from the principal objeét of the campaign; the troops fubjeé‘ted to a longr march through a very difficult country, and obliged to attack the rebels at a very great difadvantaqc, crofiing a river in maga? "'"E'lfl formed in that country at once into our hands, to the total their front, feparated in two dillinét bodies, and ever liable to ' in" "an {"1 d' ruin of" their caufc. Why the fleet did not proceed up the Delaware River, in, (lead of lofingr five weeks in failing round to the Elke-is one of the mod unaccountable parts of all our itiifconduct. It is well known that the danger of the navigation in the Delaware is not greater than in Chefeapeak Bay, and that the former is wider MUM have and more commodious for" {hips at Chatter, which is within landed atClwf- liXteen miles of l'luladelphm, than the River Elke is {0 far up; m 16 m. 0111 it was alto equally unfortified ; the banks of the Delaware are from I'hiladelp. 10W and eafily commanded by {hips of war. Had the fleet pm- be encountered by the whole force of the rebels. The fleet could not co-operatc with the army, but was difmifl‘cd to go round into the Delaware ; no polhble retreat was left in cafe of any dil‘alter ; if they had been repulftd, it mull'have been fatal, as they were unprovided with provifions; Victory, in Ihort, was abfolutely necellary to their prefervation. They mull. be matters of the country, in order to exill. The bravery-of the troops faved their commander the difgrace, and the 1121M)" the . misfortune, which feemed due to his indifcrction. ceeded up the Delaware to Chefler, {even weeks time would There is great magnanimity and true courage, in firmly have been lavcd; the horfes belonging to our army "goals encountering dangers and difficulties when the lErvice abfolutely . i370 0 requires |